Chapter 18 - Nick & Katie become targets.

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Chapter 18 – Katie Peterson

I’ve been sitting in the waiting room inside the hospital for about an hour and a half now and to be honest, I was becoming concerned and worried out of my mind. Every time a nurse would come out of Sam’s room he or she would just stare at me for a long time or they would just give me some sort of weird-ass look.

I sighed, looking down at my hands, “this is all my fault.”

“What makes you say that?” a familiar voice asked; my head shot up in the direction the voice came in.

“What are you doing here?” I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“I know Sam and I aren’t exactly friends,” he started, “but I got a call saying that he was asking for me to be here with you.”

It’s weird to think that Sam would want Nick of all people to be here with me; first of all, Sam knew that Nick and I weren’t really talking right now. Second, he knew that Nick and I had a huge blow out in the police station about a week and a half ago.

Nick took a seat next to mine and I could feel his stare burning a hole into the side of my face, “What happened today?”

I sighed once again, “Louis beat the crap out of Sam today just because Sam told me how he felt towards me.”

Nick seemed to be taken aback by my statement and I just stared at him coldly, “Um, okay then.”

I heard someone clear their throat and turned my head to see Sam’s doctor standing in front of me, “Ms. Peterson?”

I nodded, “That’s me, how is Sam doing? Is he awake?”

The doctor shook his head, “no, Sam’s asleep—he took a good pounding to his face, I feel bad for the kid; seeing with his past record of accidents.”

“Past records?” I asked, shaking my head a bit to comprehend the news.

“Yes,” the doctor began, “Sam’s been brought it a few times in the past, meaning: broken bones, beatings, stuff like that.”

I shook my head in disbelief, “why would someone want to beat him though? Sam’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met in my life.”

The doctor shrugged his shoulders a bit, “To be honest, I can’t answer that question for you…you’d have to ask Sam yourself. But Sam will be released to you guys this evening since his parents are out of town.”

I sighed, “His parents are always out of town.”

The doctor cleared his throat again, “but anyways, if you want to go inside and see him you may—just be careful not to wake him, we just got him to fall asleep.”

I nodded, “will do.”

I watched as the doctor walked away from me towards the front desk, placing Sam’s file in the ‘S’ section of the shelves. I looked towards Sam’s door and hesitated to go inside; I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Nick.

“Get your hand off of my shoulder,” I picked up his hand like it had some sort of disease on it and dropped it immediately.

“Seriously?” Nick raised an eyebrow, “I don’t have cooties, Katie.”

“Yeah,” I said, no emotion found in my voice whatsoever, “I know you don’t.”

I looked back at Sam’s door, grabbed the door handle, and pushed the door open; of course, the first thing I saw was Sam and he looked as fragile as ever. He had a bandage under his left eye, a few bandages on his forwards and on the side of his head; you could clearly make out the bruises left on his face and his arms. I wasn’t exactly sure about his stomach or chest but right now just looking at him—it looked bad.

I could, once again, feeling Nick’s stare burning a hole through my head, “would you quit staring at me—it’s giving me the creeps.”

Nick sniffled a bit, “sorry, didn’t mean to stare.”

I rolled my eyes and shut the door before Nick could have the chance to walk into the room; and right as I closed the door Sam’s eyes flickered open—causing me to jump a bit.

“Sorry,” he apologized, in a hushed whisper, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

I gave Sam an apologetic look as I walked closer to the side of his bed, “hey, how are you feeling?”

Sam cringed as he shrugged his shoulders a bit, “everything hurts, I can tell you that right now.”

“Do you want me to get you anything?” I asked, “Advil or Tylenol?”

Sam shook his head slowly, “no, the nurses gave me some medication to take the pain down a bit for a while.” I looked at Sam’s surrounds spotting all of the IV tubes and the water bags; his heart beat was normal—at least something about Sam wasn’t battered on the outside.

“Okay,” I replied casually as I took his hand in mine.

It was quiet for a moment as Sam stared at my hand on his; I concentrated on Sam’s facial features: his eyes were some-what drooping, could be from being tired or just that the spots under his eyes are hurting him; his forehead was all covered up with bandages; he had a Band-Aid on his nose, and he had a busted lip.

“Take a picture, Katie,” Sam spoke, causing me to jump again, “it’ll last longer.”

Sam winked at me, stifling a small yawn as well.

I laughed a bit and then put my lips back together and smiled at him, “you going to be okay, Sam?”

Sam smiled back at me, “Yeah, I should be. What about you? Are you okay?” Sam’s voice was switched into concern, “did he hurt you too? Where is he?”

“Shh, Sam, it’s okay,” I assured him, “I’m okay, Louis didn’t hurt me, and to be honest, I’m not entirely sure where Louis is.”

Sam shoved out a sigh of relief and squeezed my hand a bit. I squeezed his hand back and laughed a bit again.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, took my hand from Sam’s, and dug through my pocket—pulling the phone out. I looked at the message on my phone and instantly became confused and frightened at the same exact time.

From: Unknown Number

            I’m keeping a close eye on you and Nick…watch your backs—I could be anywhere at any time.

PS: If you want to find Jessica alive…you might as well as do as I say.

No…It couldn’t be…


 Authors Note: wow...first time in a while i've can all thank Marching band, school, homework, and a lot of other things for that ;) lol

jk dont do that...that's stupid.

so i actually liked this chapter--probably one of the few good ones i've ever written but who knows :p well hope you enjoyed.

More to come:

-Another abduction in brentwood

-Jessica's POV

-Sam to the rescue!!

-"Give've already lost."

-Final Chapter: "Is ___ dead?"

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