Chapter 22 - "Give've already lost."

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Chapter 22 – Sam Heasley

I stared at my best friend; she looked so hopeless and vulnerable. With the barrel of the gun pointed directly at her head I knew that I was also the vulnerable one here…I couldn’t do anything to help her.

“Jack,” I spoke up, finally, “Come on…let her go.”

Jack snickered for a moment, “are you kidding me? Why the hell would I want to do that?”

“Mr. Montez,” Detective Hanes butt-in, “let the girls go and we’ll let you go.”

“And I’m supposed to believe you?” Jack pushed the barrel harder onto Jessica’s head, “no, no, these two little bitches need to know what kind of world their living in.”

I looked over to where Katie was chained up to the wall; she was standing on her knee’s, bruises covered her face, she had tears in her shirt, and she was clearly unconscious, “What did you do to her?” I asked, motioning towards Katie.

Jack just shook his head, “She needed to learn a lesson.”

Without even thinking, I leaped towards Jack, pushed Jessica aside and slammed him against the wall, the gun went flying from his hands and in Jessica’s direction, “I ASKED YOU A DAMN QUESTION! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!?!”

“SAM!” Detective Hanes yelled from besides me, attempting to tear me away from the monster who stood before me, “SAM! BACK AWAY!”

***Jessica Montez’s POV***

Out of nowhere Sam was leaping towards me—or should I say my father.

I felt Sam’s hands wrap around me; throwing me off to the side and pressing my father to the wall, I heard screaming, “I ASKED YOU A DAMN QUESTION! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!?!” Sam sounded infuriated; I could see Detective Hanes trying to rip Sam away, at the moment, it seemed completely impossible. When Sam wanted something or was angry he’d do anything to get his way, and this was the exact situation.

It was now obvious that Sam cared a lot about Katie…maybe even more than I thought he did. I’m not sure what drove them together but I know that this was good for Sam—he needed someone like Katie…someone who was caring, a great friend, and someone who’d just stand by him if he needed someone to be with. Katie was just that type of girl; she was amazing.

I slipped out of my thoughts and watched as Detective Hanes finally removed Sam from my father; I looked around at my surroundings and found that the gun my father had been holding was now in front of me. In an instant reaction, I pick the gun up and grasped it in my hands. I slowly stood from where Sam had thrown me and was pointing the gun at the man I call my father.

“Jessica,” my father started, “let’s not be stupid…ok—.”

“SHUT UP!” I screamed, “Do you even realize all of the thing’s you’ve done to this family?? And you’re calling me stupid?!”


“I said shut up…” I responded, “How could you do all of these things to our family? To me? To Megan.” Tears threatened to spill over my lower eyelids and I grasped the gun in my hand…I already knew that the gun was loaded, I had to watch my father load it right in front of me.

“Jessica,” I heard Katie’s—weak—voice come from the corner she was chained to.

I looked her direction, my tears finally surfacing.

“Don’t do this…” she stated, “this isn’t who you are.”

I hiccupped as I searched for words to respond; I looked at the people around me: Sam, Detective Hanes, Katie, and my father. I knew that the person I was being right now wasn’t me…but at the same time, it was who I had to be to make sure that my father wouldn’t hurt anyone else…ever again. I had a right to be angry at him; I had a right to kill him right now…he killed my sister. He killed the person that I loved more than anything in the world. My father, this…monster, didn’t even deserve to be alive.

A strong pain in my arms removed me from my thoughts, I couldn’t even process what had happened; I looked around, now realizing that I was facing Katie, Sam, and Detective Hanes—once again—and that my father had the gun in his hands. He pressed the barrel of the gun deep into my scalp, causing me to cringe in pain.

“Jack,” Sam spoke, anger clearly found in his voice, “don’t you dare.”

“Why? This poor excuse for a daughter doesn’t even deserve to be alive anymore—that’s why I got rid of her sister…they were both accidents that I didn’t want. They aren’t wanted by anyone,” my father retorted.

Hurt flowed through my veins as he finished speaking; Megan and I…we were both accidents? We were unwanted? Makes sense, I guess.

“She is wanted,” a voice said. I looked in the direction to where the voice was coming from.

“W-what?!” Sam almost yelled, in complete, utter shock, “what the hell are you doing here? How did you even know that we were going to be here?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I went in to see Detective Hanes and saw that all the records on the computer were open to come here, so I tried coming here.”

I could hear my father laughing sarcastically from behind me, he moved the gun from my head to the crook of my neck and shoulder, “what makes you think she’s wanted?”

“Because she’s my friend…and I’ve been waiting for a moment to say that I’m sorry to her,” Nick spoke.

I could barely move my head because of the barrel jammed to my head, “Sorry for—.”

“Shut up,” my father commanded, “Now you three, listen up, you guys are too late; you guys can take Katie with you…I don’t care, but Jessica…she staying with me; I’m going to make sure that none of you can ever find her.”

“Give up…” he added, “you’ve already lost.”

I knew that my father added that final statement so Sam could hear it; you could see the emotion on Sam’s face—he was pissed, and when Sam was pissed, you didn’t want to mess with him.

“Let. Her. Go.” Sam finally spoke.

***Sam Heasley’s POV***

Jessica struggled to stand correctly as Jack held the gun to the crook in her shoulder and neck, “Let. Her. Go.” I spoke, gritting the words through my teeth.

“Why should I?” Jack spoke, clearly mocking me.

“Because—she’s an important part of my life…I don’t know what I’d do without her,” my voice calmed a bit as I said this; but I wasn’t saying it towards him, I was saying it towards Jessica. She attempted to smile, but she was in so much pain that she was unable to manage one.

Before I could say another word I could feel a breeze pass by me—Nick. He was quickly running towards Jessica and Jack…but all I heard was a loud bang, and saw a lot of blood.

My mouth formed a shocked, small ‘o’ form, my eyes were sad, and tears were spilling from my eyes.


I fell to my knees and stared…I didn’t even know what to do.


She was just lying there…in a pile of her own blood; gasping for air.

Authors Note: The gun went off...but!! more to come!! 2 more chps.

-"Is she dead?"

-Epilouge: "I loved her..." -Sam

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