Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen


Ashton scanned the classroom, all the young children quietly scribbling away in their books. He had asked them to write some sentences including commas, question and quotation marks ready for them all to share.

He submitted the register into the system and stood up, slowly pacing around the room, leaning over the children's shoulders to see that they were doing it right, pointing out when someone had done a good example.

When he got the table on the far left, where Theo sat with the timid young girl he smiled contently. It gave him comfort to know that Theo was doing well. That every day he got to see that he was getting the correct nutrients his body needed.

And not only did he see that physical improvement, but he noticed a difference in the young boys desire to learn and focus better. Ashton peered over his shoulder at the examples that the six-year-old was scribbling down and smiled happily.

Feeling the teachers presence, Theo turned around and grinned up at the older man, used to his presence daily. "Those are some great examples, Theo!" Ashton said, remaining as a teacher, avoiding appearing as more than that.

"We have done six!" he said proudly, holding up six fingers. "We did three each!"

Ashton beamed at the enthusiasm the young boy had to help the young girl, there was never any hesitation, anything but kindness. The teacher only wished everyone could be like this, and it was not lost as children became older.


Luke stepped out of the small shop where he worked and shivered at the harsh and bitter wind. Generally, he spent his lunch break in the small staff room provided as he had no need to go out and get food. He did sometimes spend it walking around to benefit his own health.

Yet today he had to head to a nearby clothes shop to pick up some new vests for Theo. As winter was hitting he knew the young boy should begin to layer up to avoid the cold and his from last year were not only a little too small but also discoloured. So he had decided to throw them out and get some fresh, crisp, white ones.

Pulling his hood down as he entered the store, he strolled to the middle and took the escalator down to the lower floor where the children's clothes were displayed, next to the men's clothes. He flicked through the packets of vests, deciding to get him a size seven to eight so they would last until the following year.

Holding them to his side, the blonde then turned in the direction of the till, but before getting there he noticed a t-shirt on a mannequin that he quite liked. Walking over to where they were folded upon each other he scanned the section for the size he wanted.

Skipping both the small and the medium, he picked up a large and held it up to his petite frame. Blinking rapidly he chucked that one back on the pile and picked up the next size XL, rapidly holding it up to his body before chucking it back down.

Luke's breathing began to grow heavier as his eyes flickered over to the next size up before shaking his head rapidly. He knew there was no point even attempting to hold it up next to his figure as it wouldn't fit, it could cling to all the wrong place.

Gulping he scurried over to the till, his chest rising and falling heavily. Flinging the pack of vests on the surface the cashier looked up at the tall man with concern. It looked as if he were hyperventilating and about to faint.

"Are you okay sir?" the young boy asked, scanning the one item and placing it back done. Luke just nodded, closing his eyes tightly for a couple of seconds. "I can go and get you some water if you like?" The blonde shook his head. The cashier read out the price and Luke handed him a note, his foot tapping up and down anxiously. "Have a good day sir."

Luke rushed out of the store, and across the street into a little cafe he often took Theo into. He knew it was rude to use the toilet without buying from there, but rushed to the back of the cafe and slammed one of the stall doors.

His breathing began to grow heavy as he panicked, not believing that he was unable to fit into any of the clothes in the store. His face then began to burn red with embarrassment at the thought of being this size around Ashton. Hugging his body tightly Luke let out his first sob, and let his head hit the wall of the cubicle. He needed Ashton here with him right now. But he also wanted Ashton out of his life if he wanted to be in control.


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