Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one


"You've been here before? You just told me you've always had this under control?" Ashton asked shocked. The teacher didn't understand that if the blonde had been unconscious before why no one had done anything about it.

"I was like four!" Luke dismissed. "Just child problems."

"You were seven," the doctor spoke up, both knew him well enough now to know his name was Clint. "And it was a refusal to eat. Just from scanning over your records Luke there are a couple of other times Luke where your parents have taken you to the doctors because of their concern for your lack of care for food."

"I was just a fussy eater as a child, that was all. That was over ten years ago. I'm fine," he argued, crossing his arms over his torso.

"Luke," Clint sighed. "What I have read from this makes it all the more evident what you are suffering from. You weren't a fussy eater as a child, rather you had a fear of food and as you have grown older you have decided to cut out food from your diet altogether because you think it is impure or unhealthy."

"That sounds just like Luke," Ashton confirmed. "He can't even look at something unhealthy without squirming."

Luke groaned in frustration. "I'm merely just looking out for my body. I'm sorry that I don't feed my body all the crap that you all eat but I'm actually aware of the damage it can do."

"And what about the damage starving yourself can do?"

The blonde rolled his eyes. "My body is doing just fine,, But if I were eating the crap that some people ate I bet you I would have been dead by now. I bet if you were to look at Theo after the rubbish you have been feeding him you will find problems with his body arising."

"Theo is growing into a strong young boy, he is very nearly back at a sufficient weight. Now you are our concern and we cannot just ignore the fact you are here in this bed. You fell unconscious right?"

"I guess," the blonde sulked, pushing his hair back out of his face.

"And can we come to an agreement that the reason this happened was that you were not eating enough?"

Luke nodded slowly and grumpily. Ashton began to rub soothing patterns into the back of the blonde's hand to calm him down. He could tell that he was getting agitated and knew that if he were not calmed down he would begin to slap.

"One thing I need to be certain of before I postulate a diagnosis is how you see your body, Luke?"

Luke sighed. The man had pried into his life now and there was no point denying it. "Depends," he murmurs uncomfortably. "I see how thin I am, but when I eat or see people eating such unnatural food I can sense the fat building up in my body."

"None of this started because you wanted to lose weight?"

It took Luke a minute to respond, casting his mind back to when this started. He couldn't quite grasp the pinnacle point when that was but could establish all the contributing factors. "No," he whispered in agreement.

Clint nodded and looked over at Ashton and then back over at the blonde. He could tell that he was tired and still weak. "Tomorrow I will get a nurse to do a full body examination and then from there we can decide what course you want to take, and what I advise you to do." Luke smiled slightly.

"Thank you," Ashton said, grateful for the man's help and consideration towards the blonde and his situation. Once Clint had left, Ashton turned to Luke who was staring down at his lap and squeezed his hands tightly. "This is all for the best Luke."

"I know." His voice was hoarse and sounded as if he was about to cry. "This has just been a part of me for so long Ashton that I don't know who I am without it."

Ashton shrugged simply and cupped blondes face in his hands, placing a small kiss on hips. "I don't know what you will be like Luke," he breathed out, planting another, longer kiss. "But, I think I might like him."


This chapter was not planned but I felt it was needed after the last chapter. 

Please comment what you think.

I had my driving test today and I passed! I honestly cannot wait to get a car and start driving.

Thank you so much for reading.

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