~We're only haunted by the things we refuse to accept~
-Bridgette DevoueHailey stared at Bella who is now glaring at her. Honestly, if looks could kill Hailey would be dead, but this look is so strong that she'd be dead dead.
Aiden said slowly, "Hailey." She turned to him, "Oh come on Aiden, when was the last time you stuck up for me? All you care about is stupid Bella over there who can't even speak a full sentence to me." She crossed her arms over her chest.
Bella closed her eyes, by now some people have noticed what's going on and have started staring.
Bella grabbed my hand and stormed off upstairs. She started tearing up. I stared at her with concern. My overprotective brotherly instincts kicked in and I pulled her into my arms, but to my suprise she pushed me away.
She sighed, "Aiden. I've been keeping this a secret from you for weeks now. It honestly kills me to hide things from you. But when I was running I passed Bella Rosas and I saw Hailey kissing some blonde haired dude. I'm not sure who he is but I took a picture. Here, this is proof that I'm not lieing to you. I know your mad at me right now as I've been dishonest with you and I know how big of a deal trust is to you. I'm sorry Aiden."
It stings. I knew Hailey and I were falling apart and I was planning on trying to fix us. Clearly she had other ideas. I stare at Bell who is staring at me, guilt and relief is plastered all over her face. I pull her close to me, "I love you Bell, thanks for telling me regardless of when the situation took place." She sighed and hugged me back. I glance at her, "You good?" She nodded.
We walked downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen staring at us. I glanced at Hailey who was glaring at us.
Bella smirked, "Passing Bella Rosas is part of my running route. I run past there everyday. Clearly you were to distracted to see me snap a pic of you and that blonde guy making out. Wanna check it out babe?" Bell showed the photo to her.
I glare at Hailey. "Leave." She tears up, "Aiden, baby listen to me-" I cut her off, "Get out Hailey." She walked out, her girls trailing right behind her.
I stormed out the kitchen. Bella came after me. Connor was about to go after her but I heard Liam say "Not this time man."
Oh my gosh. That was something. I'm speechless
I glanced at Levi who seemed uneasy. He caught my eye contact, I looked away and he clenched his jaw. Connor and Levi walked inside.
I glanced at Ava who was talking and laughing with Liam. I glanced at Ava, "Hey guys I'm going inside." They nodded.
When I made my way to the backyard I saw Bella chatting with Connor. I then saw Aiden just observing the crowd from afar.
Let's do something bold Milea.
I walked towards him, hesitating whether or not to make a turn or a uniturn. But my feet seemed glued into walking his way.
I stood next to him, he noticed my presence but he stayed still. I stared at my shoes, "I'm sorry about Hailey. I mean I know how you feel. I've been there." He turned to me, he's studying me. Why?
He ran his hand through his hair, "Thanks I guess." I nodded. He sighed, "How long did it take you to heal?"
That question took me by suprise.
"Honestly, a very long time." He nodded. "Well I don't want to talk about my ex. How you finding Valley View?" I glanced at him, "It's good. I like it." He nodded. He glanced at me, "When you made your way over to me, where you dancing?" I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him. "What? No." He burst out laughing, "Oh, okay good. Because you were like turning and walking then stopping."
Ohhhhh, so I was actually trying to dodge talking to him. Wow, way to go Milea.
I scrunched up my face, "Sorry about that." He smiled, "It's cool." I nodded, "Hey uhm, I'm going to look for Ava and then I'll catch up with you later." He nodded.
I then found the girls (finally). Apparently they went looking for me. You see, the 'divide and conquer' method doesn't work for us. Someone always ends up getting lost.
We danced and laughed together. I even danced with Liam and Connor. I'm not exactly sure where Levi went but meh.
Ava and I were jamming out to Beyoncè's Single Ladies jam. Yes, we most defiantly put our hands up.Justin Biber's Let Me Love You came on and I somehow found myself with Bella jamming out on the dancefloor.
Demi Lovato's Sorry Not Sorry came on and then Aiden approached me, "Wanna dance?" I smiled and nodded. He then held my waist and we danced.
He made me laugh so much, and he kept twirling me and dipping me. Despite us looking like the couple that got voted out for Strictly Come Dancing, we make a pretty good team.
After all that dancing I spoke and laughed some more with Aiden. Turns out his actually super chilled. I quickly excused myself to go to the bathroom.

JugendliteraturMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...