Mission: Catch The Idol, Is a Go! (Hayato x Neutral!Reader)

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Gots another request from the ultimate @littlefanfichoe ( ・∇・)

(F/n) = First Name (Ik it used to be (Y/n) but I changed it :"""D)


   "Camera, check. Shoes, check. Sunglasses, check. Dignity, uhhhhhhhh," You debate for a little bit. "Nope! Alright! Mission: Catch The Idol, is a go!"

   You ran towards the front door of family's house.

   "I'm going now Mom! Dad!" You shout.

   "Have fun!" They both reply.

   Opening the door, you step outside, then close it.

   This is going to be a long day.

   Being an YouTuber is a big deal. But being an YouTuber that interviews famous idols, is a different story. Yes, you were one of those YouTuber's. Sounds easy, is actually hard. You hunt down the idols or idol without being noticed by the public. Once you catch up to them, you ask questions that fans of the idol or idols want to ask. You were kind of the public's wingman.

   Kind of.

   Today, you were hunting down an outgoing, happy-go-lucky, bright, and cheerful idol. The idol a teenager with dark blue hair and blue eyes. And that person was the one and only Ichinose Hayato.

   Like every time you have a new idol to hunt down, you asked the public what you should ask him. They replied with the question everyone wants to know.

   "Was Ichinose Hayato actually Ichinose Tokiya?"

   So here you are, running through the streets, heading to a outside concert. You had heard that Hayato was going to preform there that day, thus leading you to a tough crowd of fan girls.

   "Thank you for everyone who came today- nya!!!" The crowds screams got louder. "I see yeah next time- nya!! OHA♪YAHHO~!!"

The crowd laughs but turns back to screaming when Hayato exits the stage.

"Now's my chance!!" You think. You back way from the crowd, searching from an easy route to get around the large group of (mostly) fan girls. Because it looks like pushing through them isn't good to work.

There was a reason why you were a famous YouTuber, and it was not cause of meeting idols. Nope. It was how you got to the idols.

Your eyes completely scan the whole outside concert. Until it stopped at a line of bushes. You narrow your at them. The bushes went into straight line going all the way to the stage.


You practically sprint toward the bushes, and dive into them.

Be glad there wasn't any thorns in them.

After that you sprinted all the way to the colorful stage without being noticed.

Sooner or later the line of itchy twigs came to an end when you saw the light at the end. You step out of the pokey. You quickly brush off yourself. While cleaning off, you see at the corner of your eye a blur of dark blue hair.

   You determinedly grab your camera that was hanging from your neck and speedily run over to him.

   "Hayato-sama!!" You yell. He turns around at the sound of his name, surprised to see a girl who was running over to him. "I need to ask you a question!"

   You stop in front of him panting. Having your hands on your camera, you swiftly turn it on, and pointed it at him.

"So..." You pant. "People have been asking if you are actually Ichinose Tokiya and just faking this persona. Is it true and what do you have to say about this?"

His eyes are still wide especially when you asked the majority question he has been asked before. Now he looked up to the sky, deep in thought. With you, you were standing there, anxiously awaiting his answer.

   "What do you think, (F/n)-chan?"


   Your eyes widen as you hold the camera. You were not used to being the person who answers a question. Plus did he use your first name?

   "Uh, well...." You take a breath. "I personally think you're not Tokiya being Hayato. I think that...you are you. I mean, Tokiya is a perfectionist but, I don't think Tokiya will just become a different person. I'm sure the people who believe that rumor have their reasons, though like I said, think you are you. And nothing else of it."

   You suck in breath, now finishing your whole speech.

   "Then you have your answer," He softly pats your head. "I'll have to get going now, but I hope your explanation explains the answer- nya~"

   Then he leaves without word. You stand there, baffled. Cranking your head, you look at your camera seeing the footage of everything that just happened. Including you running through the bushes.

   You softly smile.

   Mission: Catch The Idol, Completed.

Extended Ending

   You were simply scrolling through the comment section of your new published video until you see one comment.

   "It was an honor to meet you (F/n)-chan! ( ^ω^ )"


Oof. I need more requests T~T


1) Hayato Ichinose x Neutral!Reader x Tokiya Ichinose

2) Otoya Ittoki x Neutral!Reader Children





Hayato Ichinose x Neutral!Reader x Tokiya Ichinose

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