Chapter 14 - It Was Just A Game.

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Chapter 13 – Nick O’Riley


I placed my hand over my mouth as soon as I heard the words come from my mouth—I did not really just say that did I? I sighed as I watched Katie’s facial expression change a few times and then looked to Sam.

Detective Sanders cleared her throat and started pushing the other detectives out of the room, “We’ll leave you all for a little while.”

Katie nodded to her in thanks and then looked back towards Sam, hoping that he’d help in some way or form; but obviously she was getting nothing. I knew there was no way she was going to ask Eric for help and she didn’t really know Lucas well enough to ask him for help; once again…all the attention was on me.

“You still haven’t answered my question,” Katie spoke, staring through me, as if she could read my every thought.

All I did was shrug and look away from her; when Katie was mad—you knew she was mad; she just had that look on her face that said it all when she was mad. And right now…she was definitely mad.

“Shrugging isn’t good enough, Nick,” she replied; anger was the first thing you hear in her voice—it was engraved into her voice, “Why the hell are you telling me all of this now?!” she shook her head as she spoke—as if she couldn’t believe what I was telling her.

“I don’t know, Katie,” I replied, “I guess I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

“So everything…” she started, “everything with Jessica and our friendship…it was all just a lie?”

Her words stung as she brought Jessica up into the conversation; To be honest, I didn’t really know how to answer her question. I’ve known Katie and Jessica for the same amount of time and I spent more time with Jessica more than Katie…but what was it about Katie that has attracted me to her? I couldn’t really put my finger on it—I guess I just liked her all of these years but I never really realized it because Jessica was being my distraction.

I still remember back in fifth grade when I had a major crush on Katie but then when sixth grade came—she changed…and Jessica and I had gotten closer than I expected. I stared to like Jessica but I knew somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I still liked Katie; it’s like the saying ‘you can stop seeing someone, but you will always love them.’ I guess that’s what’s going on here. Jessica was just a distraction.

“I think,” I began, then paused to think for a moment, “that my relationship with Jessica wasn’t really something that should’ve happened…remember when I had a crush on you back in fifth grade?”

Katie’s cheeks flushed an incredibly color of pink, causing me to chuckle a little bit, “Don’t even bring that up,” she replied, blushing even more.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, “Well, after I started dating Jessica…I think that she was just a distraction from you—since you changed so much over the summer going into sixth grade.”

***Katie’s POV***

So he lied…after all this time: about Jessica, about me, about everyone’s friendship. It’s like none of it mattered to him. He used Jessica to try and make me jealous, basically. I was no longer mad—I was furious. This was my best friend, and he didn’t even care about her. It was all an act and no one should be treated like that…she didn’t even know either. Jessica was completely oblivious to everything.

“You lied to her,” I whispered. Sam snapped his neck at me, clearly hearing my statement. My eyes went to Nick, who was watching Eric sit down on the nearby bed near the door, “Nick!” I was furious…he wasn’t even paying attention to what I was saying—but at the same time…I don’t even think he knows what he’s saying.

“What?” he asked, nonchalantly.

“You. Lied. To. Her!” I exclaimed in between pauses.

Nick just raised an eyebrow as if he didn’t really understand what—or who—I was talking about; I groan as I narrowed my eyes, “JESSICA, Nick! You LIED to her! It was all just a crazy joke to you!”


“Don’t you, Katie me,” I snapped, “This is my best friend, Nick! You’re admitting to me that you didn’t even care about her!! Eric, here, cared about her more than you did!”

That part was true…Eric actually treated her how she deserved to be treated—no matter how much I hated the kid.

I felt a hand on my shoulder; I turned to see Sam staring into my eyes, “Katie, sit down,” he gently pushed my shoulder a little, causing me to stumbled onto the bed, “Calm down,” he continued.

I sighed, burying my head into my hands and pulling my knees close to me, “I’m the worst best friend, ever.”

Sam sat down next to me and drew small, little circles on my back, “Shh, Katie…you’re not a bad person…if anything you’re the best friend she’s ever had. You’re still here waiting for her to come home and you’re out here looking for her—you’re also standing up for her against, Nick. She would be proud of you, Katie.”

I didn’t really care who the hell was in the room right now, I threw my arms around Sam and felt tears rolling down my face, whispering, “Thank you, Sam…”

Sam’s arms seemed hesitant to return my hug; that was until he just rested his hands on the small of my back and then pushed me back to where I was sitting, “Hey, no worries, I’m here for you,” he paused with a small cough, “If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me.”

He flashed a small smile at me as I heard someone clearing their throat, “We’re still here you know.”

I snapped my neck over to see Nick staring at me intensively, “Yeah, Nick…I don’t know that you’re all here still. I’m not stupid.”

He rolled his eyes and got up off of the bed, “you know what…I’m going to look for Jessica on my own…I don’t need you guys,” he picked up his cell phone and hoodie as I stood.

“Oh now you care?” I asked, trying to be as mean as I possibly could.

“I’ve always cared, Katie,” he replied, glaring at me, “I always have, but you…you’re so caught up in your assumptions that you won’t even let me talk!” he exclaimed.

I sighed in anger and watched him walk quickly towards the door, “just wait, Katie…sooner or later everyone is going to leave you just like Jackson,” before I could argue against his statement he stared me down and then stated the following, “See you later in your miserable life, bitch.”

He pushed the door open, quickly walked out, and I felt my heart break—not in sadness, but in betrayal.

Authors note: okay! so sort of a short chapter, yeah i'll get over it. next chapter, the lovely Louis Tomlinson will come back into play if you read the first book: True know what i'm talking about ;)

More to come:

-Lucas & Eric are done waiting around (they take off and work on their own)

-Getting the towns help (along with Louis)/news cast

-Katie & Sam's confrentation with Jack Montez (Katie's about to go crazy girl...LOL!)

biiiii :)

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