~She always loved the things that the world had forgot, snails and slugs and broken flowers. I think that's why she loved me~
"Woah, Ava did you get a pic of that?" "Sure did." I then pulled away from Aiden. He chuckled, "Okay, you two are honestly to weird for my life."
I chuckled, "Is the food ready?" Bell nodded. I grabbed Aiden's hand while Ava grabbed the ice-cream.
We all settled and ate dinner.
-Couple Days Later-
After finals it's prom. I haven't even given it any thought as to how I'm going to ask Milea.
I glance at her, we're at our spot. I realised that I hadn't told anyone about my visit to my dad.
As if she could read my mind she turned to me. "Everything alright?" I chuckle, "Uhm, well, about two weeks ago I went to my dad's house."
I saw her eyes light up as she smiled at me. "Aiden! Oh my gosh! You didn't tell me! How was it?" I smiled, "Really good. I loved every moment of it." She smiled and nodded. "I'm so happy for you right now babe, like I can't even deal."
I kissed her cheek. She sighed, "You know it's so crazy, to see how fast this year has gone by." I nodded.
I'm a senior. In fact, I'm finishing school now.
I let that information sink in.
I stare at her, "What are you planning to do after high school?" She took a moment. "Study, hopefully get married soon after. You?"
I guess I never gave my future a lot of thought.
I sigh, "I don't know." She got up and turned to me. "That's okay, you'll figure it out. I know you." I chuckled. "You excited for prom?" She nodded. "Yeah." I smiled.
I turn to her, "Babe, you know I haven't introduced you to my parents." She froze.
I kiss her cheek, "You wanna meet them?" She glanced at me, "Uhm, okay." I stared at her, "Babe, calm down." She took a deep breath.
We hop into my car and I call my mom to let her know that I'm bringing someone important along for dinner. My mother being the type of person she is, didn't hesitate to extend Milea an invitation.
She turned to me, "I'm nervous to meet them." I chuckled. "Don't be, they'd like you."
As soon as we arrived, I felt all sorts of emotions. I was put at ease when Aiden wrapped his arm around my waist. I quickly contacted my mom to let her know what's happening.
Before we could knock, the door flung open. "Hi, I'm Layla." I smile, "Milea." She wrapped me in a hug. Then a tall male came out from the living room.
He smiled when he saw me, "I'm Richard." I smile and he hugs me.
Then my heart melts when I see a cute little girl coming down the staircase. She immediately ran to Aiden. He then picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder.
Aiden chuckles, "Milea this is my little sister, Emily." Emily smiles shyly as I wave at her.
Dinner was awesome, Aiden's parents were pretty cool. Emily started warming up to me and she sat on my lap.
I ended up staying for desert, much to my protests. Layla and Richard insisted.
Emily smiled at me, "Lia, can you braid my hair?" I smile and nod.
Aiden came and sat with us. We then put on Emily's cartoons. Ten minutes later, she fell asleep on me.
I chuckled. Aiden smiled, "Let me go tuck her in." I smile, "Can I join?" He nods.
As soon as he picks her up, and places her on her bed, she wakes up. "Aiden, please go and fetch Mrs Penelope." He nods and goes downstairs.
She smiled at me, "Lia, you're so pretty. You make Aiden very happy." I smile, "Em, so are you. Aiden makes me very happy too." She gives me a toothy grin.
Aiden gives me a tour around his house. When we make it back into the living room I am caught in an embrace from another woman.
She was fanning her face. "Richard, go fetch me some tissues." He quickly got up and fetched her some. Aiden on the other hand was burying his face while Layla was canning herself.
"Aiden! Look at this beautiful girl. My word, who would've thought that you would get so lucky? My love, my name is Patricia. I'm the nanny." I chuckle and hug her, "Milea Jordans."
Patricia got even more excited. "You're not from here are you?" I shook my head, "Nope, I'm from South Africa, Cape Town."
She clapped her hands, "My people have arrived!! See Richard, you owe me twenty bucks." He grunts and hands her twenty bucks.
Aiden wrapped his arm around my waist. "I'm glad you guys all approve of my girlfriend."
-Next Day-
Aiden and I were going to meet his dad. Well, I'm going to meet his dad. I mean it's only right, because Aiden doesn't want to not include his real father.
Apparently his dad is really excited to meet me. Although, Aiden hasn't met Christina yet. Neither have I.
As soon as we arrive, Aiden knocks. We were then greeted with a green eyed, brunette haired, tall female.
This must be Christina.
She smiles, "You two must be Aiden and Milea?" We smile and nod.
"I'm Christina, please, come inside." Just then we saw Aiden's dad. He was making his way towards us.
He smiles and shakes my hand, "Axel Steward. Nice to meet you, Milea." I hesitate.
He knows me?
I shake his hand, "Aiden told me about you." I smile and nod.
Christina and Axel are such a cute couple. My heart feels warm when I see how Aiden and Axel joke around with each other.
I've finally met all the important people in Aiden's life. Gosh, does it feel good.
I mean it's a bonus that they're nice people and that they all love me.
One can only imagine what would've happened if they didn't.

Teen FictionMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...