But you care like your heart is unending and you cry like a friend of the earth and you say what you mean 'cause it's meaningful~
-UnknownThe bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and headed to my next class.
As I'm waking, I hear Connor and Liam run towards me. Liam stands next to me, "Bro, why weren't you at lunch?" I sighed, "I was busy." Connor was on my otherside, "With what? You never miss lunch."
I run my hand through my hair. "Guys I'm going to be late for class." Connor pulled my arm into an empty classroom. I glared at him, "Dude let go!" He did so and pulled Liam inside the class and locked the door.
I glared at the two of them. They glared back. Liam rolled his eyes, "What's up with you man!?" I huffed.
Connor rolled up his sleeves, "Aiden, we're your bestfriends. We've been through so much man. Surely what you have to say isn't that bad?"
I remained silent.
Liam scratched his neck, "Aiden, bro?" I stared at them. Connor walked towards me, "Aiden?"
I snapped. "Guys! Can you just leave me alone! There's nothing that I want to share with you! Ah, you guys are so annoying!" With that said I unlocked the door and walked out.
Great, now I'm late. Guess I'll be going to the library.
Strange, Aiden didn't pitch for Biology. Guess I'll be collecting his notes.
After Biology, I had music with Connor. When I got there, I turned to Connor.
"Where was Aiden? He wasn't in Bio." Connor sighed and he was about to tell me something, but then Louis walked in.
Music was good (as always) but there was tension in the room. Poor Louis, he couldn't understand what was up with us today.
Connor was quiet, which is abnormal as Connor talks more than I do. He was just playing his drums and he kept on making errors as he played.
Whereas I couldn't remember what I rehearsed at home. My thoughts were constantly elsewhere. My mind just kept wondering back to Aiden.
After class Connor grabbed my hand. I turned to him, "Okay what were you going to say before class?" He sighed, "Liam and I tried our best to get through to him. We tried to help him and figure out what's wrong. But then he just snapped and stated that we're annoying and there's nothing he wants to tell us and that all he wants is to be alone. I know for a fact that Liam took it to heart."
I was speechless, I didn't know what to say. Connor hugged me, "I need to go Milea, but I'll talk to you later." I nodded.
I then got into the car with Ava. She glanced at me, "Okay, what do you know that I don't." I sighed, I then told her what Connor told me.
She furrowed her eyebrows and sighed. "Connect to the Bluetooth and call Bella and lets talk about this. She then started the car and we drove off.
I just got back from my run. I only run when I'm stressed out. When I got home I quickly freshened up and washed my hair.
When I came downstairs I saw Bella in the kitchen. She was currently making herself a sandwich. She glanced up at me, "Hey." I smiled, "Hey." She plates her sandwich and we went up to my room.
She sat down on my bed and I sat by my desk. "I heard what went down between you and the guys." I sighed and clenched my jaw. "Yeah."
She stared at me, uncertain of what to say. "Aiden, what's going on?" I sigh.
Do I tell her? What would she say? It's Bella Aiden. Okay, but mom doesn't even know. Yeah, but Bella's like a sister.
I was interupeted from my thoughts when I heard Bella call. "Aiden?" I sigh, "Nothing. I'm just tired Bell." She placed the plate down on my nightstand. "Aiden don't do this. You don't need to lie to me."
I ran my hand through my hair, "Bella I said I'm fine." She stood up, "No you didn't. You said you're tired. Aiden Grey, stop lieing to me!"
I clenched my jaw. She's mad. "Bella, just stop!" She's the only person who stands up to me when I'm snappy.
She rolled her eyes, "No Aiden. I've been there for you since the beginning. I was here when things went downhill for you! Aiden, I've seen you at your worst! What more do you need to hide from me?"
As soon as I let these words leave my mouth, I immediately regretted them. "Get out."
She was stunned, I know I hurt her I saw the tears in her eyes.
But then before she walked out she said something that opened up a wound from the past.
"You're acting just like him."

Teen FictionMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...