Chapter 11 - "You miss what you two used to be, don't you?"

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Chapter 10 – Eric Redding

“You what?” Nick asked, almost in a hushed whisper.

The room got insanely quiet as Katie attempted to look away from Nick’s gaze, “Katie,” he said, “Answer me!”

Katie jumped; I got up a rushed over towards her, “whoa man, calm down, it’s evidence; you know something the cops need?”

Nick narrowed his eyes at me, “Was I talking to you Eric? I didn’t freaking think so!” he shoved my shoulder, grabbed Katie by the wrist and brought her to the opposite side of the room.


I turned to see Detective Ross, motioning for me to go with him—great my turn to take a lie detector test.

I felt uncomfortable with the wires swaying around my face as Detective Ross placed the final wire around my finger.

“Okay, Eric,” he began as he sat down in his chair, “Can you tell me when the last time you saw Jessica was?”

I nodded, knowing that he probably couldn’t see it, “The last time I saw Jessica was at her sister’s funeral—I bet you a bunch of people have told you that already.”

There was a quick awkward silence as I heard the detective writing down my answer; and it sounded like he was highlighting something as well.

“Alright then, I know we already asked you this but what was your relationship with Jessica like?”

I took a deep breath, “Jessica is my ex-girlfriend of about almost a year now; however, she is one of my best friends.”

Detective Ross cleared his throat, “How long have you known Jessica?”

“Since the beginning of our Freshman year—so almost two years now,” I sniffled a little and then shifted in my seat.

“Okay,” he replied, jotting my answer down, “have you ever tried to harm Jessica in any kind of way?”

I felt my head pounding all of a sudden as I slumped down in my chair, “No, I have not.”

There was an extremely long and awkward silence for a while until I heard Detective Ross ask, “Are you sure?”

I nodded, “I’m sure.”

I heard Detective Ross push back his chair; then removed the wires off of my body and motioned for me to leave the room and go back to the questioning room with everyone else. I pushed the door open and a thousand things were rushing through my mind as I took a seat as far away from the door as possible. I dug my hands into my hair, propping my elbows on my knees.


I looked up to see Katie standing in front of me, concern obviously in her eyes—but why did she even care? She hates me anyways. I looked back down towards my knees and closed my eyes. I heard a quick sigh and felt gently hands on my shoulder, causing my neck to snap up—it was still Katie.

“What do you want?” I asked quietly.

“Eric,” she repeated, “I know we aren’t really friends, but what happened in there?” I bent down in front of me to examine my eyes as she moved one of her hands into her lap—her other hand a little hesitant about leaving my shoulder.

I shrugged my shoulders, “What is there to talk about?”

She mimicked my shrug, yet continued to stare, “He asked you questions—and obviously one of those questions is bothering you.”

I shook my head, “No, Katie…it’s not just the questions…it’s all of this,” I replied, “Jessica is missing—nowhere to be seen—and I’m freaking out about this.”

She took up, dragging me with her; she pulled me into a hug. To be completely honest, I was shocked—and I’m pretty sure she was too; the way that her body was stiffened it didn’t seem like she knew what was really happening. I pushed her back a little and took a good look at her—she was crying. Katie was the type of girl that seemed really tough on the outside and was there for anyone who needed you; but in reality Katie needed and or wanted someone to be there for her as well—not everyone can handle doing everything on their own, they need someone there to help them as well; and I believe that’s exactly how Katie is feeling.

“We all want her to come home, Eric,” she replied in a whisper, “You’re not the only one here who wants her to come home. Nick, Sam, Lucas, and I all want her to come home as much as you do.”

She took a deep breath and continued, “We all need to work together though—Nick seems to be getting crankier and frustrated by the hour, and to be honest with you…I don’t see him stick around for more than a couple of more days and then he’ll probably start going back to school again so he doesn’t miss anything.”

“What about you?” I asked, instantly.

She sighed and looked me in the eyes again, “Jessica’s my best friend—if it means skipping school to find her…then I’ll skip school; I just want her to come home safe and unharmed.”

I pulled her back into the hug again, which she hesitantly returned, “I know, Katie…I know…”

I felt a tear roll down my face and watched as it hit Katie’s hair, she looked up at me and whipped the tears from my face, whispering, “You miss what you two used to be, don’t you?”

I felt more tears coming; my only reply was putting my head on her shoulder and cry.

Authors Note: To be completely honest, I feel bad for!! (sorta...not rlly...) lol!! Katie & Eric Moment.................AWKWARD!!! XD XD okay, so short chapter; i havent been able to write because i've been at band camp for the past few days/week so i havent been able to get to a computer. I considered a writing schedule but then i realized that homework/band-Colorguard was just going to get in the way. ANYWAY!!! More to come soon:

-Lucas' LD Test

-Tracing the Facebook post

-Failing the LD Test (DUN DUN DUUUNNN!!!)

-Nick's Additude Worsen's (uh

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