What a Surprise..? (Eiji x Neutral!Reader)

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So...this story isn't one I haven't posted yet at all, it was a really long "Syo x Reader" story so I just used scraps of it for other characters. Yeah, but enjoy!

[F/n/#1]= (Friend Name #1)

   "Hey [L/n]," [F/n/1#]'s started. "Are you excited for the HEAVENS concert we're going to?"

   "Um..." You and your group of friends were inside of your house, waiting for their parents to pick them up for the sleepover you just hosted. You all were sitting on chairs in a circle inside the kitchen, when one of your friends changed the topic from Sweets, to "HE☆VENS". The famous three idol group that challenged ST☆RISH, and now has four more additional members.

   Your friends were a big fan of the group. They all have every merchandise the group launched, and the even go to every concert that they host. Sometimes they take you to with them. Well...more like they drag you with them. Literally yesterday, your group made you stay up to 12 A.M.-2 A.M. at your own sleepover just get tickets for yourself.

When they saw you getting drowsy, some of them went so far with yelling at you to banging pots and pans together. Finally around 12:30 at midnight, the gods heard your prayers, and the tickets were finally available. So, being too tired to even check what to click on, you just clicked on the closest "Purchase Ticket". Furthermore, you crashed into your bed without a care in the world.

The next morning you woke up earlier then everyone which you didn't want but stuff happens. In the meantime while waiting for your friends to wake up from their beauty sleep, you checked your phone to make sure you actually brought the ticket. Yet the world shattered around you when you see that you purchased a VIP ticket.

It's not just any VIP ticket, it was a ticket to meet one of the members of "HE☆VENS". And you happen to click on the "Otori Eiji" one. Plus it also took a huge toll on your bank account.

   Let's just say your friends woke up to see you in the corner of the room, sulking. You made up an excuse though, saying that you lost something important. Luckily they bought the bait, and decided to have breakfast together with everyone. However the downside of gathering for breakfast is that you have to be at the concert area at 9:00. The actual singing starts at 10:00. Good thing that the concert was at a park you can sprint there.

   "Yeah! Totally! But uh I have to go now, so I have to meet you guys there." You silently pray that they won't question with your sudden explanation.

   "Hah? Why?" [F/n/2#]. Crap.

   "UH, I mean because..." You quickly skim threw your surroundings, trying to come up the a good excuse. Your eyes settled on a fruit bowl. "Because I have to do last minute grocery shopping. You know..for my mom? Yeah she asked to get some for her..like right now." You stand up from your seat.

   "Speaking of that, I should get going now." You manage to say without stuttering. The creek of the chair was heard when you stood up, and started to speedily walk to the front door. It looked like you didn't fool one of them though.

   "[L/n], get back here!" [3#/F/n] shouted. You bolt to the door.

   "[L/n]!!!" They all yelled, more aggressively this time. Now running as fast as you can like sonic, you opened the door, practically jumped outside, and when you turned around it was like seeing your friends, but as a herd of bulls charging at you. You absolutely wasted no time to hastily slammed the wooden door.

   "[L/n]!" Multiple voices were heard through the door but, you didn't bother to wait. You ran into the streets of the city, without a single glance back.


   After a few minutes of moving one leg after another, you look behind your back hoping not to see your friends chasing like there was no tomorrow. Luckily, no one was. Relived, you refocused your vision in front of you. Now you need to go to the concert, let's hope you're not late.


   Finally arriving at your destination, you stop running and rest your hands on your thighs. You continued to run from your house to the park, without stopping at all. Panting, you take a glimpse at the stage. You were expecting to see a whole pack of fans at the stage already, what you saw was completely different.

You saw a teenager, looks about the same as you. Ash-brown hair with his hairstyle being oddly similar to two idol's from ST☆RISH. He was eyeing the whole park, seeming to want to find somebody. His face looked dejected, until his gaze landed on you.

Pale Purple was the color of his eyes. It took you a second to notice that he was actually staring at you. A visible light pink blush dusted your cheeks, when the embarrassment sink in. You probably looked the an idiot.

You awkwardly start to stagger towards him, not breaking the eye contact. He stood at the stage, not bothering to break it ether. Standing in front of the stage, you had to crank your neck upwards since he was higher than you. He seemed to noice this, and he sat down at the edge of the stage, his legs dangling.

"So...I'm guess you're [L/n] [F/n]??" He breaks the ice. You slowly shake your head.

"Yeah, then I'm guessing your Otori Eiji?" You ask in return.

"Yep..." Silence soon followed.

"This isn't how I liked to meet you.." You mutter quiet. It seemed that statement caught his attention.

"What do you mean?" His frown deepened slightly. "Did..did you not want to meet me..?"

"Wait what uh no! No, of course not! I really wanted to meet you actually but, not this way..." Your voice quavered at the end. You put your dominant hand own your other arm, rubbing it bashfully. "My friends kinda did something to me in order to get a ticket for the concert, but it turned wrong..not that I didn't want to meet you! Just not this way..."

   "Well...what happened?" You look up at him, eye brows furrowed. "You know..what did your friends do to you to get the tickets? I mean, we have time to talk about it."

   He patted the space beside him gently, along with a soothing smile.

Your face soon softened, as well as plopping yourself next to him. Then, you started to tell the story of how you ended up there.

Soon after, you had to say goodbye to the idol, though without leaving with a phone number. At the concert, you see your friends and wave them over to you. They all tackled you in anger for leaving them. VYou almost died.

   Anyway, the concert began with the song "HE☆VENS Gate". You have to say, even though your group forces you to come with them, the idol group never cease to impress you. Eiji looked like he was really enjoying singing, despite being one of the four new members. It was like he was there the whole time.

His eyes traveled to you, so you sent him a small wave. You swear his smile brighten. And the screams of your friends got louder, making you bleed by your ears.

   It wasn't how you wanted to meet Eiji, but y'know.

   Life is more fun that way.

I hope you enjoyed that! Er, yeah. Idk what else to say ^^'


Ai x Neutral!Reader

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