Chapter 8 - Jessica Montez's POV

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Chapter 8 – Jessica Montez

I looked at my surroundings; I was sitting on a bed, there was a small side table, a mini fridge, a stack of clothing, my make-up bag was here, and then there was a small television sitting on a coffee table.

Making out the room I was in—I was definitely not in a house, it had looked like I was put in jail…but in a basement or something like that. Okay, so maybe I was in a house.

I got up off of the bed and patted my jeans; for a kidnapper this kidnapper was NOT smart: I still had my cell phone and I still had my iPod. I pulled the phone out of my pocket, but right as I was doing so, the do flung open.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” a deep voice asked.

I backed up a little until I hit the wall behind me; I looked at the man before me and saw my father. I wanted to cry, but I knew if I started crying that I would just get hit, “Nothing.”

“Doesn’t look like nothing,” my father said stepping closer to me; ripping my phone out of my hands, “Hand it over.”

“Hand what over?” I asked, dumbfounded.

You could see the anger in my father’s eyes—I knew that this was never my father, he never took care of me and Megan, all he did was hit us; and then when he killed Megan he just became more violent, “You’re iPod,” he gritted through his teeth. I rushed my hand into my pocket, gripping the iPod in my hand, and then handing it over to him.

My father rolled his eyes; then his hand made contact with my right cheek. I was still standing to my surprise but my cheek was throbbing like crazy, “Wait…” I managed as my father reached the door.

“Why am I here?” I asked.

My father slowly turned to look at me, “I told you I’d find you…if it was the last thing I did.” He grinned evilly at me and slammed the door.

I sighed, walking over to the television and turning it on: Channel 2 News.

Claudine Wong was on the screen and with her looked like some sort of Detective, “Do you have any new leads?”

The Detective nodded her head, “This morning my partners and I went to go search the house and found some interesting things…” I turned her out for a moment and looked around the room.

I could hear Claudine again, “Okay, thanks for your time…please, if you have any information on missing Brentwood teenager, Jessica Montez, please contact Brentwood PD.”

I gasped shutting the television off—people were out there looking for me; I was kidnapped, but I didn’t realize that there’d be a search so soon.

I thought about my best friends: were Sam, Katie, and Nick looking for me??

I looked away from the television and leaned up against the frame of the bed; a tear was rolling down my cheek as silence filled the room—I was going to die sooner or later…question was when?

Authors Note: Okay, yeah yeah i know...REEALLLLYY crappy chapter---i'm having writers block right now..i'll update in a little bit. but more to come:

Evidence reports that come back from forensics (Is the blood on the side walk Jessica's?!?!?!)

Katie, Eric, and Lucas' Lie Detecor tests

Failing the lie detector test (DUN DUN DUUNNN!!! Who do you guys think lied??)

Tracing the Facebook post

chao xx <3

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