Chapter 16 - "If wasn't even our fault."

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Chapter 15 – Katie Peterson

It’s been about two weeks now since Jessica has gone missing, there are no new leads except that the blood on the sidewalk so happened to be hers. The whole town is helping out, doing everything they can to try and help bring her home.

Sam has been with me this whole time, he’s been a great friend to me through all of this—and the best part is that Louis is in town trying to help too. Yes, Louis Tomlinson, from One Direction…but it doesn’t really matter if he was famous or not—he was here to help and I was greatful to have him here. The only, real, bad thing that is going on with Louis is that there’s some tension between him and Sam; every time they are around each other they suddenly turn cold—it was concerning.

I was in the downtown area where Jessica was last seen; Louis was on the right side of me and Sam was on my left. We were all just hanging out trying to see if we could find anything that could link to Jessica’s disappearance. As the three of us turned a corner I froze…I stood absolutely still as I saw him, just standing there casually looking at the ‘Missing’ posters Sam and I had hung about a week and a half ago. He was just STARING at it, nothing else.

“Katie,” Sam walked back over to me, not noticing the distance between me and the guys, “are you okay?”

I didn’t even know how to reply, I just looked into Sam’s eyes and something told me that he could tell I felt uncomfortable; he furrowed his eyebrows and looked back to where I was once staring.

Sam pointed toward him and then looked back at me, “Is that why you’re so uncomfortable? Because Nick’s here?”

I just nodded as I looked away from Sam; Louis stood about a good five feet away, he was staring at Sam intensely which worried me somewhat.


My heart started pounded faster and faster with each second; Sam slid his arm around my waist as a sign of protection towards Nick as he got closer. Ever since Nick and I had gotten into that argument it’s been different—since Nick and I didn’t even acknowledge each other for the past week or so it has been quiet and it has been easier to focus on trying to find my best friend.

“Nick,” I said blankly, not really sure what to say.

“Hey,” he said, almost in a whisper, “How are you doing?”

I rolled my eyes; he’s talking to me as if we haven’t talked in years, it made me absolutely sick to hear him speak like this.

“What do you want?” I asked.

Nick just raised an eyebrow and frowned, “I was just asking how you’re doing, Katie.”

“I don’t have time for small talk, if you have something to say, say it,” I replied, “If you don’t have anything to say, keep walking, because I really don’t have time to be dealing with your crap.”

“Damn,” Nick cursed, “Someone’s on her period.”

Sam’s grip on me tightened a bit at Nick’s accusation; I looked up towards Sam as I turned around to face him. When I looked at him he looked like a totally different person—he didn’t even look like Sam anymore.

I moved my hand to his neck trying to get his attention; but I don’t think it is working.

***Sam Heasley’s POV***

Who the hell does Nick think he is? He just said something rude to Katie when she obviously didn’t deserve it.

I felt Katie’s hand touch my neck but I had no choice to shrug the touch off and focus my attention on Nick, “I think you should apologize,” I finally spoke.

“Excuse me?” Nick asked, anger rising in his voice.

“Sam,” Katie’s voice rose, “Stop…right now, you don’t know what you’re about to get yourself into.”

I looked down at Katie, who seemed more than just concerned; I sighed as I pulled her into a hug, “I’m sorry,” I muffled into her hair.

She shook her head, whispering, “It’s okay.”

But in reality…nothing was okay—everything was a mess—and if anything it wasn’t even our fault.

Authors Note: Sorry this chapter is really sh***y but I was ruishing it because i'm trying to get ready for the chapter's to come; i'm really excited and anxious to write them :D okay so now...more to come:

-Katie & Sam's confrentation w/ Jack Montez (Katie's about to be a crazy ass chick)

-Sam's Feelings (hint, hint, wink, wink)

-Louis & Sam's Brawl

-Nick & Katie become targets (dun dun duuunnnnnn!)

baiii <3

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