Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


Luke's mum smiled when seeing her son at the door, his own son close by his side. Their two hands linked and a small backpack on Theo's back. She didn't fail to notice how frail her son was though. She beckoned them in, informing them about how they had no electricity yesterday and it took forever to fix.

"So where are you going today?" she asked a small smile on her face as she watched Theo through the doorway, emptying the toys from his backpack onto the carpet.

"Just on a date. I think we're just walking around the park. Nothing much." It was a big deal to his mother though, she hadn't seen him a date in a couple of years, and she really wanted for someone else to be in her son's life, whether it was male or female. She opened her lips, buzzing to ask a question but Luke stopped her. "No, I'm not telling you anything about him! Theo doesn't even know him yet. I just want to make sure he's the one before I bring him into any of your lives."

She nodded respectfully but badly wanted to see a picture of the man that brought joy to the blondes life. He had only been helping out with Theo for a week, and although it pained Luke to see what Theo was eating the pleasure of the older man being there was something else.

"Okay," she accepted. "I guess I have to feed Theo what's on that stupid list," she muttered looking over at the piece of paper that was on the fridge. She knew that Theo had collapsed and had been in the hospital, Luke had told her some details, but she was unaware of what was happening with his diet. It shocked her that the authority even let the blonde look after him with the state he was in.

Luke wanted to agree with her so badly but knew that Theo would probably tell her otherwise, he wasn't stupid. "No," he mumbled, tearing it off and putting in the bin. "He's not allowed to follow it anymore."

Her eyes widened slightly at what he did. "You've been feeding him normally?" she asked, peering back over at Theo. There was no noticeable change in his body, but he did have a healthier glow to him.

"Yeah, I've had too. I can't lose him. I'd prefer him not to eat meat. We've been giving him substitutes but he's had dairy and stuff."

Liz could hear the pain in his voice. "What about you? Have you been eating?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm fine mum. I know what I'm doing, I'm a grown man now." His mother knew that meant he hadn't been eating and worried how far he would take this, how much longer his body could handle this for. "I got to get going," he quickly added, not wanting to be questioned anymore.

"Alright. Have fun!" she said, giving him a small kiss on his head. He rolled his eyes and walked off down towards the end of the street where Ashton was waiting in his car. Luke knew if he were to park outside the house his mother would notice and then go and speak to him.

Liz shut the door behind her and walked into her living room to see Theo playing. "Theo?" she said quietly. "Has daddy been eating?"

The small boy shook his head looking at his grandmother. "I've been having chocolate!"


The pair were planning on walking around a small park in the town centre, but the weather had turned to worse and it was not chucking to down with rain. Ashton knew that there was no way he could get the blonde to go to a restaurant, even if he were to just sit there and not have anything to eat. He would still be overwhelmed by the food around him.

Therefore they ended up inside a little pub on the outskirts of the town, that Ashton often went to on Friday afternoon with his work colleagues. "What do you want?" the teacher asked as they sat at a table in the corner.

Luke thought about it, it was rare he ever got to go out especially at a scene where there was alcohol and as bad as he knew it was for his body he muttered. "I'll have a beer please."

Ashton's eyes widened in shock but did not question anything because he did not want to cause the blonde to change his mind. He returned, placing the blondes pint in front of him and his own pint of coke on his coaster and a little bag of peanuts in the middle; for them to share — hopefully.

"Thanks," Luke said, taking a sip of the drink, pulling a face at the taste that he had not come into contact with in a while.

"You drink often?" Ashton asked curiously.

Luke shrugged. "Not much anymore, I'm always stuck at home with Theo and I don't like having in the house." Ashton furrowed his eyebrows slightly, wanting to raise a question but Luke knew what he wanted to ask. "I always keep a bottle of vodka though, never know when I'll need it!" Ashton chuckled. "What about you?"

"I don't drink during the weeks, I don't have time. I usually come here with my workmates on Friday and maybe a drink or two on the weekend, nothing mad."

Luke nodded, looking down at the table which was a dark mahogany. Ashton reached his hand under the table and placed his hand on Luke's, before moving it so it was resting on the inside of the blonde thigh. Luke squirmed at the intimate action, smiling to himself. It had been a long time since anything that intimate had happened.

"You like that?" Ashton mumbled quietly, seeing the red rise to the blonde's cheeks.

Luke hummed in response, placing his own hand on Ashton's. "It's nice."

Ever since he and Luke had been getting closer, Ashton had wanted to be more intimate but it was difficult with Theo always around and now they were in public and he didn't feel comfortable being to intimate in the pub as there were many drunk men who might not be as accepting. He also couldn't get over how small his thigh was. It felt wrong like it were the size of one of his students.

Luke, however, didn't mind too much, thus he pouted when Ashton slipped his hand away. "Sorry," he whispered to the blonde. He shook his head, trying to get the thought out of his head.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Luke asked, panicked that maybe Ashton didn't like him that way.

Ashton shook his head. "Nothing." He pushed the bag of peanuts towards Luke. "Eat them! I got the unsalted ones just for you."

"I don't want them," Luke shot back, confused by the sudden change of conversation. "What's wrong Ash?"

Ashton closed his eyes and shook his head, before starting again, "Nothing." He quickly reached out and grabbed the blonde's hand again for reassurance.

With the other he took a nut out of the back and brought it up to the blonde's mouth, waiting for him to open his mouth, but he didn't. Sighing Ashton put it in his own mouth and stared at the blonde. He liked him, he really did. But, the deeper he delved into his thoughts Ashton knew he couldn't ever be with Luke, not like this.


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