Chapter Twenty-seven

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Chapter Twenty-seven


Luke straddled Ashton's lap as they sat on their hotel bed in a local town beside their own.

Ashton had begged Luke to let Theo stay with his grandparents whilst he took the blonde away for the weekend, it being too risky for them to go on small dates.

The blonde finally agreed, much to his protest of contributing to the hotel but Ashton insisted it was his treat for the blonde doing so well.

He had gone to a couple of therapy sessions and although there was little physical difference in the boy's weight, Luke felt a lot stronger mentally.

Ashton let his hands slip up Luke's baggy top, gently rubbing the side of his hips before tugging at the thin cotton for it to be removed. The blonde consented and helped the teacher take it off before looking at the older man with begging eyes for him too to remove his shirt.

One button at a time Ashton slowly removed the shirt keeping one hand on Luke's hip, smirking at the blonde who was getting more frustrated by the minute. Once it was off, Luke let his body lean forward and placed his hand flat on his warm chest. He smiled up at Ashton and leaned in to place a small kiss on his lips. The older kissed back harder, moving his hand to the smaller boys back before pushing him so he was led on the bed.

Luke groaned as Ashton straddled his waist, his index finger tracing the boy's ribs sadly. He didn't want to touch the boy roughly but knew it was what he wanted. The blonde looked up at him beginning, squirming with frustration as he became more and more turned on. "Please Ashton. I want this. I can do this. Think about it, when will be alone next?"

Biting his lip Ashton nodded, hoisting himself up so he and the blonde could remove their jeans, flinging them on the spotless floor.

Luke whispered Ashton's name as their bodies touched again, his eyes peacefully shut. Slowly, they became entwined, their hearts fusing into one, while their bodies moved to the rhythmic sounds of the murmurs of sweet nonsense in each other's ears.

Ashton's tongue carved every inch of Luke's body like a chisel and Luke's kisses were long and deep on the older man's neck. Luke gasped for air before moaning louder. Ashton then thrusts a little deeper, both moving a little faster, lost in the time as the day began to roll into the night.

Then without control both their bodies exploded, leaving them led limply on the bed, next to each other still. Their arms and legs tangled absorbing each others body heat, listening to the satisfying sounds of the beating of their hearts.

"Ashton?" Luke mumbled, his eyes flickering open to see the older man staring at him adoringly.

"Yeah," Ashton hummed, letting his hand intertwine with the blondes.

"Thank you," he whispered, turning onto his side to look at Ashton, a tear falling from his eye.

Ashton bolted up worried that he hurt the blonde. He quickly pulled the small boy up and cupped his face. "What's wrong? Oh God, I knew you were too weak. You could have told me to stop. I would have."

Luke shook his head rapidly. "No, I loved it. Just being with you here now, has made me realise how thankful I am for you. You saved my life, Ashton. Without you, I would have never realised what I was doing, and you have got me here today. I love you."

Ashton's heart melted, pulling the blonde into his chest. "I love you, Luke."

The blonde grinned, all sorts of feelings exploding within him in, pleasure, joy, comfort but most importantly love. Not only for Ashton but for himself.

"When we pick Theo up tomorrow," Luke whispered, letting himself fall back onto the hotel bed. "I want to introduce you to my parents."

"Really?" Ashton asked, falling back with the blonde, keeping his hand on his chest, staring up at the ceiling.

Luke hummed in agreement. "I think you're the one Ashton. I really want to settle down with you. I want you to be a father to Theo, I mean that's if you want to."

Ashton chuckled, "I want nothing more than that," he confirmed. "When the time is right, we can become a proper family."

Luke nodded, sighing to himself. Knowing that if he were to keep Theo in the same school that his boyfriend worked in, it would mean that they'd have to wait around four years before they could be a family. It was unfair to make Ashton move, jobs were hard to find. He would have to move Theo to a new school, as unfair as it is as he would have to make completely new friends.

Luke knew it was a selfish choice. But, he had dedicated the past six years to his son and all he was asking for was love, and someone there to support his son.

Luke confirmed. "It's going to work out!".


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