Chapter 9 - "You're not trying hard enough..."

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Chapter 9 – Detective Hanes

I watched Detective Ross speeding down the hall with huge yellow envelope in his hand, “Whoa,” I began, “Where’s the fire?”

“No fire,” he replied in all seriousness, “But…I got the results back.”

I raised an eyebrows, “Be more specific, Ross,” I replied, “we sent in quite a few things to be tested.”

He sighed in annoyance and help up the envelope, “I got the results from the blood on the sidewalk back.”

His words hit me hard; it had only been a day—and the results were already back? I ripped the envelope from his hands; I walked into my office—ripping the envelope open—scanning the fine print of the results page.

About two hours later, I stood up from my chair and walked into the questioning room: where I had asked Lucas, Eric, Nick, Katie, and Sam to meet me and the rest of the Detectives. I clutched the yellow envelope that I had taken from Detective Ross earlier—Nick was comforting Katie; Eric and Lucas were sitting in the corning of the room and Sam was sitting on the floor. Katie looked away from Nick’s eyes and towards me with a look that said it all.

She knows, I thought.

“Okay,” my voice arose from the silence, “in this envelope—we have the results of a blood sample that was found on the sidewalk near where, apparently, Jessica was last seen.”

I saw Nick’s jaw being set—he wasn’t happy.

Katie let out a shaky sigh, “Just tell us what the results are,” she spoke in a monotone voice.

I nodded, “Long story short—the blood belongs to Jessica Montez.”

Everyone’s heads snapped up; I averted their gazes and began to walk out of the room.

“Wait…” a voice spoke.

I turned around to see Sam, with Nick walking up right behind him, “what’s going to happen now?”

Nick stared at me coldly; I knew he wanted Jessica to come home—it was pretty obvious—but since Katie seemed to be having problems, they’ve all been changing: Sam, Nick, and Katie. Katie’s a wreck, Nick’s temper is growing and growing with each hour, and Sam is starting to become depressed if you ask me. I felt bad for the kids, “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Nick asked, raising his voice, “You’re a fucking detective; what the hell do you mean you don’t know?!”

I felt anger rise up in me.

Get ahold of yourself, Elizabeth…you’re an adult; you know better.

“I will not answer to a tone like that,” I replied. I glanced above Nick’s shoulder to look at Katie; she was walking over as well.

“Nick,” she began, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Go sit down, now.”

Nick didn’t hesitate; he just gave me a glare and then walked back over to the chair.

Katie’s eyes were bloodshot and she looked exhausted, “Just please…bring her home…”

I nodded, “We’re trying,” I placed my hand on her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Katie’s eyes drooped with sadness as she lightly grabbed Sam’s arm, “You’re not trying hard enough…” she whispered.

It’s only been what? Two days since this investigation started? And they’re already saying we aren’t trying hard enough?

They aren’t going to last…not in this condition.

Authors Note: Yeah, I know...short chapter...but i'm havin' major writers block right now. :/ More to come:

-Katie, Eric, and Lucas' Lie Detector Tests

-Failing the LD Test (DUN DUN DUUUNNNN!!! Who do you think lied???)

-Trying to trace the Facebook post

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