Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


"I'll see you tomorrow morning, okay?" Ashton mumble softly into the blondes head as he leant over his gear stick. Luke hummed in agreement

He lowered his face to Luke's and their lips met, the moment they had both dreamed of since their last — an eternity ago. He placed his hand on Ashton's chest and drew him closer deepening the kiss. As they parted they saw each other's eyes sparkle and lips curve up into a smile and in response to one another.

"I'll miss you," Luke whispered back, unclipping the belt and leaving the car. Like usual Ashton had parked around the corner so his mother couldn't see him. As he reached his house and closed the door behind him, Luke cursed. Now that he was no longer in Ashton's arms the events of the day came flooding back to him.

"Luke is that you?" his mother called out from the living room. Luke took a deep breath and found his way through the dark hallway, it being close to midnight.

He nodded, then realised that she could not see him. "Yes," he mumbled back, stepping into the warm light and smiling awkwardly at her. She smiled back sweetly, looking at him with squinted eyes, clearly tired. "Did Theo behave for you?"

"He was good as gold!" she remarked. "Went to bed no problem. How was your date? Where did you go?"

"Only to the cinema, just watched that new sci-fi that was out, nothing good!"

She nodded, pulling her cardigan over his shoulders, and grabbing her bag. "You look happy. I'm glad he makes you happy." She engulfed him in a hug, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Right, I'll be off. Pop in tomorrow if you want. I'm planning on cooking bolognese, I'm sure Theo will want some and maybe you too."

Luke simply nodded and thanked her once again for looking after her son for the couple of hours he was gone. They both knew that he would be no trouble, Luke just always felt guilting when she had to look after him like he was a burden.

As soon as he locked the door the blonde found his hands resting on his stomach, clutching at it viciously with his nails. Clenching his eyes shut tightly, Luke thought about the one piece of popcorn that Ashton had sneakily slipped into his mouth without consent. And Luke sat there and chewed it, and swallowed it, allowing it to contribute to his body mass.

Scrambling up from where he sat by the door he pelted up the staircase and into the bathroom, shoving his fingers down his throat and waiting desperately for the single piece to resurface surrounded by bile. After each gag, nothing came until he slammed down the toilet seat and screamed into his palms.

His throat was now hoarse and as he slumped down the stairs. The blonde yanked open the cupboard door above the sink and grabbed the half-opened bottle of vodka. Not caring to get a cup, he slid onto the cold tiled floor and sipped away at the pure liquid, each sip wincing at the taste. Luke let a tear roll down his cheek and fall onto the floor behind him.

The blonde felt betrayed that Ashton would do that to him. Put something so nasty, and unnatural into his body - he thought Ashton cared about him. He was confused as to what his and Ashton's relationship was. Sobbing now, the blonde let the bottle slip out of his, and shatter into shards on the floor.

Groaning he pushed himself up and struggled into the living room, collapsing onto the sofa. Curling up into a ball, he rocked gently wishing that his son's teacher was here, behind him, with his arms wrapped around his body. His eyes now heavy began to flutter shut as he imagined the warmth of Ashton's body behind him, smiling stupidly at the thought of the man being there. All Luke needed was Ashton, but all he had was his emotions and the smashed bottle of vodka.


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