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Luke stared at the mirror in amazement at the small amount of fat he had accumulated around his torso. Today, if he was deemed healthy, would be the blondes last hospital appointment and he could if he wanted to stop having therapy.

He allowed his fingers to pinch the soft flesh as he scanned his body. To anyone who didn't know the blonde you'd think he was being self-critical but to the blonde he was fascinated.

"You okay?" Ashton asked for the doorway of their en suite, wiping the toothpaste from his chin.

"I've done it, Ashton!" Luke remarked a huge grin on his face.

"You have!". He'd been to countless sessions with the blondes therapist and he knew that even if his fiance was healthy and eating, that might not last forever and he would still have his off days.

Ashton places his hands on the blonde's hips, resting them comfortably on the soft flesh, giving them a gentle squeeze. He looked at the blonde in the mirror and marvelled at him in admiration. Luke breathes out a sigh of relief as he let his bare backrest against Ashton.

"Luke?" Ashton whispered into the blonde's neck. "If the hospital sign you off are you going to stop therapy?" he asked curiously, letting his mouth rest on the pale skin, tempted to create a mark, but knew it would prevent the blonde from answering the question.

Luke closed his eyes so he didn't meet Ashton's. He knew what the older man was worried about and he had been contemplating it for a couple of weeks now. "I was thinking maybe I could go every month or maybe even every other, just to ensure I don't fall back down again."

Ashton breathes out a sigh of relief and picked up the younger man, the blonde's legs loosely wrapped his body. Luke was taller than him and with his growing body, Ashton was struggling more and more to lift the blonde. But he took the moment for granted as he placed his fiance on the bed and the pair sat opposite one another.

Ashton let his index finger run down the blonde's torso feeling the small fold of skin that was foreign to both the men. His hand then moved up to the blondes face, feeling the smooth skin that covering his cheek, no longer hollow and unhealthy looking.

Ashton couldn't want any more from Luke now, he was truly perfect. He was his soon to be husband, he had given him a child and Ashton believed he was with the most attractive man he could ever be with. His life could not be any better.

Luke hummed contently at Ashton's touch. Ashton groaned but knew what the blonde wanted, awkwardly fumbling to take off Luke's and his own underwear. Ashton moved in closer once again and pressed his lips against the blondes, but then pulled away and lowered his lips until the blonde felt something wet around the rim of his entrance.

Luke moaned, his semi-hard quickly becoming a hard-on, grasping at the blankets on the bed. Ashton let his tongue glid around the hole, applying more and more force as each second went by. The blonde led there with his eye closed, his mouth wide open. His mind screaming his fiance's name over and over again.

Ashton moved his tongue into the blonde's hole, the action getting easier and easier each time they did it. Luke let out small whimpers every time the older man moved his tongue about, his body shuttering from pleasure.

A knot tied itself tighter and tighter in the younger man abdomen, craving what was to come, wanting it so badly. Luke was mesmerised not only by what the older man was doing to him but truly by how beautiful he was, which just made him all the more excited. The blonde screamed Ashton's name as his cum squirted all over his chest.

Ashton bit his lip and relaxed, smirking contently at the younger man. Luke looked down at his torso and grinned at his fiance, before begging him for more.

Ashton shook his head and began to stand up, loving watching the blonde beg him for more. "You're sons downstairs," he reminded, walking into the bathroom to grab a cloth.

"Our son," Luke corrected, sitting up and looking at the mess he had made, not caring that he had to change his bedsheets yet again. Ashton threw the wet cloth at him, snorting when it landed on his head. Luke couldn't care, he was on such a high, in such a state of bliss with how good his life was.

He gently wiped at his chest, removing the substance from his body and quickly slipping on his boxers, whilst his bedroom door slowly opened, Theo standing there in his pyjamas looking at them innocently. "Why were you yelling?" the young boy asked, confused. "You were really loud?"

Ashton bit his lip amused, he knew the blonde always found it hard to control his mouth when they were in bed. "We were just having a little fight, for fun!" he lied, awfully, opening his arms up for his son to come and hug him.

Theo chucked himself on the bed and cuddled into his father's bare chest, taking in the soft flesh and warm heat that was escaping it. Ashton watched them contently, Luke begging for him to come and join them. Ashton slowly sat next to the blonde, allowing Luke to rest his own head on the older man's chest.

Theo grinned at the pair goofily, partly because he had lost his first tooth right at the front of his mouth and both Luke and Ashton had concluded that he looked ridiculous. "I made you both breakfast!" Theo announced proudly.

Luke responded with worry. "You know you shouldn't touch things that are hot Theo."

"I didn't," he defended, looking at his father innocently. "I made your cereal, but because you are a weirdo daddy and you can't have milk, I made your cereal with orange juice!"

Ashton snorted and Luke's eyes widened in shock as to why his son thought you could put cereal and orange juice together. He smiled at Theo sweetly "You're gonna have to eat that!" Ashton whispered, excited to watch the blonde try the weird mixture.

"I'm not hungry," he whispered to the older man, a small grin on his face.

Ashton slapped him playfully. "Come on Theo, let's go and eat it, we need to go out soon!" Theo clapped excitedly and quickly got up, leading the pair down the stairs. Ashton gently squeezed the bum.

"I fucking hate you!" Luke whispered through gritted teeth, turning around to look at his fiance.

Ashton just grinned. "Just live in the moment Luke, you might actually like it!"


I mean it started off shit but ended okay I think? 

I've been writing this book for a little under a year and cannot believe that I have finished it! It's going to be weird not writing it anymore but all good things come to an end, aye?

I think this is my best and favourite book I have written just because it is the most realistic and I think helpful.

I really hope you have enjoyed reading it and if you have any questions just comment them below and I'll answer them.

Also if this book affected you in any way, I am sorry. I am always here to talk and support you!

Live in the Moment - LashtonWhere stories live. Discover now