~My life's not a fire to keep you warm, my arms aren't walls to protect you from your own internal storm~
The guys and I decided to meet up at Liam's house to hangout today. I haven't told them about what happened between Milea and I.
To my suprise I see Levi was already here. Oh yeah, I forgot him and Liam are good friends. Just then Connor walked in.
Once we were all settled and we were eating pizza I decided to tell them. Since the topic was already on girls, I mean might as well.
Connor smirked at me, "Why you blushing?" I chuckled, "You see, a couple of days ago, one evening, I was with this amazing girl. I have feelings for her, so cutting to the point, I kissed Milea" Connor laughed, "Dude! No way. Bro, congrats." I laughed, "Thanks."Liam and Levi looked off, I glanced at them. "Something wrong?" Liam glanced at Levi. Who was avoiding my eye contact.
No. No no no. Why did that kiss need to happen? Well Liam is staring at me so now he made it even more obvious. I need to tell the guys. I don't know how.
I lock eyes with Aiden. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble Aiden. Milea is my ex-girlfriend." Liam glared at me, "Dude, you didn't have to be so blunt."
What? No.
Milea's his ex.
I stare up at him, why does he look so proud? I then glare at him. I then didn't fully think through my next sentence, "Well at least you're her past." Connor stared at me, "Aiden."
He clenched his jaw. He then chuckled bitterly, "What, do you think you're her future?" Liam stared at Levi, "Levi. Guys, chill."
I huffed, "I'd be the luckiest guy on this planet if I was. How'd you two break up anyway?"
He looked taken back from my words. He then clenched his jaw, "That information is classified." I rolled my eyes, "Oh really?"
I pulled out my phone and dialled Milea's number.
I was with my family. Then my phone rang. Aiden. I quickly excused myself and answered his call in my room.
"Hey. What's up?" He then abruptly blurts out, "What happened between you and Levi?"
I furrow my eyebrows, "I'm sorry, what?" He sighs, "Milea, you and Levi were together? Why didn't you tell me?"
I remain silent. "Milea,-" I cut him off. "I wasn't ready to fully open up to you. I mean you weren't the nicest person when we meet. Also, there's so much that I don't know about you. But do you see me abruptly asking you about it?" He's quiet.
Then the line goes dead.
He hung up on me.
Levi and Milea. The fact that they were together. Why didn't she tell me?
I had to hang up, otherwise I would've said things I didn't mean. Milea is already mad at me now, I mean I don't want to agrivate her more.
It all kind of makes sense now, that's why she ran off at lunch. What'd he do to her?
I see him smirking at me, "I'm assuming she told you?" Connor glares at him, "Levi. That's quiet enough."
I glance at Liam. "Wait. You knew about this?" He looked up at me, "Aiden, what did you want me to do? That was personal, dude you know I'm not one to spread private things. You honestly need to chill." I got up, walked out and slammed the door.
I head up to my spot, well-you know what I mean. The evening is crisp and cool.
I sit on my bed, still recovering from that phone call. I'm so confused as to why he just phoned me to ask that.
I hate what happened in the past. Not going to lie, it really makes me feel insecure.
I feel as if I wasn't good enough. Wasn't pretty enough. But then I need to remind myself that my worth does not come from someone else.
Easier said than done, I know.
My mind replayed the phone call. I then felt the tears running down my cheeks.
Just when things are good, they need to go bad. I started crying softly as I didn't want my parents bursting into my room.
If Matthew were here right now, he'd be holding me. Stroking my hair and telling me that it was going to be okay.
I cried even more. I miss him so much.
As soon as I arrived at home I see Patricia in the kitchen.
She glances at me, "Sit down." I do as she asks. "Aiden, what's going on?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
She rolls her eyes, "Why are you acting like this?" I sighed, "I'm tired. Can we talk in the morning?" She stared at me for a moment but nodded.

Teen FictionMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...