~It's like I want you to look at me, but turn my head every time you do~
The rest of the walk home was really chilled. We kept on talking about random things and life in general.
Aiden walked me uptil my front gate. As I didn't want my parents making the situation awkward.
I then thanked him and hugged him. He smelt amazing, not that I was inhailing him or anything. I mean that would be weird.
We pulled away and stared at each other. "You sure you're good to walk back by yourself? I mean I don't mind driving you back." He chuckled, "Milea, I'm eighteen not five. Also I don't want you knowing where I live. For all I know you're some stalker." I laughed, "Oh my gosh, my secret identity has been revealed! I am doomed forever."
He laughed, "Catch you later." I nodded, "Text me when you're home so that I know you've reached your destination safely." He smiled, "Will do."
With that said he walked away.
Here I am, still smiling like an idiot. Whereas I should probably head inside. I quickly bury the letter and walk inside.
Wow. That was something. I can't help but think about Milea until I reached home. I quickly stuffed my dad's letter in my hoodie pocket.
As soon as I walked inside my family was seated at the table. My dad stood up and hugged me, "Aiden, what happened to you buddy?" I smiled, "Sorry I went for a run." Mom furrowed her eyebrows, "Again?"
I nodded. She nodded and quickly dished me up a plate of food.
After dinner I quickly shot Milea a text saying that I arrived home a while back.
I then tried calling Bell's phone, but she was on voice mail or she denied my calls. I tried Ava. She picked up.
"Aiden?" "Hey Ava, is Bell with you?" "I'm afraid not. But she should be home. Did something go down between you two?" I sighed, "Yeah. Thanks though Ava. Bye." "Bye."
I then finish up my homework and tell my mom I'm heading out.
I then drive to Bell's house. I knock and immediately see Carol. Gosh, I've missed her.
She engulfed me in a hug. "How are you Aiden? Come inside. I'm just about to pull out some chocolate chip cookies. You have no choice but to stay and have some." I chuckle and agree.
She winks, "Bell's upstairs. Not to sure what got into her today." I nodded and headed upstairs.
I knocked a few times she then said softly, "Come inside." I did so.
When she saw who was at the door she rolled her eyes and sat back down on her bed. I see she's been crying, her eyes are all pink and blotchy.
I sigh and about to sit down in her bed when she glares at me. "No. You can sit by my desk."
I chuckled, but listened. You see Bell doesn't like being to close to you when she's mad at you. I know it's terrible but when Connor and Bell have arguments he always sits on the chair by the desk.
I stared at her, "Bell I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." She sighed and stared at the floor, "Whatever."
We hardly fight. But when we do we make sure to patch it up after the other person has cooled down.
"I got a letter from my dad." She immediately looked up at me. "He stated how he misses me and Em. He wants to start over. Also, he just got married."
Bell was speechless. She then patted the side on her bed next to her. I got up and she then pulled me close to her. "I'm sorry Aiden. I'm so sorry. I should've known. I love you, I'm sorry."
I held her close to me, "I love you too. Can you forgive me for snapping?" She smiled, "Only if you forgive me for saying what I said. Because your nothing like your dad." I smiled.
Just then Carol walked in with chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate. She smirked, "So you two had a fight today." I chuckled.
Bell smirked, "How'd you know?" Her mom chuckled, "Because the two of you are not that affectionate towards each other on a daily basis."
We laughed.
I decided not to tell my parents about the letter. Knowing them they'd try and baby me about it. Not that I don't appreciate it, but it's because I know I wouldn't fully heal.
Doing this on my own, is definatly step one into the healing process.
I then saw a text from Aiden. I replied with a thumbs up.
Gosh, the news about his dad. Wow. I never would've thought.
I guess there's so much more than the stone cold Aiden I met at the beginning of the year.

Roman pour AdolescentsMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...