Thank you! (Ren x Shy/Neutral!Reader) [Fluff]

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Okay...this fanfic was requested by @analisoto16.

I think I got your request right..? If not then you can always tell me you want a new one.


You were always alone...ever since the beginning. I mean, anyone could tell you were alone. You live in an big old house that even looked abandoned.

Though you dreamed to be like other kids knew it was impossible. Deep down you knew you wouldn't become like one of them. You never were normal. You never felt like one at least. All the the others laugh, cry, yell, and you? Someone who never experienced emotion.

...Not with anyone else at least.

No one was there for you when little. Sure people were around you, but it didn't seem like they were actually helping you. You had to cook, clean, study by yourself.

Because you had no parents.

You did have just haven't meet them exactly. Your mother has an illness that doctors couldn't diagnose. All they know was that it was contagious. So you had to say far away from her. And when I say "had to" I meant they dragged you away from her. With your father, you've never seen him in your entire life. It was like he was never there in the first place.

   All you could remember was one word.


   That was the word you remember from him.

Besides, no one blood related gave you a glance. It was like you was invisible. Broken.


That is until you meet him. Someone...who actually wanted to know you. Someone who knows your there. Someone...who cares. His name was Ren Jinguji.

He was a sly kid who was the third son of the famous Jinguji family, thus he had no responsibility's to uphold. Making people think he's carefree, you thought so too. Until you were forced into a party you didn't want to go to in the first place.

   It was scary. You've never been to a large party before. Let alone being forced into it. You were in the next line of the (L/n) Company. Coincidentally, they are close friends with the Jinguji and Hijirikawa family. They invited them to a can see where this goes

   Loud sounds of people chatting echoed through your ears. It has always been quiet for you, you liked the silence it. Now all of a sudden being pushed into a crowded gathering, it terrified you. You got pushed into a corner and stayed there. People passed by like you were nothing, speaking to each other like there wasn't a problem. There was. But they ignored it. You weren't there. You cover your ears. The voices got louder. It was like thunder on a stormy night.

You crouch down. It's like it made it worse. It was like the voices swam inside your head, creating a dent that would be there forever.

"Please.." You think. Your hands raise up to your hair, grabbing locks of (H/c) hair. Petrified is the right word to describe your emotion now. You close your eyes. " me!!"

"Are you okay?"

Your eyes snap open to met a pair of cool light blue staring right back at you, with an worried glint in them. All you knew was that those eyes seem familiar with you.

Then it hit you like a truck.

He was Ren Jinguji. The third son of the Jinguji, and his older breath runs the Jinguji Financial Group.

"Are you okay?" He asks in a more soothing voice. You shake you head. He looks at you, it felt like eyes bore into your mind. You wanted to go, you wanted to get out of there- "Alright, let's get of here."

   Your eyes widen as you see him extended his arm out, opening his palm. It was like he was trying to help you. Something you've been wanting since forever. Your own arm straightened out slowly, shaking.

"(F/n)?! (F/n) where are you?!" A voice rang out. A shiver went down your spine, and your arm stopped moving. It was one of your siblings, they were looking for you. Probably to introduce you to a family. Then you feel something wrap around your wrist, pulling you up.

"Come on!" You were running now through the tough crowd. People hit you, but ignore you. "Excuse me!" He says to strangers passing by.

All you see was blurry strawberry blond hair tumbling over. Your blood was pumping, you were breathing heavily, you felt.

   Alive. For the first time in awhile.

"Thank you!" You suddenly shout at him.

"What for?!" Ren shouts back. He gave you a glance. "I didn't do anything yet!!"

"Yes you did!" The corners of your lips turn upwards, into a smile. "Thank you!!"


Now it was different. Ever since that grand party, you've changed. Well..more like he changed you. Ren stayed with you through the thick and thin, and even though he was flirty, you still loved him. Luckily his feelings are mutual. Both of you are at the school Satome Gakuen. It was only the beginning of the year, you couldn't wait. Especially with the lover of your life with you.

   "I wonder who is going to be our teacher." You think out loud, walking in the hallways.

   "I think his name was Hyuga? Not sure about his full name.." Ren answers your question.

   You blink. "Oh, did I say that out loud?" You laugh awkwardly.

   "Ha~? Is little lamb embarrassed?"

   "Don't push it Ren."

   "Hey." A stern voice interrupted your conversation. "Your almost late for your class. Hurry up and get ther-"

   Your eyes connect with his. It stayed like that for a few seconds.

   "I'm sorry...?" You whisper. "I guess we'll be going now Ren."


   Your eyes round. You turn back to the older man.

   You know that voice by heart. Your heart rate went up. You open your mouth.


   Thank you

   Thank you for being there for me.

   Thank you for caring for me.

   Thank you for meeting me.

   Thank you for giving me life.


   Thank you!
I really like this fanfic. Over 1k words ^^; whoops. I hoped you liked it!









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