Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


"Luke!" Ashton panted as he ran up beside the blonde who was striding down the street. "Luke!" He slowed slightly but continue heading in the direction of his mothers. He softly grabbed the younger mans arm making him come to halt. He was slightly concerned how his hand could wrap around it, but then he did have abnormally large hands. He ushered the blonde over to where there was a bench, one of many scattered down the road.

"Ashton I should really be going—" Luke began, his knees bouncing as he sat forward. The curly-haired man sat relaxed, with his back against the back of the bench.

"You called me for a reason Luke. Do you really want to return home without fulfilling it?" Ashton asked, watching the blonde panic. He knew he was not supposed to be even meeting with Luke, but now that he was here he may as well go even further. He reached over and took one of Luke's hand in his own.

Luke looked up at him shocked, and Ashton thought he did the wrong thing. But after a couple of seconds, Luke let his hand relax and held it a little tighter. The blonde let himself relax and lean against the back of the bench too. Keeping his eyes straight ahead, not wanting to look at his son's teacher.

"Why did you run away?" Ashton asked curiously, letting his index finger roam around the blonde's skin, drawing little patterns of comfort.

"I couldn't do it. Still can't," he muttered, shaking his head with regret.

"Then why did you message me, saying you wanted to meet?"

"I was drunk," Luke admitted. "I was upset and drunk and I know I needed to get him help! I couldn't keep doing this to Theo. But now I know that we are just fine. I really don't want to be here, I'm going to go now anyway. I shouldn't be here, you're my son's teacher, and I'm a mess!" He tried to pull his hand away, but Ashton gripped it harder.

"I know this is wrong Luke, but if I'm willing to put my entire career on the line for you and your son, the least you can do is let me help your little boy. I won't interfere with you if you don't want, but let me protect Theo. And don't say that you don't want help because you just admitted that you need to get help for him and that is already a huge step forward."

Luke let out a shaky deep breath, "Okay," he agreed. "Okay, you can help him. But, the food has to be organic, and he has to be a vegan and he can't eat anything unhealthy. My mum has a list of the things he can have— I can make you one too."

Ashton chuckled slightly. "He's a child Luke, he should be eating stuff he likes, not grass!"

Luke turned to look at Ashton and frowned. "If you are going to help him he has to eat what I say he can."

"Luke it's not going to work like that, I'm sorry. You're so small and fragile yourself that your diet, or whatever this is, is not going to keep a growing child healthy."

Luke sighed. He didn't know how he would feel seeing his son eat food that he didn't like, seeing him harm his body like that.

"Why don't you explain to me what's making you act this way, maybe I can help?" Luke simply shook his head. He knew that once he confessed how he truly felt, he would have to get help and what was worse than his son eating, was eating himself. "Okay, then, I'll give you support with feeding Theo and nourishing him back to health."

Luke nodded, squeezing Ashton's hand tighter for support. "Thank you," he whispered.

"Are you gay?" the curly-haired man asked curiously, as he looked at their hands intertwined. No straight man would be so relaxed with such an action, their masculinity getting in the way of such a needed action.

Luke shook his head, "I think I'm bisexual. Yeah! I just want someone to love me, which no one ever has, but you do right?"

Ashton's eyes widened slightly, it was too soon to admit he loved Luke, he didn't know his true feelings for the blonde yet. "I like you Luke, and I think there is the potential I may one day love you."

Luke stared in front of him, a smile on his face. "Wow," he mumbled. "Is this what happy feels like?"

Ashton chuckled sadly and scooted over a little closer to Luke, tilting his head so that it was facing in his direction. The next thing the blonde knew, he had another pair of lips on his, almost knocking the wind out of his lungs.

Luke had hardly a moment to react before Ashton pressed his tongue to the seam of his lips, and, at Luke's grant of access, delivered inside his mouth.

It was a sloppy kiss, with a strong scent of mint being exchanged in the intermingling of their billowing breaths.

The blonde's arms reached up and tangled around his thick, strong neck. In an instant, Luke had pulled away and placed his hand on Ashton's broad chest, calmed by the contact of body heat against his own.

"You're good," Ashton whispered contently. "I can imagine you did this on the daily once!"

Luke slapped his cheek playfully. "Just because I have a kid does not mean I slept around! I've actually only had one proper relationship."

"Well, Mr Hemmings I hope I will be your next."


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