Chapter Thirty-three

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Chapter Thirty-three


Theo squealed as he hurried into the house, running in and out of each room and taking in the familiar smell of their house, before sliding onto the living room floor an empty his basket of toys everywhere.

"Careful!" Ashton rushed out as he saw the blonde pick up his bag with all the belongings from the hospital. "Let me take it," he said, attempting to take the bag from Luke.

"I've got it, it's fine. You take Theo's," Luke disagreed, turning towards his house, ready to enter the house he had lived in for over five years. A place where he had never been away from for more than a day, but he had been stuck at the hospital for over two weeks and he missed being an independent single father more than anything.

The blonde had spent countless days whilst Theo was only young wishing there was someone else to help him out, look after him and his son, or just give him one day to rest and have a moment to himself. And now that he had two weeks to himself there was nothing more he wanted to get back into the routine of him trying to heave the bags into the house whilst his son goes and plays carefree.

"Clint said you shouldn't do anything strenuous. Please let me take it, you need to rest," he argued, attempting to take the bag once again.

Luke groaned and turned to face the older man. "If you let me take this bag up to my room, maybe we could have a couple of minutes to ourselves?" he suggested.

Ashton smirked slightly, stepping closer to the younger man. "Or I could take the bag and we could still have some fun?" Luke shook his head and began to sprint towards the house, Ashton chasing behind him. Evidently, Ashton was quicker than the blonde and scooped him up into his arms. "We can both carry the bag!" he grinned, placing a kiss on the blonde's lips. "And you can save your energy for me!"

Once the pair made it to the blondes, room Ashton quickly pushed Luke down onto the bed and straddled him, their lips meeting excitedly, their hands clutching at one another clothes. "This isn't as strenuous as carrying the bags," Luke mumbled knowing he shouldn't be doing something this physical yet wanted it more than anything.

Luke moaned as Ashton began to grind upon his hips, oblivious to what the blonde had just said. Ashton letting his kisses move from the boy's lip to his neck where he began to suck causing Luke to groan once again. "We don't have time!" he breathed out fiddling with Ashton's shirt. He knew Theo would be marching up the stairs calling for him soon.

Ashton hummed in agreement and began to pull the blonde's shirt over his head. The pair undressed. Luke grabbing Ashton from around his neck, kissing him before Ashton pushed him back down on the bed, forgetting how delicate the small blonde still was.

Ignoring the way Luke was staring at him, Ashton slipped off his boxers then proceeded to slide them down his legs, dropping them to the floor.

He then grabbed the blondes small waist and flipped him into his stomach, Luke groaning in pain, a pain he was willing to pursue. Ashton gripped Luke's bum in his hands before moving his face closer to the blonde's cheeks, opening his mouth ready to lick the entrance.

"Daddy, why don't you have any clothes on?" Theo asked staring at the pair who were stark naked. Luke's eyes widened as he clutched Ashton tightly to hide his own naked body.

"Don't worry Theo, go downstairs and I'll be down to make you some dinner in a minute," he rushed out, his hand flailing about besides the bed to find his boxers.

Theo went to open his mouth to reject but knew he should not be there, he quietly closed the door and did what his father told him to do.

"Oh wow, I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in my life!" Luke laughed stiffly. "My own son walked in on me having sex, hell we didn't even have sex! I'm so glad he doesn't know what we were doing!" He slowly flipped himself back over and looked at Ashton who was just laughing, still straddling the younger man.

"He must be terrified after seeing my ass!" Luke grinned as he took the older mans bum in his hands, cupping each cheek.

"I love your bum," Luke stated, placing a small, teasing kiss on Ashton's collarbone before standing up.

Ashton grabbed a pillow and placed it in his lap, watching the blonde in awe. "You look beautiful," he remarked as the blonde pulled on his plain black boxers.

Luke scoffed. "I'm underweight Ashton," Luke muttered. "And I look half pregnant from the bloating," he claimed, pulling out some old, comfy clothes from the drawer and putting them on.

Ashton sighed at the way the younger boy talked about his body. The pair had talked about it the previous day, the blonde upset and overwhelmed by how much he had been consuming yet how little his body had changed. He was beginning to realise how unhealthy his lifestyle really was, and only wanted to be healthy again whilst eating enough the best he could.

"When I carried you up the stairs—" Ashton began in hopes to make the blonde feel more confident. Luke turned to look at him knowingly. "You felt heavier."

"Four pounds isn't going to make a difference!" Luke retorted, letting his hand lay on his bloated stomach. "I don't even know why you want to have sex with me, why you want to see me naked."

The older man heard the hurt in the youngers man tone and sighed. "I told you, Luke I love you for you, I don't care what your body looks like. I just—"

"Theo's waiting, you might want to put some clothes on," Luke stated blunting as he left his room, shutting the door behind him, leaving Ashton staring at the door frowning.

He screamed in frustration and threw the pillow at the door, and fell back onto the bed. Luke had been so strong for the past two weeks and they'd been back less than an hour was already closing up on him again.


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