Chapter Thirty-five

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Chapter Thirty-five

Ashton watched Luke leave the playground, Theo's hand in his own. The small boy happily hurrying beside the blonde man, who had instantly turned around after his and Ashton's eyes locked. That was the first time they had met each other's eyes in a little over a month.

Neither had messaged or called the other, too stubborn and anxious. Any information either the blonde or teacher wanted to receive was obtained through the small boy who would happily discuss it with the other, loving them both dearly, and missing Ashton immensely.

Ashton turned to go back into the school, into his classroom. He sighed as he looked around, feeling his eyes become slightly wet with tears. Today was the last day of the term before Christmas break, it was also the last day the teacher would teach in the classroom. The last day he would teach Theo and all the other small children he cared for dearly. He went over to his desk and picked up his phone, seeing a message from Liz informing him of the time the blonde was going to get to her house that evening.

Sitting on the spinning desk chair he began to empty out his draws, placing random objects in the cardboard box, reminiscing and the memories his first job had created. He knew he was going to miss the school and the people within it, but he knew that he was going to be even happier with the opportunities that he would get now that he was leaving.


Ashton pressed the doorbell and patiently waited for someone to answer the door, a bouquet of flower held tightly in his hands. He was nervous, he was ninety-nine per cent certain that Luke agreed to this but at there was one per cent of him that believed that this one month period that they had not spent together marked the end of their relationship.

There was murmuring from behind the door and the lock clicked as it opened to reveal Luke looking confused. "Ashton?" he said in shock, his eyes settling on the flowers before looking down at his feet. "How did you know I was here?"

"I know all!" Ashton joked, handing the flowers to the blonde who smiled gratefully. "I'm joking I messaged your mother!"

Luke laughed slightly, his eyes rising to meet the older man, both hearts soft with joy and content at the sight of one another. "Thank you," he said gesturing to the flower. "I've um missed you," he admitted opening the door up wider for his son's teacher to enter the house, closing the door behind him so that no more cold air would enter the house.

"I've missed you as well," Ashton laughed taking the taller man in his arms and engulfing him in a hug, taking in the familiar scent. Luke pulled away grinning at Ashton, attempting to lean in and kiss him but Ashton swerved to the side shaking his head. "Wait till later," he whispered with a cheeky smirk.

"What, why?" Luke groaned impatiently, leaning in again to try and place his lips of Ashton's, but the older man kept swerving playfully. "I've been waiting for a month to do this! I need you, Ashton!" he complained.

"You could have called me, I would have come round," Ashton argued, knowing they both in the wrong for being stubborn but Ashton truly believed he had a rational reason.

"I was scared," Luke admitted, looking down shamefully at his feet. "I thought you hated me, I was being so irritable and I knew you were fed up with me, and now look at me I've gained weight and I didn't think you'd be interested, that I didn't look as good—"

Ashton simply shook his head, placing his hands gently on the blondes him. "I could never hate you, Luke. I'd do anything for you, you know that. I just needed some time to know this was what I wanted and I regret it took this long but wow I am in for a treat tonight," he beamed, letting his hand rest on the blondes bum as he took in his body.

Luke shied away from as he took Ashton's hand and led him into the living room. Theo hurried over to the pair and hugged Ashton tightly, Luke constantly reminding him throughout the month that no matter how much he missed his teacher he could not hug him at school.

Ashton grinned and picked up the young boy, groaning unexpectedly at how heavy Theo had gotten. "You're feeding him well then?" Ashton asked the blonde, hugging the small boy tightly as he clung to him like a Koala.

"I have," Luke confirmed proudly. "He hasn't gained weight though," Luke confirmed, muffling his son's hair as he watched him embrace his boyfriend.

"Weighs the poor boy every weekend," his mother remarked, turning down the television to communicate with his son and his boyfriend.

Ashton looked at Luke shocked, but Luke just rolled his eyes at his mother. "I was talking to my therapist about how I was worried about Theo becoming overweight—"

"Luke he was nowhere near overweight!" Ashton exclaimed, trying his hardest not to cause a fight but wanting to protect the young boy.

"I know. But, he just wants to eat bloody everything and my therapist understands how my mind works and said that it was okay if I planned what Theo eats and it is okay if I weigh him if it keeps me sane. Theo's healthier that way."

Theo looked up at Ashton and grinned. "If I follow daddy's plan I get to go to the play centre. The man who daddy sees every week told daddy and it was a very good idea. It's so fun, you can come!" he exclaimed not phased by the wrongness of the situation. Unaware of the damage in way do in his later years.

Luke looked at Ashton with begging eyes, who put the small boy down. "It helps me, Ashton. The action isn't malicious. It just makes it easier for me to eat."

Ashton nodded, placing an arm around the blonde waist in attempt to stop him from worrying. "It's fine, I trust you," he said supportively. "Now, go get your shoes on I've got a night planned for us!" he smirked.

"I can't, Theo," he said, gesturing to the small boy who was back on the floor playing with his trucks.

"I'm looking after him," his mother interjected. "Me and Ashton's had this planned for days!" she grinned, gesturing for the pair to leave. "Go and have fun!"

Luke grinned following after Ashton, excited to spend the night with him after so long. Ashton watched the blonde peacefully as he put his shoes on, smiling to himself at how lucky he had gotten to have them in his life. "Don't you ever let me not see you this long again! wI want you in my arms every day!"


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