Chapter 10 - Katie's Lie Detector Test

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Chapter 9 – Katie Peterson

I sat quietly in the questioning room with Lucas, Eric, Sam, and Nick; I have to say—it was completely awkward if you ask me. Nick was eerily quiet, Eric was sitting by himself in the corner with Sam and Lucas, and I was waiting for the detectives to come back into the room. It feels weird that we haven’t been home for almost three days now; I just want to go home and sleep in my own room…go to school and be with my friends, just go back to my normal teenage life.

Knock. Knock.

The door flung open and standing before us was Detective Ross, “Katie Peterson—you’re going to have to come in for the detector test.”

I turned to Nick in a panic, “Go,” he whispered, “You’ll be okay.” He squeezed my hand in reassurance, and then I stood and went with Detective Ross.

“Okay, Katie,” he said; literally only walking two doors down, “Go ahead inside and take your seat.”

I didn’t argue with him and just took my seat. I waited patiently for Detective Ross to finish strapping all of the wires onto me as I sat uncomfortably in the chair.

“Alright, Katie, ready to go?”

I nodded a little and stared at the wall that was in front of me—you know the routine…they ask you to turn away from the detector and they ask you questions. Blah, blah, blah.

“Okay, how long have you known Jessica Montez?” I heard him ask.

I let out a shaky exhale, “I have known Jessica ever since first or second grade.”

There was complete silence as he, probably, was jotting down my answers.

“Have you ever tried to harm Jessica in anyway?”

I shook my head, “I would never try to hurt my best friend—she and I have always been there for each other and I don’t plan to stop now.”

I sighed…even more silence washed over the room; I heard the detective clear his throat, “When was the last time you saw Jessica?”

I sighed again and fiddled with my fingers, “the last time I saw her was the morning of her sister’s funeral. That was the last time anyone has seen her.”


It felt like five minutes had passed by as I heard Detective Ross shuffling through papers, “Okay, Katie, what do you know of Jack Montez?”

At the sound of his name, tears threatened to spill out of my eyes—her father was a horrible man, he didn’t even deserve to be alive anymore, “Her dad beat Jessica and Megan, when Megan died it’s as if he had gotten more violent.”

“You and Nick, both, seem to believe that Jessica and Megan’s father is a monster—someone who would do horrible things to their family,” Detective Ross stated.

I felt my fists clench up, “It’s true! He did! He killed Megan!” I replied, raising my voice with each statement, “I have a photo of Jessica’s bruises.”

I heard Detective Ross’ chair being pushed out—and of course, now he was standing in front of me; with some sort of look on his face I couldn’t decipher: confused? Heartbroken? Suspicious? I couldn’t read it.

I took my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through my pictures until I spotted the picture of Jessica’s back, arms, and left leg. I exhaled a little as I handed the phone over to the detective and I watched as his eyes widened.

“How do I know if these are real??” he asked, handing the phone back to me.

I pushed my phone into my pocket and stared at the detective, “Nick and our friend Kyle could back me up—they’ve seen the bruises and they were both there when I took those photos of Jessica.”

The detective nodded; unstrapping me from the chair, “Do you know where Kyle is??”

I nodded, “He’s in Las Vegas visiting some family for a few weeks—apparently someone in his family is really sick.”

Ross nodded at me and hooked his thumb over his shoulder, “You can leave now.”

Nodding back, I stood from the chair and walked straight out the door—what the hell just happened?

I walked back into the questioning room to see that Eric and Lucas were gone—leaving me alone with Nick and Sam again. Nick’s head jolted up as I walked across the room towards him, “You okay?” he asked quickly, yet worriedly.

I smirked, “Yeah, I’m all good.”

Nick took my hand in his—again—and squeezed it a little, “You sure?”

My head moved up and down over and over again, “Yes, Nick…I’m completely fine…”

There was a couple of seconds of silence until I faced him again, “Nick…”

Nick’s eyes moved up to mine and all of a sudden—he was full of worry, “What’s wrong?”

“Nick…” my eyes were watering—and I knew Nick could see this, “I-I showed,”

Nick’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me, “You showed…what?”

I inhaled, shakily, “I-I showed him the pictures…of…Jessica’s bruises.”

I watched as the water in Nick’s eyes gathered, as he whispered, “You what?”

Authors Note: Hey guys...okay so short chapter!! yeah, i know, you'll get over it ;D but anyways...more to come:

-Eric's LD Test

-Lucas' LD Test

-Tracing the Facebook Post

-Failing the LD Test (DUNN DUNN DUUUUNNNNN!!!! Who do you think lied?!?!?!)

-Nick's addittude worsens O.O ...uh oh...

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