~When nobody can hear us, I'll tell you everything with my eyes.~
When I made eye contact with Milea and she flashed that smile. I knew that last night would be kept as our little secret. Well, for now at least.
We ate and chatted. It felt like the good old days. We laughed, until we cried. At one point Bella told us all to stop making our jokes because she was about to wet her pants.
Milea was crying and she was fanning her face with her hands.
Dude, stop checking her out. Stare at Ava so it looks natural.
So that's what I do. I felt bad because she was awkwardly eating her slice of pizza as she was struggling with the cheese.
I smiled at her. "Ah Ava, I'm glad to see your enjoying the food." She rolled her eyes, "Shut up." I smirked.
Today was so good. I always love spending time and bonding with them. They are honestly the weirdest bunch.
I caught Aiden staring at me again. I felt a weird butterfly feeling.
Milea, girl what is happening to you? Get a grip girl.
I smile back at him.
After our lunch date, I offered to take Milea home. To my suprise she didn't argue or make a huge fuss over it. She agreed and hopped into the car.
I ignored the stares that I received from Bell, Ava and the guys.
I turned on the radio and Milea was probably so consumed in her thoughts that she didn't realise she started singing.
Wow, her voice is beautiful.
I found myself getting lost in the sound of her voice that I actually thought it was the artist signing.
I smiled at her, "You have a beautiful voice." She blushed, "Sorry, I forgot that I started singing. But thanks." I chuckled.
I glanced at her, "Are you busy tomorrow morning?" She turned to me, "Nope. Why?"
Shoot. How do I ask her. Aiden, chill. It's just something super chilled.
"Would you like to uhm, go for coffee tomorrow morning? Or we could do lunch or even dinner like it's up to you. I mean I-"
She cut me off with a smile, "Yes I'd go with you for coffee or lunch or dinner. Choice is yours, but count me in."
I smiled. "Cools, then I'll see you tomorrow morning. I'll pick you up at 9am? I'll take you to my favourite coffee hangout. Do you mind a long drive?"
She shook her head, "Sounds good. Can't wait."I smiled, "Neither can I, cools then I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled, "Yeah, thanks for the ride home." He smiled.
Oh my gosh! He just asked me out. Or wait, maybe he wants to get to know me better? Maybe?
I search for my phone I immediately call Ava to tell her to get her butt over to my house.
In nanoseconds she's up in my room we then videcall Bell. She was with Connor. Well, this is awkward.
Connor leaves the room and Bell shuts the door to make sure his out.
Ava is lying next to me, "Tell me the news girl. I mean I rushed over here with a vague explanation." Bell stared at me.
I smiled, "Aiden and I are going out tomorrow morning, for coffee." Bell screamed and danced around her room. We laughed when she chased Connor out.
Ava then got up and started dancing around in my room, pulling me to dance along.
We heard Bell end the call. We knew she'd call back, but then ten minutes later she's in my room.
She shut the door and I laughed as they forced me to do my victory dance. I did the dance with them joining in.
I stare at them, "What am I going to wear?" Bell and Ava glance at each other. "Yeah, we're staying over. So when you leave tomorrow we'll be here when you come back."
I chuckled, "I was thinking of my white off the shoulder dress? Then pairing them with my white converse?" They nodded.
Bell pouted. Okay, she's thinking. "What about switching your converse out for your sandals instead?" I frowned, "But what if we do tons of walking and then I'm in sandals?"
Ava nodded, "Good point. Although, what Bell is trying to say is, we want you to show Aiden your girly side." I scrunched up my face. "It's to soon for that. Tell you girls what, I'll throw on some lipgloss and mascara." They smiled and nodded.
We then ended up talking about Bell and Connor. Which reminds me, "Ava."
She glanced at me, "Yes?" I smirked, she frowned, "Oh no, what's up Milea." I smiled, "What's going on between you and Liam?"
Bell started laughing and smirking. "M, I was honestly going to ask the same thing now." Ava blushed, "We're just friends." Bell smacked her knee, "Agh. Stop lying." Ava blushed a shade of crimson red. "I like him. He likes me. None of us want to make the first move."
Bell and I groan, "Come on Ava, Liam is so in to you. I can see it." Bell nodded in agreement.
Ava smirked, "Oh yeah, what about you and Aiden?" Bell smirked.
Well, that question can only be answered within time.

Novela JuvenilMilea Jordans, seventeen year old girl who had to leave her country, as her dad's company had to relocate. Fortunately for her, she's a top student therefore getting her a scholarship to Valley View Private High School. She's very relieved to leave...