Chapter Twenty-six

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Chapter Twenty-six


"Good morning Ashton," one of the teachers, Mrs Prior said as she stepped in Ashton's classroom closing the door behind her.

Ashton looked up from his lesson plan and smiled at her, figuring she wanted a favour which he'd be happy to do. He had arrived a little later than usual, being too content in bed with the blonde and forgetting he had to get to work. His hair was loosely gelled back and he was wearing the same clothes as the day prior

"I just want to have a quick talk about something that has been brought to my concern." The man frowned at what she could be implying, worried his teaching wasn't good enough for the children. "I know you haven't been teaching for long, a couple of months but I'm worried you're not clear on some of the rules."

"I—um, what rule specifically? I don't think I'm breaking any?" Ashton asked the woman a little confused, his brain not picking up on the one thing he was doing which was technically illegal.

Mrs Prior looked at him sceptically before enlightening him on the subject. "I took my two children to the local cake cafe yesterday," she told him, watching his eyes widen. "And I saw you with your student Theo and what I presumed was his father. Any form of relationship or communication with parents of students outside of school is prohibited, Ashton." It was if she was giving him a warning.

Ashton gulped slightly, quickly postulating an excuse in his head. "It must certainly look like that," he chuckled nervously. "I am aware of that rule and would never think of acting upon it. Theo and his father were simply there and Theo just got a little excited about seeing me there and wanted to sit and talked. I knew it wasn't the best idea but you can't really say no to them can you?" he lied whilst giving a nervous laugh.

Mrs Prior still looked at the young teacher sceptically, not quite believing him. "Okay," she agreed. "I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the rules."

"Trust me that one I know of," he mumbled, watching her leave the classroom and groaning into his hands. He peered up at the analogue clock knowing it would be ten more minutes until the children started entering the classroom, some groggy and others bursting with life.

Ashton quickly slipped his phone out of the top drawer and began to type of message to Luke. I feel so bad but I think you and Theo will have to walk to the supermarket after school and I'll meet you there. A teacher saw us together yesterday and I had to lie my ass off to get myself around it. It's too risky for you to wait. x

Ashton sighed as he slipped his phone back into the draw, running his hands through his greasy hair. He knew that if he were to be with Luke, and stay in Theo's life that meant his job was at risk. But it wasn't till now he realised how serious this was.


"I'm so sorry," Ashton muttered as he jumped out of the car and grabbed the bags off of the blonde and shoved them in the boot. He then proceeded to strap Theo in much to his complaint and then began to head back to Luke's place.

"It's fine. You don't even need to do this anyway. I did it didn't I? I got everything on the list."

"Daddy didn't get chocolate!" Theo complained from the back, poking at the window button, pouting that it wasn't working. Ashton knew the small boy had an interest in the button and put the child lock on not wanting the car to get cold or for the young boy to get his fingers caught.

"You don't need chocolate, Theo!" Luke remarked, pulling the list out of his pocket, and unfolding it to look at what he did not cross off.

"But I want chocolate! Ashton put it on the list and said I can have it!"

"You don't need it!" Luke argued back, the older man reached over and placed his hand on the blonde's thigh, gently caressing the skin.

"Chocolate isn't the healthiest of foods Theo, if you eat well for the next couple of days I will get you some okay?" Ashton altered the blondes words, not wanting him to say anything else harmful to the small boy.

"I couldn't get mushrooms and I couldn't bring myself to buy any meat products so I got vegetarian alternatives and I know it doesn't give Theo the right nutrients but he is not fussed on meat and I really don't want him eating it."

"Luke he is a growing boy, he needs the right nutrients!" Ashton retorted, a little irritated the blonde didn't follow the list.

"I know, I'm sorry. But, I did some research, my therapist told me too, on vitamins and I got us both the right ones."

Ashton thought it would be so much easier for the pair to just eat meat, and for the blonde to stop being vegan whilst he recovered but he knew those morals were way too embedded into him. And he recognised that Luke was trying and Theo was his child.

"Okay. You guys must have been freezing walking there," Ashton said, slowing down in front of the red light.

"It wasn't too bad, it was refreshing. We stopped off at the park on the way there, Theo really enjoyed it."

"Yes," Theo agreed. "We went on the roundabout I was really dizzy!"

Ashton smiled at the fact the blonde was taking his child to child things. "That sounds really fun!" he agreed, then glancing at the blonde mentioned. "I don't think we should go out in public together. It's too risky, I could've lost my job today."

Luke nodded understandingly. He wanted to go out with Ashton but at the same time understood the consequences. "I mean this whole thing is wrong," he laughed nervously, his voice hushed so Theo could not hear. "I really do like you Ashton and I really want you in my life. But, maybe you should be thinking about your job."

Ashton simply shook his head as he pulled outside Luke's house. "I nowhere near care about my profession as much as I care about you two nuisances!"-

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