~She was everything real in a world of make-belive~
-Atticus-Next Day-
I'm currently getting ready to go to church with my family.
I heard my dad hooting, I'm late. So I quickly rush downstairs and grab the plate of bacon on the table and get into the car.
My mom glanced at me, "Milea, you know a normal person would just take two or three pieces of bacon. Then we get you, who takes the entire plate." My dad chuckles.
I shrug, "Well we've all discovered that I'm not a normal person." My mom chuckles and laughs. "That's true."
Church was super amazing. The rest of my Sunday consisted of me procrastinating and doing my homework.
-Next Day-
So as soon as I got into school today (mind you, I overslept. So I was later than usual) people were staring at me.
I mean really I got all types of stares. I got glares, awkward stares, nice stares and then some really creepy ones too.
I passed Hailey and quickly looked the other way.
You know, I really wanted to keep a low profile. But clearly that's not going to happen.
I mean I'm good friends with the most popular kids in school. I danced with Aiden, I slept over at Bell's. What more do I need to draw attention?
People were staring at me, well more than usual today. I even got the video of me and Hayley breaking up and the one of me and Milea dancing.
I mean come on people. How pathetic do you want to get? Levi's been ignoring me, but that's not my problem.
I head to lunch and see the gang seated. I see Milea studying (again). She's always studying, no wonder she's like top in her grade for all her subjects. I admire her dedication.
"Hey guys." They all greet. Connor smirks, "You healed a lot quicker than expected." I shrug, "She's not worth it."
I winked when I saw Bell smiling up at me. Gosh, I missed her smile. I'm glad she's happy again.
I see Aiden is so much happier than normal. I'm honestly loving it so much.
One thing I truely admire is the brotherly-sisterly bond Aiden and Bella have. It reminds me of the good old days.
Aiden glances at me, "What you studying?" I chuckle, "Physics." He nods. He pulled by notes towards him and scanned through them.
"Oh your studying this. Honestly just remember friction and opposites attract and like forces repel."
I nod, "Thanks." He hands back my notes.
I am currently sitting by my desk and doing homework.
I then heard my mom call me. I walked downstairs and stared at her. She was busy with Em while Patricia was cooking. Dad wasn't home yet.
"Could you get the mail please?" I nodded. I then walked outside and brought in the mail. As I was walking I was looking through it, checking if there's anything in there for me.
I froze when I saw a letter for me. Especially from the person I received it from.
I just finished my English essay.
You know sometimes when you just have this motivation to do something? But literally it's just in the spur of the moment.
Now that's how I feel. So I get up and pull out the two boxes from under my bed.
I open the one, I stare at the contents. It's photographs of me and my bestfriend, (well we're not bestfriends anymore. I mean she's in South Africa.) Sarah.
I pull out our most recent photograph. It was us at her birthday party.
But then the memories come flooding back and I throw the photograph back inside and hide the box.
It's stupid that I'm still feeling this way.
I groan in frustration and run my hands through my hair.
I place the rest of the letters down on the table. I then run upstairs into my room.
I place the letter on my bed and I hesitate.
What do I do? Why? Why now? After all these years.
I just keep staring at the letter.
My mom walks in and I snap out of my thoughts. I quickly hide the letter under my pillow.
My mom furrows her eyebrows, "Aiden, I've been calling you to come downstairs for dinner." I scratched my neck, "Oh sorry I didn't hear."
She nodded and closed the door. I then went downstairs and ate dinner.
-Next Day-
Aiden was so moody today. I was so confused. Everytime I tried striking up a conversation with him he'd brush me off. Or he'd give me one word answers.
The girls didn't know what's up neither did the guys.
Well, I hope he's okay.

Teen FictionMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...