~I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. Well I never knew you were the someone waiting for me~
-Perfect-Ed SherranAIDEN'S POV
Today is the day. I'm asking Milea to be my girlfriend. I know I need to fix things between us, and I'm willing to do so. I've realised that my life is quite boring without her. There's no one to talk really deep with. I mean sure I have the boys but there's just something about a female that a male doesn't have. It's a special touch, I guess. Also, there's no one to laugh at my bad jokes.
I've arranged with Bell and Ava to stall Milea until 7pm tonight. I mean it's Friday night and I want this to be special.
I am currently on my way to Milea's house. There's still half an hour until she arrives but I want to have her parents blessing first.
Yes, call me old school but I know that our relationship is secure if her parents know and approve of it.
I've also made mental que cards for the: 'What are your intentions with my daughter?' question.
I knock on the door and Mrs Jordans opened it. She looked surprised to see me but welcomed me inside anyway.
Mr Jordans came downstairs and furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Why are you holding a bouquet of roses? This is my wife." I chuckled. "No sir, these are for Milea. I know she isn't here yet but I actually came here now to ask for your blessing. As I would really love to be with your daughter."
Mrs Jordans smiled and led me to the living room. We all sat down as she quickly prepared some snacks.
Once she returned Mr Jordans cleared his throat. "What is your name son?" Mrs Jordnas swatted his arm, "How do you not know his name Alec? Milea talks about him all the time." I chuckle. He scratches his neck. "Aiden, right?" I smile and nod. "Yes sir."
He nods, "Well do you know about what happened with her previous boyfriend?" I clench my jaw. "Yes sir, in fact he's actaully in our friendship circle." Mr Jordans looked shocked but nodded.
Mrs Jordans stared at me, "Aiden dear, how much about Milea do you know?" I take a moment as I try and formulate my sentnece properly. "Well, I know about her entire past. Including Matthew. I am very sorry for your loss." They froze but smiled gently in remembrance of their son.
Mr Jordans clenched his jaw. "What are your intentions with my daughter?" I mentally smirked since I was prepared.
"Well sir, I can promise you one thing. I will never hurt Milea. I will make sure she gets what she deserves all the time. I'm prepared to put her needs before mine. I will not rush anything and we will take things slow. I will not force her to do anything that she does not want to do. As far as I know we enjoy having these types of conversations and our morals are alike and we always make sure we are on the same page. Milea is a gift to me, and I promise you I will take good care of her."
Mrs Jordans was beaming. Mr Jordans smirked and asked me one last final question. "Why chose Milea?"
"Milea makes me so happy. I've experienced my life without her and it's a life that I do not want. She knows me so well, and she can see right through me. She's been with me through a lot; yet she treats me as if I'm the best thing that this world can offer. I admire her and look up to her a lot, well more than I'd like to admit. She's changed who I am in the best way possible. She's reminded me of all the good that I have in my life. Also, she's never afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believes in."
Mr Jordans stood up and put his hand out, "Well Aiden, you have my blessing." I stood up and shook his hand. To my suprise, he pulled me in a hug which I gladly accepted.
Mrs Jordans hugged me and smiled. "Please call us Alec and Claire." I smile, "Thank you." Just then the door swings open.
Claire grabs my hand, "Rush up those stares and sit down on her bed with the roses." I chuckle and do as I'm told.
My parents are acting super strange. But I brush it off and head upstairs. Ava left as she had a date with Liam.
As soon as I open my door I gasp as I see Aiden sitting on my bed with a bouquet of roses in his hand.
He chuckles, "Suprise." I smile and hug him. I pull away and smile at him. "Why?"
He chuckles, "Milea I've been an idiot over the past couple of days. I shouldn't of reacted the way I did towards Levi. Since he still has some sort of importance to you, I'm going to work on my behaviour around him. Also, you know that you mean a lot to me. I cannot express how grateful I am for you. You're beauty radiates from within. I know I've made a lot of wrong decisions in my life, but I want to make a right one. So Milea Jordans, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"
I'm tearing up, this was the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever said to me. I smile, "Yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend."
He smiles, picks me up by my waist and kisses me.
We then decided to notify everyone at the same time just so that there will be no sort of 'who they told first' argument.
Bell was with Ava when I videocalled her. I just found out that they were in on this. Wow.
When Aiden video called Connor he was at Liam's place. The guys on the other hand were all crashing at Liam's place. How coincidental.
They were all suprised but not suprised but definatly really happy. My ears were not designed for all the squealing that I received from Bell and Ava.
But hey I'm glad that everyone was happy, including Levi.

Teen FictionMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...