Chapter 13 - Failing the LD Test & Love.

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Chapter 12 – Detective Hanes

I clutched a pen in my hand as I waited for the lie detector results to come back for Katie, Lucas, and Eric; I knew something wasn’t right—one of them wasn’t telling the truth—and I’m going to make sure I figure out what’s up.

Detective Sanders stood next to the machine that printed out our results and final papers; she seemed just as lost and far away as I was. I couldn’t really put my finger on what it was about these three kids: but something really was off about them.

From what I know about Katie Peterson it just seems like she’s just like every other teenage girl out there: she’s emotional, likes to text, like’s fashion, has a reputation…the list goes on and on. The past few days Katie has been here she just seems to be hooked to Nick O’Riley, I didn’t know what their relationship was like or what was going on with the two of them but my guess what that they were really good friends or just an old-broken up couple; to be honest, I’m really quite not sure.

I didn’t know much about Lucas Jensen either, I mean, he seems like a really quiet guy who just keeps to himself; I could be wrong.

And there was Eric Redding—he’s the kid that I have my eyes on: he’s very quiet and he got really nervous during the detector test—according to Detective Ross anyways. Eric is Jessica’s ex-boyfriend and good friend, being an ex-boyfriend makes him an automatic suspect since the two teenagers have a close yet unstable past. Being a teenager in love—things could just set you off and sometimes it could lead to something dangerous.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I jumped at the sound of the machines beeping. I pulled the various papers from the machine and flipped to the final page which gave the other detectives and I our answer—who passed the lie detector test? And who failed? If anyone did fail in the first place.

***Katie’s POV***

The detectives had called us over the intercom and asked up to meet them in the sleeping room; to be completely honest, I’m not really sure what is happening.

I was sitting on a bed that was across the room from Nick; he and I were still not on speaking terms from whatever had happened earlier. I mean come on—that picture was evidence that could’ve pointed to her father being a suspect and he wants me to keep that a secret? From the cops? Yeah, that doesn’t work for me—this is my best friend and I will help in any way I can…even if I have to risk my friendship with Nick. Oh well.

Sam was sitting next to me: his arm draped around my shoulder, attempting to comfort me. But, at the moment, nothing was really helping—I was a little freaked out about what the detectives wanted from us: was it something about Jessica? Did they find her?

Tap. Tap.

I looked up from my lap and hands to see the three detectives standing before us; seriousness written all over their faces. Something was wrong; Detective Ross was holding a folder in his hands…it really didn’t seem that thick as the previous folders that the detectives had been writing in and or carrying around. We all have our own individual folders as well—guess that’s what happens when you’re a suspect huh?

Detective Sanders walked deeper into the room, my guess was that she was trying to keep away from the door or something. Detective Hanes and Detective Ross shortly followed her and they stood between the rows of beds inspecting each and every one of us—especially me, Lucas, and Eric.

This was about the lie detector tests; I just had this creepy feeling that it was. I felt Sam’s hand tighten around my shoulder as I began to tense up a little bit.

Detective Ross cleared his throat, “Okay, obviously we all called you here for a specific reason and that is to discuss the results of the lie detector tests that we had given each of you in this room.”

“We are going to call your name and tell you if you had passed or not—if you did not pass the papers will tell us what you lied about and what the actual truth is,” Detective Sanders intercepted.

“Technology can actually do that these days?” Sam asked from besides me.

“It seems so,” Detective Hanes answered.

Detective Ross cleared his throat again, opening up the folder, staring at the page in front of him, “Nicholas O’Riley,” there was long pause before the detective continued; I turned back to take a look at Nick—who surprisingly was always looking towards me—his face had no emotion spread across it. Nothing whatsoever, “Pass,” Detective Ross finally spoke.

“Sam Heasley,” Detective Sanders spoke as she took the folder from Detective Ross’s hand, “Pass.”

Detective Hanes then took the folder from Detective Sanders and looked straight at Lucas, “Lucas Jensen,” she paused, scanning the page one last time before looking up towards him again, “Pass.”

The folder was once again in Detective Ross’s possession, “Katie Peterson,” my heart was racing as he spoke my name. I knew I was innocent, that I didn’t lie about a single thing…but to hear my name come from that detective’s mouth scared me to death, “Pass.”

“Finally, Eric Redding,” Detective Sanders spoke once again, then sighed, “Eric you failed your lie detector test; we asked you if you ever tried or attempted to threaten or hurt Jessica or anyone close to her,” she paused and looked back and forth between him and me, “That was a lie; you slapped miss Montez and threatened miss Peterson when she tried to get in the way of what had happened. Therefore, you have become beyond a major suspect in the case of missing teenager Jessica Montez.”

Eric looked completely stunned; I felt a wave of emotions fly through me. Everything the detective had just said was completely true. Eric slapped Jessica before they ended their relationship and I tried to get in the way of what was going on because I wasn’t going to allow him to hit her but he threatened me instead; causing me to step away from him and my best friend…something I probably shouldn’t have done. I should’ve been there for her…but I wasn’t. What kind of friend am I?

“Wait a minute,” Nick’s voice blasted through the room after a few moments of silence, “Eric…Eric Redding…slapped Jessica,” he paused looking towards me quickly and then back at Eric, “Then you threatened my best friend, hell no…that doesn’t work for me.”

“Stop, Nick,” I said quietly.

“No,” he replied boldly, “No, no, no, he threatened you, Katie…I can’t accept that, I’m sorry.”

“Why do you even care?!” I exclaimed.

I noticed that Nick was suddenly tensed up and his jaw was set, “Katie…you know I care about you.”

“Wow, he cares,” I said sarcastically, “big whoop!” I shouted, popping the ‘p’.


“No!” I shouted once again, “Are you freaking bipolar or something?! All of a sudden you CARE!?” I chuckled, angrily and sarcastically, “Ha. Whatever, Nick…just whatever.”

“Katie!” he shouted, “I’ve always cared…you need to open up your eyes to the fact that if he hurt you,” Nick pointed towards Eric and then dropped his hand, lowering his voice finally, “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

I sighed, “Why are you saying this now?!”

“Katie…I don’t just wanna be your friend,” he spoke, “I think that I always have.”

My eyes widened. Is he trying to tell me…that he…of all people:

Loves me?

Authors Note: Karina..ik right now you so hate me XD XD

coming up:

-Tracing the FB post

-nicks additude worsens

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