Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-three


"Choose something for me," Luke whispered nervously. "Vegan and healthy and—"

"We'll have this," Ashton said pointing at a burger on the menu, showing the blonde want he meant.

The older man sensed the blonde tense up. Luke shook his head in disagreement. "No Ashton. I've been vegan since I was around thirteen. I don't care how unhealthy it is but I won't eat anything like that. I just can't."

Ashton questioned him no more and nodded in respect, looking down at the menu to see what vegan options there were. Overall there was only one that he felt happy with Luke eating, that wasn't too small or a healthy alternative.

"It must be difficult to find places that cater to you," Ashton chuckled as he folded up the menu and waited for a server to come over.

Luke smiled slightly, remembering how inconvenient it was the rest of his family having to search around if they were to ever eat out. "Yeah, it did use too, Mum always used to research beforehand."

"You haven't eaten out in a while have you?" Ashton asked, knowing it was a stupid question, knowing it had been over a year since the blonde had even eaten a proper meal.

Luke shook his head. "It makes me anxious," he admits. "I don't know what they are giving me. They could easily lie. And I don't know if they will cook it properly and what size portion they will provide and I feel guilty leaving something, it's rude you know!" he rambled looking around at all the other people in the restaurant. They were chatting happily and eating their food like normal people, someone so different from him.

A young boy soon came over and asked them for their order. Luke begrudgingly allowed Ashton to order him half a pint of coke, the blonde bartering with him so it was at least zero sugar.

Luke looked over at Ashton whilst the teacher scanned through the drinks menu, at the extortionate prices.

"What made you want to become a teacher?" Luke asked curiously, picking at his nails that were pale and yellow. The pair had known each other for around two months now and the blonde didn't know too much about Ashton. And although Luke had not revealed much to Ashton either, he felt that the older man knew a lot of his deepest secrets and fears.

Placing the small menu down, Ashton locked his eyes with the blondes. "I never wanted to," he admitted. "But, I didn't get the right grades to study psychology further. So I sort of gave up and took a sort of gap year. It was really just a year of me moping and being bitter about how little my teachers gave to me. I guess that bitterness then turned into the motivation to teach and let people make that difference."

Luke could not help but grin in adoration. "That's so sweet," he remarked, "Teaching to help rather just for a job. You're such a great person Ashton!"

Ashton laughed and blushed, pushing his hair back slightly. "Well thanks! What about you? Why are you working in some terrible little shop when you could have some well-paid job."

Luke scoffed slightly. "I barely finished school!" He looked down at his hands, worried Ashton would think that he was stupid or incapable. "I was a single parent at sixteen and I couldn't let myself make my mum look at after Theo every day whilst I study, I just didn't think it was fair."

"But what about now?" Ashton asked. "Theo is at school all day, and you know I would happily look after him for an extra hour if needed."

"I've forgotten everything by now. There's no point, my job does me just fine. Maybe one day when I fancy a career change or I get some inspiration I'll consider it, but not yet. Anyway, I have to focus on my health don't I?" he said in a mocking tone.

"You do," Ashton whispered, with a small smile. He then thanked the waiter as he placed two veggie burgers with fries in front of them. Ashton watched the blonde's eyes glaze over with tears before he sighed.

"I can't eat much of this Ashton," Luke admitted. "I'll eat enough so you know what I'm thinking but this is too much and it's so bad.

Ashton so badly wanted Luke to eat at least half of it, but he couldn't argue with the blonde. He knew how difficult this would be for the blonde and it was going to be one of the first and the biggest thing he has eaten in a long time.

His hands trembling Luke picked up the fork. "At least we don't have to worry that there were no animals killed" Luke laughed trying to calm himself down. "Okay," he began, taking the bread off the burger and cutting into it. Ashton followed, frowning slightly. "Never take a big bit, make sure it is small and then I used to count to 32 because the researchers say it is best for us."

The blonde looked down at his lap as he slowly chewed on the burger, tapping his finger with each count. Ashton too was attempting to count, but he thought it was ridiculous to be counting for so long on such a tiny piece and accidentally ended up swallowing it, but pretended to continue chewing.

Once Luke was done he wiped his mouth, and let his leg bounce up and down. "You swallowed it too early," Luke remarked critically. "Now after you have let that into your body, you can begin to feel that fat cling to your stomach." Luke let his hand rest upon his stomach, feeling the small bump it was forming. "More fat will cling to you, because you didn't chew it for long enough," Luke ranted.

Ashton sighed, "I don't think that is quite how it works Luke. It takes hours for the food to even be digested."

"Don't deny it," Luke hit back annoyed, shoving his fork back on the plate. "Just because you can feel it!"

"I really don't Luke, and I never do. This only happens for you, we've been through this. Now that you've explained it, I get it. And now I can explain to you how it really works."

Luke laughed and shook his head. "I've watched endless documentaries and read endless books, Ashton. I know exactly how to be healthy and this silly thing you are going to tell me is nonsense. You are just trying to get me to destroy my body."

"I would never do that. I am trying to help you," Ashton groaned frustratedly. "Now why don't we eat some more and talk about this like adults."

Luke pushed his plate away and shook his head. "I've had enough."

"You had one tiny piece. I paid for this Luke, just each some for God sake!"

"I'm not a child Ashton!" Luke retorted, raising his voice slightly.

"Well stop acting like one and just eat some more!" After Luke didn't pick up his cutlery and showed no sign of doing so Ashton picked up his own and remarked. "If you're not going to eat it just go, I don't want to sit here and see you sulking, and judging me with your stupid theories."

Luke closed his eyes and sighed. "Ashton I—"

"This is why I can't move on with you Luke, you just remind me too much of a child."


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