Chapter Thirty-seven

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Chapter Thirty-seven


Liz had invited both her son and grandson round for dinner, which had become a common occurrence over the past Sunday's now that they both willingly ate. Nothing could make her any happier.

"Luke?" she spoke up, as she put her cutlery down on the plate and watched her son who was staring blankly into space. He hadn't said much to anyone today, but she let it be. But now that he hadn't touched his dinner she was growing more and more worried. The blonde looked up at her waiting for her to say something. "Are you not going to eat your dinner?"

Luke looked down at the plate and just shook his head. He pushed his chair back and walked away from the table. Theo watched his father and pouted. "Daddy has been sad for ages!" he complained, as he chewed on his dinner.

Liz smiled sadly and pushed her own chair back, not worrying that she hadn't finished, just that her son was okay. "Stay here with grandad for a bit, okay Theo?" Theo nodded understandingly and continued to eat his dinner.

She peered around the living room doorway to see her son curled up in a ball on the sofa, his hood covering his head. She cleared her throat and asked. "So what's up with you?" Luke groaned and sat up and looked at his mother. She could tell he was tired, there were bags under his eyes.

"I can't stop thinking," he sighed, letting his mother sit down beside her and placing his head on her shoulder. Liz sat there silently, waiting for him to reveal more to her. She didn't want to pry as thoughts were simply a private matter, but she wanted to find a way to make him happier.

When he didn't respond she asked. "Has this got anything to do with Ashton? I was surprised you didn't bring him today? What happened that night?"

"He got a new job," Luke stated bluntly, the night playing over and over again in his head, all he could hear was him turning the offer down to be with someone he loved. "He took it so we could be together and Theo wouldn't have to move school."

"Well, that's great! Why are you so upset about it?" she asked confused, knowing the illegal nature to their relationship stopped them from fulfilling it completely.

"It's a school about an hour away, and he's obviously moving closer."

Liz was still confused. "You can still see him, Luke. Ashton would be more than happier to drive and see you."

Luke shook his head at her misunderstanding. "He brought a house, a two-bedroom house and asked me to move in with him," he sobbed, letting his mother take his hand and hold it tightly. "For months I've wanted to live with him and then he asked me and I said no."

"Do you want to?" she asked knowing how unstable his mind was. "Luke, Ashton provides you with so much stability and you both love each other. I couldn't think of any reason why you shouldn't."

Luke sniffled and nodded in agreement. "I know, I'm just not sure how I'd cope with the change. I really want to live with him and I know how much he adores Theo. I'd love for him to father him too."

"Maybe this change will be good for you, it'll help you."

Luke nodded, reflecting upon all the positives he had just been told. "That's even if he wants me to still do it and what about Theo, he might now want to."

"Theo!" she yelled, signalling for the young boy to come into the living room. Seconds later he came hurrying in and looked at the pair, noticing his father was crying. He quickly rushed over and engulfed his father his a huge hug.

"Why are you sad daddy?" he asked confused, looking up at the blondes face in which his eyes were red and his cheeks wet. "It's nearly Christmas! Five days!" he cheered excitedly. Luke did not want to hear about it, he hadn't got barely any presents for his son, let alone family and friends.

"I'm not sad anymore Theo," he told his son who grinned. "And I have an early Christmas present for you if you'd like it?"

Theo beamed as he sat up and began jumping around excited. "Yes, please! Where is it? What is it?

Luke chuckled, knowing that this might not even be definite, Ashton may not want them to now. "Ashton has asked us to live with him."

Theo's smile faded before it appeared again, as he processed the information. "Does that mean I can see him every day and he can make me nice food?" the small boy asked excitedly, wanting to see the older man every day.

Luke nodded, relief filling his body that his son actually wanted to do this. "This means that you'll get a new room and we will live further from school, but I think we will be so much happier," Luke said, looking at his mother who nodded in agreement.

"When can we move? Can we move today?" he asked excitedly, his mind running wild with creative thoughts of what the new house will look like.

"I'm not sure," Luke admitted, ruffling his son's hair. "I don't even know if Ashton wants us to now. Maybe I'll give him a call and see if he'll meet us in town, how does that sound?" Luke hadn't messaged Ashton since that night. He was too embarrassed. They had pretty much spent the whole night and the journey home in silence, and Luke thought that maybe their relationship was truly over. That Ashton had finally had enough.

Luke sighed, clinging to the hope he had left that Ashton would stick by him one more time. He let his index finger run over his ring finger and smiled slightly. Luke knew that he wanted to be with Ashton for the rest of his life. He wanted Ashton to father his child and he prayed that Ashton still wanted that too.


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