~People go, it's how they left always stays~
Today is graduation day. I have mixed emotions. I'm honestly so relieved and happy, but then again torn and emotional.
The school has chosen me to be Valedictorian. I'm honoured but so nervous.
I hear my name, stand up, and walk towards the podium. Despite feeling really nervous, I actually feel pretty professional.
I mean I've got this special graduation unfirom on. To be completely honest, I'm just really looking forward to the satisfaction of throwing our caps in the air.
"Greetings fellow staff, parents and students. Today will be a memorable occasion as today is the day that we say goodbye.
My journey here at Valley View has been a remarkable one. One that I will most defiantly cherish for the rest of my life.
It is one that hasn't been easy. I mean, leaving my country to come here for my final year of high school, yeah definatly not easy.
I know that I haven't been here as long as many of you have, but I am grateful for the time that I've spent here.
Speical thanks to all the people that has made this transition for me a smooth one. To all the people who have stuck with me through the good times and the bad.
To the staff, thank you for giving up your time and skills to educate us. Thank you for always going the extra mile, even when we're so difficult and hard to work with.
Valley View has definatly changed my perspective on a lot of things.
One of the most important concepts that I've ever learned here was, it's not about where you're going, but it's about how you got there.
My last point before I close off is, as much as it's good to know what the future holds. Don't forget to enjoy what the present shows.
Thank you."
They erupted into an applause. I smiled and walked off stage.
Principal Simmons said a few words and then he smiled. "Well, congratulations to the seniors of 2018. You have officially graduated."
We took of our caps and threw it up into the sky. Ava and Bell were crying as we were all hugging.
Aiden picked me up and spun me around before kissing me. "We did it Milea! We graduated!" I laughed and hugged him.
I then immediately made my way to the girls who welcomed me into a hug.
Then everything hit me.
I then started crying when I realised that I'm finsihed. I'm done. This is the end of high school for me.
We're all heading in our own different directions.
My gosh, how long I've been awaiting today and now that it's finally happened I'm torn.
The guys and I had a bro hug and a moment. Connot patted my back, "Bro, we did it." I sighed and nodded.
He then started tearing up. I immediately looked away, because when Connor cries I start.
I look at Liam and Levi who I hoped would be my strength. To bad that they were also tearing up. In fact Liam was the worst, he was busy crying on Levi's shoulder.
I teared up a bit and hugged them all once more. Fine, I shed a few tears.
Milea and the girls made their way over to us. I pulled her into my arms as I started to shed a few more tears.
She was crying too. I pulled Bell close to me who was a mess.
Ava is going to Australia, she's studying somewhere in Sydney. She's also found accommodation and an awesome job.
Bell and Connor are going to NYU and are both going to stay on campus.
Liam has decided to take a gap year. He wants to explore the world a bit before going to study.
Levi and Hailey are going to Cape Town. She's taking a gap year there while he's going to study at Stellies.
As for Aiden and I, we've decided on doing long distance. I got offered a scholarship to Harvard. My dad, much to my protests bought me an apartment. As for Aiden, he's moving to New York as he is also attending NYU.
It's crazy, I mean who would've thought that this is where our future lies.
I glance at Aiden who was playing with Emily and I smile.
She runs off to my mom as he walks towards me.
He smiles, "You ready for our new adventure?" I chuckle, "Yes, how about you?"
He runs his hand through his hair, "To be honest, I'm a bit scared." I kiss his cheek, "You don't need to be." He chuckled and kisses me forehead.
He quickly excuses himself as his dad calls for help. His family is having dinner with mine today.
I had nothing else to do. So I quickly dash up to my room, pull out Matty's box and tear open my letter.
Milea, you've done it! You have officially finished high school. I'm so very proud of you.
Now wherever you're headed I know that it's good.
Stay determined Mill, keep pushing yourself. Keep working and always try and improve.
You'll make it far in life, I know it!
Listen, it's not always going to be easy, but it'll always be worth it. There's beauty in everything. Always look for the light in the darkness.
There's always beauty from ashes.I love you
-MattyI stare at the photofram on my desk and I smile as I shed a few tears. "Thank you Matthew, for everything."

Roman pour AdolescentsMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...