Chapter 17 - Sam & Louis' Brawl

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Chapter 17 – Sam Heasley

I smiled at Katie as she took a long moment to look at me; the action confused me but I was fine with it, obviously.

“Um,” a voice called out, “What the hell is going on here?”

Katie’s neck snapped in the direction of the voice, her facial expression completely changed, “Louis?!”

Katie stood from the bench, knocking me backwards; Katie looked back towards me, helping me up off of my feet, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”

I shook my head, not really knowing how to reply—I just stared straight at Louis. I was automatically furious about what had just happened.

***Louis’ POV***

I watched as Katie helped Sam up onto his feet, however, Sam’s eyes were locked on me—inspecting every inch of me.

“Well, someone answer my question,” I spoke again.

Katie looked back and forth between Sam and I; there was a tension in the air that you could feel…it was strong and it was something I didn’t want Katie around. I stared at Katie who looked like she was ready to pounce if something bad were to happen. I knew she cared about Sam—she and Sam were good friends and obviously she’s known him longer than me, but to be honest, I really didn’t care.

“Louis,” Katie finally spoke, “What are you doing here anyways? I thought you were meeting up with the guys?”

“They let me loose for the rest of the day,” I replied, looking back at Sam again, “thought I’d come hang out with you.”

“Guess that’s just too bad isn’t it,” Sam intercepted.

“Sam,” Katie whispered, almost in a warning tone.

I rolled my eyes at Sam’s comment, “Sam, tell me something…why are you even here?”

“I’m here to hang out with Katie,” he replied, “I’ve been with her all day and she asked me to come over for a little while to hang out—unlike you.”

I could feel my blood boiling as he spoke, “Don’t test me, Sam…you’ll end up getting hurt.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“Shut the hell up.”

“Louis,” Katie warned me; I was shocked at her actions…why would she be defending him?

“Louis,” Katie continued, “just stop and leave him alone.”

I raised an eyebrow at Katie’s command, “A-are you kidding me right now? You’re tell me to leave this son-of-a-bitch alone?”

Katie shook her head in disbelief, “Louis, I thought you were a good guy—but right now you’re starting to prove me wrong.”

I shook my head and took huge steps towards Sam until I was all up in his face, “this is all your fault.”

Sam rolled his eyes at me and now I was just done; I swung my arm up and gave Sam a right hook into the face; causing him to fling sideways into the street.

***Katie’s POV***

I just stood there…and watched Louis beat the crap out of Sam; and I couldn’t just stand here and watch any longer.

I ran over towards Louis and Sam, attempting to pry a vicious Louis off of a helpless Sam, “LOUIS GET OFF OF HIM!!!” I screamed.

Louis didn’t even bother listening to me; he just continued to hit Sam over and over again. It’s like Louis was a totally different person now. Sam looked like he was on the verge of life or death if Louis would’ve thrown another punch at him; I could feel tears streaming down my face and finally kicked Louis in the side, knocking him away from Sam.

Louis looked furious; I ran down next to Sam and brought him into my arms, “Louis, if you want to hurt Sam you have to hurt me to get to him.”

I was breathing rapidly and what was happening in this moment right now is what Louis brought upon himself. I looked down at Sam—who was completely unconscious—and noticed all of the blood that was streaming from the under part of his eye. I shook my head and looked back up at Louis, who also managed to get back up on his feet, “Louis…I can’t believe you did this to him,” I felt more tears streaking my face, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”

I lay Sam’s head in my lap and fumbled with his eyelids, “Sam…Sam come on! Sam, wake up!! Please!”

I violently scrambled through my pocket, looking through my cell phone. Once the phone was in my hand I hit ‘Emergency Call’ and dialed 911.

“911, what’s your emergency?” I heard the operator ask.

“Yes, please, I need an ambulance right away, my best friend isn’t responding to me anything I do,” I spoke quickly.

“Shh, mam, please, calm down,” the operator soothed.

After a series of questions and responses, the operator finally told me an ambulance was on its way. I looked back up at Louis again who was staring directly at Sam, “You’re a bastard,” I whispered.

Louis’s eyes snapped to mine and just shook his head and walked away.

What the hell?!

I grabbed Sam’s face and kissed his forehead, “hang in there Sam…you’re going to be just fine…I promise.”

Authors note: okay, yeah, crappy ass chapter...

More to come:

-Katie and Nick become targets

-another abduction in brentwood

-Jessica's POV

-"This ends now..." - Sam to the rescue.

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