Kinda, Sorta, Basically (Syo x Neutral!Reader)

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Member: 芳野@修業中

(Oof, just noticed it's not their birthday's big OOF)

Happy Birthday to Syo, Natsuki, and Koaru! \(*^^*)/ Will probably post Natsuki's and Koaru's fanfic in.....12 days

I also took this from my Utapri account on amino...Told you I'm a sack of potatoes xp


   "Your kinda, sorta, basically..pretty much..always....on my mind..."


   How did Syo end up in this situation? In fact. Why is Syo in this situation? Maybe it if he didn't skip breakfast that day or if he didn't bumped into them. Then maybe. Just maybe. He could of avoided this.




   Oh who is he kidding. He couldn't have avoided this ether way. You know what? Let's start from the beginning.


   "Syo-chan~~~~!" Syo shivered as the air headed voice echo through the schools hallways, attracting near by students. The short blond did not hesitate to bolt the other way where the tall blond came from. He knew why he was chasing him, and it was not because of his height. He sprinted through the hallways, proceeding to pass by students. Syo started to hear the pitter patter of the long haired blond coming closer to him.

Dang his long legs!!

   All of a sudden he felt someone bump into him, seeing a swivel of red hair in the process. Syo started to fall backwards, though he managed to catch himself with his arms without getting hurt. He let out a breath, grateful that he didn't break anything. His relief did not last long as felt arms pick him up and arms lock his arms place.

   "A dare is a dare, Ochibi~"

   "Dang you Ren!!"

   Otoya and Masato were the people that locked Syo's arms in place. Otoya was on the angry teenagers left, and Masato was on the right. Natsuki was behind him, hugging him by wrapping is arms around Syo's neck. Then Ren, who was standing in front of Syo, having a sly smile across his face.

   Syo tried to prey his way out of their grips, 3 Beats 1 all the way though. Yet it didn't stop from him to keep fighting and squirming.

   Syo heard a grunt on his right.

   "I understand that we have to get Syo to do the dare but Jinguji-" He shifts into a more sustainable position. "-was it really necessary to do this?"

   "Why of course it is." Jinguji sent a smooth ("Cha-cha real smooth!" Cue Natsuki) wink to Syo. "Other wise how else would he confess his love?"

   Before Syo was growling and flailing his arms around, now his face softened.

   "Ne ne, who does Syo-chan like again??" Natsuki questioned.

   Jinguji chuckled.

   "It's (F/n) of course."

   Syo froze at his words. How does THE Jinguji Ren know his crush?! Especially when he didn't tell anyone!

   "I found out your crush because of your movements Ochibi-chan~" He steppes closer to the shorter teen. "Your like an open book. When your near them, everyone can clearly see the light blush that spreads across the face or, when they call your name, your posture slumps. There was another time that-"

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