Chapter Twenty-nine

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Chapter Twenty-nine


Theo gasped, climbing up from where he was laying. "You were not supposed to tell Nanny! Daddy told us not to!"

Ashton smiled sadly and put his large hand on the small boy's shoulder supportively. "I know," he mumbled. "But, they were going to find out eventually."

"Daddy is going to hate us!" Theo groaned, moving away from his teacher and resting his head on the other arm of the sofa, he didn't like the idea of his father getting angry at him, It had not happened in a while and Theo hoped it was over.

Ashton looked over at the blondes mother who just stared at the teacher unimpressed. She knew he was expecting her to kick him out or tell him to stay away from the father and son. "What you are doing is illegal," she remarked. "Especially while Theo is in your class, but I don't know what you want me to say. I see nothing wrong with it. You like Luke, Luke likes you and so does Theo. You can't help who you fall for."

"No one has to find out though," Ashton rambled, his palms sweaty from nerves. "I'll continue to be Theo's teacher and we'll keep the relationship secret, then once Theo moves class it will be okay."

"It's difficult to hide love Ashton," Liz remarked, standing up and leaving the room.

The man sighed and looked over at Theo who looked concerned. "Hey," he whispered to the small boy. "He's not going to be angry at you, only me. You just can't tell anyone else okay?" Ashton said knowing it must be difficult for the boy to keep it a secret, he must be bursting to tell it, despite not realising the consequences.

Theo frowned and sat up. "But daddy is scary when he is angry, and even if it is not my fault he still gets angry and yells at me and it's scary!"

Ashton smiled sadly, opening his arms up for the young boy to embrace him with a hug. "I won't let him okay, I'll make sure he doesn't." Theo rested his head on his teacher's chest and closed his eyes. "He doesn't yell at you often does he?" Ashton asked curiously. Ever since he had been with the blonde he had never heard him yell at his son and didn't think he ever could. He knew Luke loved Theo and hated to see him sad.

Theo shook his head as he looked up at Ashton. "Daddy hasn't yelled at me in forever, but I've been good. He always yelled at me about food, but he's better now so he doesn't."

Ashton smiled looking over at the fireplace where a picture of the blonde stood in a silver frame. Ashton gathered Luke was around fourteen there. His hair was awkward, his skin was poor and he just looked like an unsociable teenage boy. Of course, Ashton didn't fail to notice how frail the teenage boy was. "I don't know if your dad will ever be better," Ashton remarked quietly. He felt strongly that what Luke was suffering from was part of his nature, and as it seemed prominent from birth he wasn't sure it would ever fully separate from Luke.

Ashton looked back down at Theo, his cheeks full of colour and health, he was so glad the young boy wasn't plagued with what his father had, that he could live his life in peace beside his father nagging at him for what he eats.

Both boys looked up when they heard the door unlock, and Theo whimpered in fear. Ashton hushed him and told him it would be okay. Luke grinned at them as he walked into the living room, a small takeaway bag in his hands as he placed it on the table. "What are you two doing?" he chuckled at his son who was hiding behind Ashton's arm, thinking he was being playful. The blonde slumped down next to his son and began to tickle him, but stopped when he saw tears in his son's eyes.

"Theo, what's wrong?" he asked concerned and confused as he pulled the small boy into his arms, running his fingers through his son's hair, and wiping the tears from under his eyes. The brunette didn't answer and continued to quietly sob and shake.

The older man watched, a feeling of guilt rising within him. Both boys turned to look at Luke's mother and father who just walked in with the remainder of the food. "Oh, Theo!" Liz said softly as she saw her grandson crying. "It's not your fault, and you're not in trouble."

"What did he do?" Luke asked raising an eyebrow and smoothingly running his hand up and down his sons back. Theo squinted his eyes closed.

"Why don't you ask your sons teacher?" Liz remarked. Luke looked over at Ashton before realising what his mother had just said. Luke sighed, frustrated.

"Theo didn't tell her. I did Luke," Ashton quickly added, knowing he was suspecting it was his son who told. "It just came out by accident, I'm sorry."

The blonde groaned again before placing a small kiss on Theo's head. The blonde did not want to look up at his parents, afraid of what they say. To lighten the mood, Liz said, "I don't care that he's your son's teacher Luke. But you've got yourself into this mess, just don't let it get out just yet."

Luke looked up and nodded, not wanting to talk about it with his parents feeling as if it were a taboo subject. He pulled his son upon his chest before clenching his eyes shut in pain and keeping him close by his side instead.

"Anyway," Luke's father said breaking the silence. "We don't want our food to go cold do we!"

Ashton gratefully took his portion of the takeaway and then looked at the empty table which remained.

"You didn't get anything?" Ashton asked, a mixture of concern and annoyance in his voice.

"He was complaining of a pain in his stomach, I wasn't sure whether to believe him or not, but his breathing seems off too," his father said sceptically, looking at his son who had his eyes half-closed.

Ashton looked over at his boyfriend concerned. "Did you feel like this earlier, why didn't you tell me? Maybe you need to eat something?"

The blonde shook his head and mumbled something neither could understand, cuddling even deeper into his son. "Just tired."-

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