Chapter Thirty-six

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Chapter Thirty-six


"You're starting to fill out," Ashton remarked smiling from where he lay in the hotel bed watching the blonde in awe. The blonde stood by the small sofa combing out his curls with a towel wrapped around his slim waist. He had just gotten out of the shower. Ashton begged him to cuddle with him yet he felt unclean and sweaty after the sex they had just had and wanted to clean off.

"I know," Luke agreed looking down at his torso, gently running his index finger over his stomach. "It's strange, I haven't had an ounce of fat on me for around four years, and even before that I've always been underweight."

"You're still underweight right?" Ashton asked, not knowing any of the blondes updates since they hadn't seen each other in just over a month. He'd missed Luke more than he could ever imagine missing someone, and he felt blessed to see Luke in such a good state of mind. A state of mind he could never imagine seeing him in.

"Not by much," he rushed out, placing the comb down. He dropped the towel to his ankles and left it on the floor. "My therapist said I'm doing well, I'm going at the right pace.

"Ashton knew that the blonde thought he was criticising his slow improvement and took it as an offence. "I know. Slow and steady wins the race. And I'm so proud of you Luke. To think a couple of months ago you'd break down at even the thought of food and now you're actually eating it. You're stronger than you think you are Luke."

Luke smiled sweetly at Ashton and sat down on the bed crossed legged in front of Ashton allowing him to have a full view of his naked body. He was proud of how far he had come, especially by himself and how committed he had been to actually go to therapy. He truly believed that if it wasn't for the love he felt for both his son and Ashton he would have never been here right now.

The older man pulled the duvet closer to his body in an attempt to hide his growing crotch. "It always surprises me," he admits, biting his lip in frustration. "How confident you are with your body. I always expect you to be insecure and hiding it away in the baggiest clothes going! But no you are sat in front of me stark naked with absolutely no care!"

Luke chuckled. "I'll put my pyjamas on if—" he began, leaning over the side of the bed to grab them but the older man grabbed the blonde's hips and held him still, shaking his head in disagreement.

"I didn't think you could get any prettier, " he admitted, running his hand over the blondes bare torso, feeling the thin layer of flesh that covered his bones. It was much, but enough to make Ashton feel comforted that the blonde was growing healthier and stronger each day and that he had willingly done it by himself.

Ashton playfully pushed Luke down in the bed and began placing small kisses all over his body, the younger man giggling at how his breath tickled against his bare skin. Ashton smirked, as he moved his hand to the blonde's hips and gently tickled them, causing him to squirm and erupt into fits of laughter.

"Ashton stop!" he gasped, still too weak to fight back, and move again against Ashton's firm grip.

Once Ashton finally tired, Luke rested his head upon Ashton's bare chest, the duvet hiding his naked body. "I wish we could do this every day," Luke sighed, loving the warmth of Ashton's body radiating through him. Ashton hummed in agreement, thoughts of them living together flashing through his mind. "But, it's just too difficult, We'd have to wait at least a year," he complained, fiddling with the thick strands of hair on his chest. "I know it's selfish but I've really been considering moving Theo to another school. He makes friends easily and-" Luke stopped as he clutched his stomach as it growled.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked, worried that Luke was going to collapse and end up in the hospital again like the last time he complained of stomach pains.

Luke nodded simply. "I get worried sometimes when my stomach makes a noise, I don't want to go back to the hospital. I'm just hungry that's all," he explained, relaxing again, and flipping over so he was on his stomach, his head resting on his hands-on Ashton's chest, staring adoringly at the older man.

"We can get room service if you like," Ashton said, happily agreeing to feed the younger man.

Luke laughed slightly. "No it's fine, it's too expensive," he said, yearning for the feeling of hunger to disappear, something he managed to become immune to for so many years of his life, but it seemed he was always hungry.

"No, my treat," Ashton said, reaching over to get the menu for them to look at. "Besides I'm hungry too."

"Ashton," Luke complained. "It'd be cheaper to go out," he suggested.

Ashton simply shook his head and stubbornly argued. "It's cold out and I'm sure everywhere is full at the time of night. I'd rather be in the warm cuddled up with you."

Luke simply pouted, he didn't want to waste Ashton's money when they could get something cheaper and Ashton recognise Luke was struggling with it. "Luke, it really is fine. I have the money. Well, there is something I need to tell you," he admitted hesitantly, lifting the blondes chin up and looking him directly in the eye.

Luke watched him, trying to read what he had to say, hoping it wasn't anything negative. That he was leaving him. "Please tell me it's good?" he begged quickly sitting up, anxiously waiting for Ashton to tell him.

Ashton took the blonde's hands in his own. "You were just talking about sending Theo to another school. You're right, it is selfish, as much as I want to be with you. But, a month ago I was offered a job at a non-state school about an hour away from here."

Luke smiled and began to congratulate Ashton before his face dropped and frowned. "You're moving aren't you?"

Ashton nodded in agreement knowing Luke thought the worst of the situation. "I sort of took a big chance here," he admitted. "But, I brought a two-bedroom house midway between Theo's and this school and I was hoping you'd want to join me."

It took a minute for Luke to process the information, he didn't what to think of it. He wanted to live with Ashton so much, but this was a big change for him and for Theo. They'd have to find a way of getting to school, too far for the small boy to walk and he hadn't lived with someone for seven years. "I really want to Ashton," he admitted. "But, I don't think I can. I'm so sorry, I just can't."


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