Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty


Ashton watched Luke from the doorway, the young man laying limply in a hospital bed, a thin gown covering his frail body. Ashton could see his chest rising and falling slowly through the material, almost too slowly.

His eyes were partially shut, resting, but he wasn't asleep. The nurse had just told him that when she came to collect him. He was just weak. It was strange to think he almost looked at peace, that there wasn't a mess of thoughts swarming around in his head telling him what he could and coudl not do.

Ashton knew that right now all Luke needed was to be supported, to help himself to get to the level his son was at. To break out of this state of mind and to stop him being so ignorant. But, Luke was an adult. He could decide what would happen and Ashton was worried that Luke wasn't going to agree with what was going to be said.

At the slight shuffling noise at the doorway, the blonde's eyes fluttered opened and he tilted his head towards the source, smiling a little at the older man. "Where's Theo?" he asked, his voice hoarse and weak. "Is he okay? Does he know what has happened?"

"He knows you're here," Ashton confirmed sitting on the side of the hospital bed. "I haven't told him what for. I stayed at yours whilst you were brought here and then I got this call so I dropped him off at your mum's, told her you were here and that I was coming to see you."

Luke closed his eyes and sighed. "She's going to hate me being with you. She's against anything like this."

Ashton just shook his head and took the blonde's hand. "This won't matter to her right now Luke. All that will matter is that you are alright and are able to get out of this." Closing his eyes tightly shut, Luke began to push himself up into a sitting position.

"Have they said anything to you yet?" Luke whispered, picking at the medical band around his wrist that contained all his details.

"Only that you're underweight which I knew anyway," the older man admitted, leaning in to take one of the blonde's hands. When feeling it was cold he began to gently rub it. Ashton watched him faintly shake his head. "You fell unconscious Luke," he began. He was not going to raise his voice or show frustration, just keep a calm tone so the blonde didn't get too upset.

"I was just sleeping," Luke dismissed, remembering the events clearly from before he ended up here.

"We tried to wake you. You were unconscious."

Luke sighed and slouched back down slightly, bringing his index finger to trail down his torso. "They told me I'm underweight and lacking any of the right nutrients, that's what this thing is for," he remarked, gesturing with his head to a tube.

"You are underweight Luke. You need to listen to them—"

"I know I'm underweight!," Luke snapped back, tightening his grip on Ashton's hand. "I've been underweight for years Ashton. People tell me that I should eat more or get help. Not once have I ever collapsed, not until today. I'm good and what I do Ashton, I'm not going to kill myself I know what I'm doing."

The man shook his head in terror at what he had just heard. It scared him how aware Luke was with what he was doing with his body, and how dismissal he was about recovering.

"Luke," Ashton whispered gently wanting to ease the tension in the air. "You've collapsed this time, don't you think you just went a little too far? Maybe just gain one or two pounds back?" he tried to bargain.

The blonde closed his eyes and leant his head against the cushion. "If I wanted to gain weight," he began. "That would involve eating the most disgustingly unhealthy foods. I don't want to contribute that to my body. It's bad enough seeing Theo as a victim to it."

Ashton pouted and cupped the blondes face in his hands, leaning forward and gently kissing him. For a slight second Luke pulled back in shock yet soon leaned in again and let Ashton kiss him.

The older man intertwined his fingers into the blondes hair as he slipped his tongue into the blonde's mouth. Just as Luke went to do the same someone cleared their throat from the doorway.

"It's good to see that you have some energy, Luke." Ashton recognised him as the same doctor who had been consulting Theo. "I have been briefed on your condition and as I have been dealing with your son he thought that it would be best if were your doctor too."

Luke wipes his lips and tugged the hem of his gown down to cover more of his body. His cheeks still flushing red with humiliation. It had been a long time since he had been in a relationship and done anything romantic in public, it was going to take some getting used to.

"Now I've looked over your files and—" the doctor began, looking over at Luke. "This isn't the first time that you have ended up in this situation."


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