Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty


Theo lay with his head resting on Luke's chest, it was Christmas evening and the day had tired them both out. It being more extravagant than any year they had experienced before. Ashton really wanting to give them the best Christmas he could.

Luke let fingers run over where Theo's ribs used to prominently stick out, now replaced by a layer of fat. The blonde pinched a bit of his son's soft white skin between his fingers and whimpered.

He had watched his son indulge in more chocolate than he could imagine — none of it brought by himself. And a dinner bigger than any he had ever had before. He himself felt rather stuffed after eating almost all of his own — the most he thought he had ever eaten. He also felt bad not eating it because Ashton had worked so hard all morning preparing and cooking it, buying alternatives for him.

"Why are you, sad daddy?" Theo asked, turning around to see why his father sounded like he was crying, seeing his glazed over eyes

Ashton watched them from the opposite sofa, currently on the phone to his mother. He knew as soon as he saw his partner looking at his son in that way that something was wrong.

"Can I call you back a bit later?" he asked his mother, quickly ending the call.

He quickly stood up and held his hand out for Theo to take. "Theo, let's go get you changed for bed, yeah? And then we can watch a movie."

The young boy looked at his father and nodded reluctantly. He climbed off his father and took Ashton's hand. Luke sat up with them, watching Ashton hesitantly, knowing he wanted to keep them apart right now. Nevertheless, Luke followed them up the stairs and into Theo's room, which was still bare as they had only just moved in. The walls a dirty cream colour that they would paint over soon in the colour of Theo's choice.

Ashton shot the blonde a warning look, indicating for him to leave them alone for a little. But the younger man ignored him and picked up a new pair of pyjamas that his mother had gifted Theo today, ripping off the tag, laying them on the bed for Theo to change into.

Ashton wrapped his arm around the blonde's waist, placing a small kiss on the blonde's cheeks. "Are you okay?" he whispered, lowering his arm so it was resting on the blondes bum.

Luke hummed in response. "I knew today was going to be difficult today," he mumbled, watching his son take his Christmas jumper off and sit shirtless on his bed.

"You've done so well Luke" All day I've been waiting for you to break down but you haven't," Ashton congratulated, wanting him to push through these next hours without getting upset.

Luke sighed, he was trying so hard to control his mind — allowing him to have a carefree and argument-less Christmas. To give Ashton the day he wanted.

Taking a deep breath he nodded, picking up his son who was inspecting his pyjamas and placing him on his lap. Ashton wanted to interject, anxious as to what was going through his partner's mind.

"You're growing up so quickly Theo," Luke smiled sadly. "You're turning into a big boy now! You don't even need me to help you change your clothes anymore!"

Theo grinned widely and proudly, hugging his father tightly. "I like being a big boy," Theo beamed, "I'm now one of the tallest in my class! I am aren't I Ashton?" he said looking over to his teacher for clarification.

"You are Theo, you're really growing up! That's all the food you've been eating." Ashton had been worried for a while that his growth had been stunted because of the blonde's actions, but he was now growing fine — almost too quickly.

Theo smiled and placed his head on his father's chest, overwhelmed with happiness. Luke let his hand rest on his son's stomach, feeling the roundness of it. Luke knew his son wasn't overweight or fat, that was all in his head. He knew that his son was healthy, and that he didn't need his bones to stick out and to be eating little to no food, and that some chocolate here and there was fine.

"You're really one handsome boy Theo, you'll really have all the boys and girls after you," Luke praised, running his hand through his sons brunette hair.

"I wonder who he gets that from?" Ashton smirked, sitting down beside the blonde on Theo's bed, hugging the blonde's waist, and tickling Theo under his armpit, causing the young boy to giggle.

Luke felt like he was in a state of tranquillity, with the two people he loved the most around him, his mind finally stable, he knew how to conquer his thoughts.

He let his hand fall to his jean pocket and reached in and pulled something out, closing his hand tightly around it.

"Ashton," Luke breathed our shakily, looking down at his lap, letting Theo go and turning slightly to look at the older man. Ashton looked at the blonde, uncertain on what he was going to say. "Thank you for today, it was truly the best Christmas we have ever had."

"It was my favourite Christmas too, especially because you two were here," Ashton agreed, kissing the blonde on the lips.

The hummed blissfully. "I know how much you wanted this to be great for us,f and I want to make it special for you too."

"Being with you is enough Luke," Ashton argued, not wanting anymore presents.

"And I want to be with you for as long possible Ashton." The blonde looked at Theo who was grinning widely, aware of what his father was going to do after they had gone and bought it yesterday. "Ashton, will you marry me?"

Ashton sat there shocked, tears welling in his eyes, he found himself nodding his head frantically, letting Luke put the ring on him. He didn't know what to say, he really wasn't expecting this.

"I wanted to be the one to propose," he admitted, cupping the blondes face with his hands, the ring cold on Luke's skin. They looked at each other adoringly. Theo clapping happily. "Oh my God Luke I was not expecting this. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Oh wow, this really is the best Christmas I have ever had."

Luke felt dizzy with happiness, letting his son cuddle into his side as he and Ashton stared and smiled at each other drugged up on love. "Theo has one last present for you," Luke revealed, looking down at his son, who was desperate to tell the older man the surprise.

"What have you got me, Theo?" Ashton asked, wiping a tear from his cheeks.

"Will you please be my daddy too?"


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