One Different Color (Tokiya x Neutral!Reader) [AU]

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Another one _φ(_ requested by littlefanfichoe


In this world, you have your soulmate's eye color until you meet them. That's when your eyes turn back to your normal color.


   "Ugh. When will this stupid eye color disappear?" You groan.

   "Stupid? Haha! You're funny [F/n]."

   "Please be quiet [BF/n]."

   The switch between yours soulmates eye color can be good, great, or horrible.

   In your case, horrible.

   When you were born, you had one [E/c] eye and the other eye was turquoise-blue.

   It was weird.

   Everyone in the world has normal eye colors. Light brown, dark brown, blue, etc. In your case, you had




   Way to be specific.


   "Y'know [F/n], have you ever NOT worn an CEC in public?" [BF/n] asked.

   (A/N: CEC = Color Eye Contact because you're too scared to say it aloud in this fanfic)

   Because of your unusual eye color, you were teased when little. It didn't bother you much since you were a child. Though, as you grew up so did the teasing. Teasing turned bullying. And bulling turned into colored eye contacts.

   You bought [E/c] colored eye contacts online. You put them on, went out...and the teasing stopped. It was amazing to you. No bullying, no more horrible days.

   After that, you continued to put on the colored eye contact every time you went out of your house hold.

   You'd always secretly hope that you'll meet your significant other as you leave though. Hoping that you wouldn't have to fake your colored eyes, and your smile.

   You sigh.

   "You know how uncomfortable I am when I do not ware my CEC." You reply.

   "Yeah, but I think you should just try not to where it for the day."

   "Yeah, because I should listen to the person who is sitting in my couch slouching around."

   It's true, your friend came over to your house that day and started to slouch around. She plopped on your couch, turned on her side, and started to eat your chips. While you were getting ready to go out to get groceries.

   That's when you were about put your CEC when [BF/n] interrupted you. Trying to (lazily) convince you to not we're you CEC for the day.

   And it was working.

   "Come on [F/n], let your eye breathe for the day." She suggests.

   You debate for a couple of seconds before sighing, giving in.

   "Fine," You put your CEC down on the table. "But if I get tease or bullied and come home crying, I'm excepting fluffy blankets in my bed plus ice cream." You bargain.

   You hear them groan.

   "Fiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeee." [S/he] agreed. "But I some how doubt that..." They mumble.

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