Spider Dance

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"It's so cold out here..."

Gene's head snapped up, looking in the direction of the voice. It had come from somewhere outside of his nest, his Spider Nest. That smell... it was too different to be any Monster. One of his spiders crawled up the web, whispering something to him.

"Ahuehuehue~!" Gene laughed darkly, narrowing his eyes at the human walked into sight. "Did you hear what they just said?"

When the human didn't say anything, he continued.

"They said a human wearing a striped shirt would come through. I heard that they hate spiders. I heard that they like to stomp on them. I heard that they like to tear their little legs off. I heard... that they're awfully stingy with their money."

Finally the human looked up, his feet stuck on webs on the ground. His skin was as pale as ivory, with hair as black as ravens. His one visible eye was the color of the sky, or at least what Gene had been told the sky looked like the sky. His shirt was indeed striped, lines of black and dark greys going up and down the hoodie. His pants were black, with black and dark grey sneakers. He had a small black backpack with him, the straps on his shoulders.

A human was quite rare in the Underground, since they either died when they hit the ground, or never went near the mountain at all. Those that did survive the trip down, however, were killed by someone. Just like this human right here. Only... Gene had never killed a human before. He knew it wouldn't be very hard, humans were very fragile beings, but what did interest him was the taste of a human.

"You think your taste is too refined for our pastries, don't you, dearie?" Gene asked, using one of his six arms to hold a few spiders. "I disagree with that notion."

The human looked up at him fearfully, trying more desperately to free his feet from the webs. It was useless, because those webs had been created by Gene himself. Besides, even if they weren't made by him, there were layers upon layers of web on the ground.

"I think that your taste... is exactly what this next batch needs." Gene laughed cruelly, rubbing two of his hands together as he leaned toward the human.

He continued speaking as the human tried once again to free their feet from the webs. This time, he used two of his six arms to hold teapots, pouring the purple Spider Cider onto the webs.

"Don't look so blue, my dearie. I think purple is a much better look on you."

"Purple my rump, you big creepy crawler!" The human shouted at him, just barely dodging as three purple web strings shot past his head.

Gene watched as the human dodged large, oval shaped spiders that slid along the webs, some of them hitting him. Gene couldn't help but laugh, covering his mouth as two more webs were added. He sent down more spiders, and he could've sworn he saw something else roll along the webs, but he couldn't tell what.

The human dodged the spiders again, getting a bit too cocky with it. Some of the spiders jumped off of their webs, hitting him in the cheeks, nose, and forehead. The human stumbled a bit after that, taking a moment to collect their thoughts.

"Oh, how rude of me!" Gene gasped, grinning smugly as the human looked up at him, hopeful. "I almost forgot to introduce you to my pet."

At that call a low growling sound came from the depths of a hole, wrapped around by spider webs and broken bones. Beady red eyes opened, staring up at Gene as the sound of claws snapping echoed. It started crawling out of the hole, the human gulping loudly as Gene's pet emerged. Giving a smirk to the human, Gene layed back against his web.

"It's breakfast time, isn't it?" Gene asked his pet with a small smirk, before locking his eyes back onto the human. "Have fun you two~."

His pet growled loudly, bits of slobber dripping from it's mouth as it spotted the human. It snapped it's teeth, crawling towards him with immense hunger. The human, now in his most desperate state to survive, tore his feet from the webs, landing on his rump. He got up only a second later, making a break for the way out. Of course Gene knew the human would try and escape him, so he had made a barricade to keep him in.

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