~Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts~
Lately I've been feeling so empty. I haven't seen Milea in such a long time, I mean school has just become so hectic.
I decided today that I am heading to my spot. There's a bit of hope in me that I'd see Milea.
As soon as I arrive at home, I see my mom staring at a note on the table.
I furrow my eyebrows and pick it up. She glances at me. I freeze when I read the note.
Dear Aiden, I really want to see you. I have received a job offer near Woodlands. When you're ready, I'd love to meet up with you.
-DadI put it back down, my mom glanced up at me. She said dryly, "Aiden, you do not say a word to your step-dad about this. I'm hiding this note. Also, when you're ready, you can go and see your dad. If you want."
I stared at her, "Mom, I-" She cut me off with a hug as she cried softly.
I held her close to me and patted her back. "It'll be okay, I won't let him hurt you I promise. If I see him, I'll go alone. I'll keep you safe."
I head up to the hill. So much is going through my head right now. I sit down and stare at the view.
I see Aiden sitting and I go and plop myself next to him. He doesn't notice, I chuckle. "Taking in the scenery?"
He jumped, making me burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He sighed.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's up?" He avoided my eyes and stared at the view again.
I am debating in my head whether I tell her or not. I can't tell her pieces anymore, I mean I trust her. She trusts me.
So I go for it.
"When I was younger my dad lost his job. I mean, it was partly my fault. His company had to relocate but my mom refused to move. He couldn't understand why until she told him that she was pregnant with me. I mean at first he was overjoyed. That 'joy' ended when I was 10 years old. My dad started drinking and becoming an alcoholic. Whenever he was drunk, he was someone else. At first it started out with him just being ignorant towards my mom and I. Then as the years progressed he was to depressed to work. Therefore my mom was working and she owned her own business. I mean she still does. Then when I was 14 years old my dad started verbally or sometimes mildly physically abusing mom. I mean she'd pretend that she was okay, but deep down inside I knew she wasn't. I would be busy with my homework and hear her cry as he'd talk to her. So one day, I came home early due to my exams. I went up to my room and put down my bags. I then sat down by the staircase, as usual. She found out that she was pregnant and he wasn't happy about it. Even though it was his child, who is now my little sister Emily. He then hit her and kicked her. I then ran downstairs and punched him. He punched me back. I threw another punch against his jaw. I then quickly helped up my mom who was sobbing. He then held my throat. My mom then hit him with a pot. Which caused him to pass out. Then a few weeks later my mom filled for a divorce. We then moved to a new house. A year later she and my step-dad, started dating well they've always been good friends and he was there for her through it all. They got married when I was 16 years old. I love my stepdad as if he was my own dad.Bell, Connor, Liam and Levi have been with me through it all. Ava came when my life became a bit more bearable. Then Milea Jordan's came along." I chuckled at the last part.
(A/N: You can read from below this note.)
I was speechless. I shed a few tears, yet he shed none. It's as if he has grown numb to all of this. I moved closer to him, his arm automatically wrapped itself around my waist.
I stared up at him, "I'm so sorry, I'm speechless. I honestly don't know what to say." He chuckled and wiped my tears. He then kissed my forehead. "Don't cry, it was the past. Sure it's difficult and hard to get over. But you need to at least move on, ultimately it comes down to how you react to the situation and how you solve it."
I remain silent, as these words kept replaying over and over in my head.
How you react to the situation and how you solve it.

Novela JuvenilMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...