Chapter Thirty-eight

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Chapter Thirty-eight


Theo sat roughly colouring in a picture of a field with flat crayons, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he tried his hardest not to go outside of the line. Luke watched him contently, his head kept looking up to see if Ashton had entered the restaurant. Ashton had agreed to meet them there, but Luke didn't know how genuine he was as he couldn't hear the tone through a simple 'okay' received through a blunt text conversation

"Daddy I want a drink!" Theo complained. Luke wanted to wait for Ashton to get there before they ordered. He thought it would be impolite to order without him. They had only be sat there for ten minutes, and Ashton was only running around five minutes late but the blonde's heart was beating out of his chest with nerves as he anxiously fiddled with his son's coat that was on his lap.

"Wait a couple more minutes, I'm sure Ashton will be here any time now," he muttered hopefully. He didn't know what would happen if Ashton didn't show up, he wasn't sure if there was anyone out there for him and he knew he was selfish to turn down such a selfless man.

Ashton treated him and his son so well like Theo was his own, and that was all he could ask for in a partner. He always put them first and made sure they were happy and healthy.

"Do you think he would like my colouring?" Theo asked, looking at it proudly. "How do you spell his name? A—" he began, slowly writing the letter scruffily on a blank piece of the paper.

"S—" Luke said slowly, waiting for the small boy to write it.

"S!" a voice said from behind the pair, grinning smugly at the blonde. Luke jumped and turned around. "That's what you are!" he grinned placing a small kiss on the blond's forehead.

Luke chuckled and felt his heart erupt with happiness at the presence of the older man and the way he was joking indicated he wasn't mad. "I know I am," he sighed, turning back to Theo who was prodding him for the rest of the spelling.

"I've made a colouring for you!" Theo beamed. "I just need to spell your name!" Ashton sat in both opposite the pair and watched them fondly.

"You know how to spell my name! You're really good and spelling," Ashton encouraged, taking off his scarf and coat and hanging it on the chair. Theo stared at the A and the S, his blue crayon loitering above the paper. "Come on pronounce it out loud! A, S—"

"H!" Theo said, quickly scribbling it down, Luke rubbed his back supporting him, proud of his son.

"Well done and then?"

"Ash— um, T! and then O and N like on and off," Theo said, carefully spelling the letters out. Luke looked up at Ashton who cheekily winked at him before placing his hand on the blonde's thigh, causing Luke to groan and raise his eyebrows at the older man. "This is for you," Theo smiled as he handed his ex-teacher the colouring which was scruffy and half-finished, the young boy getting bored easily.

"Thank you, Theo. It's really good. There might be room on my fridge for it!" he said which caused Theo to clap excitedly. Luke smiled satisfied. He knew Ashton was perfect for him, the way he treated Theo was what he looked for most in a partner. "So," Ashton said, looking at the blonde. "Why did you ask me here?" Ashton was ninety-nine percent sure why the blonde had messaged him, he had been hoping and waiting that he would. He had begun to predict the blonde man's actions.

Luke looked down shyly, his cheek flushing red as Ashton continued to rub the inside of his thigh. "I'm so bad to you Ashton. I don't understand why you still stick by me," he sighed, his eyes filling with tears slightly.

Ashton reached across the table and took the blonde's hands in his own. "That's because I love you, Luke, I couldn't ever give you up, even if you didn't want me."

"I want to be with you so much," Luke said, both looking at each other adoringly.

"Okay," Ashton said grinning. "Would you like to live with me?" he asked, no doubt that the blonde would turn him down this time. Luke smiled and nodded, finally feeling a weight lifted off of his shoulder. "Let's pretend everything that happened before this never happened, yes?"

"But," Luke objected, wanting to explain how he had felt and why he had said not beforehand — he felt like a fool.

Ashton just shook his head and looked at Theo who was attempting to colour a napkin. "Did you hear any of that Theo?" he asked, watching the boy struggle.

"We get to live with you!" Theo beamed. "I get to see you every day and it will be so much fun!" Ashton grinned, so thankful that he got to have a child in his life, something he knew he would not be able to have without adoption, and was glad that Theo accepted him, letting him share Luke.

"Yeah, I'm way better than your dad!" he joked, nudging the small boy slightly.

Theo kept his mouth closed and cuddled into his father's shoulder. "But daddy is my daddy. He's the best daddy but you are my favourite normal person!"

Luke placed his arm around Theo's waist, his heart warm with what his son had just said, he couldn't ask for someone better as a son and was glad in the way he had raised him.

"You're my favourite person Theo," Luke said, messing with his brunette curly hair.

"Hey!" Ashton complained, letting go of the blonde's hand and sliding it back further up his thigh. Luke groaned quietly, wanting so badly to be alone with Ashton right now.

"Well if you can bear me a child then maybe I'll reconsider," Luke joked, shifting uncomfortably to try and control his hard-on. "But, I think maybe you could be my joint-favourite person."

"Please can I get a drink now!" Theo complained, beginning to get bored and not understand the adult conversation with implied meanings.

Luke let a deep breath and nodded. "Do you want something to eat as well? I'm hungry too."


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