Say Smile! (Natsuki x Neutral!Reader)

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"WHAT?!," You shout to your mom. "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!?!!" She shakes her head in excitement.

"Yep!!" She replied with a smile, not even phased on how you are reacting.

"TO WHO????" You yelled back, to your calm but joyful mom.

"To Hyuga-sensei~" She says dreamy like.


Surprise, surprise!! Well... only to you. Your a student at Satome Academy in S class. And your (H/c) haired mom, was going to get married to the S classes head teacher. Ryuya Hyuga.

"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED TO HIM!?!??" You yelled surprised.

"Of course! Do you... not.. like him?" She asked bracing for your answer.

"Who said that I didn't like him!!?!?!?! I'm just so proud of you to finally have the courage to get remarried!!," You clomp her into a hug. "I get to have a dad again...." You said in a hushed voice. Your mom gladly hugged you back.

"Thank you for understanding sweetpie..." She said, thanking that you accept her decision.

"But I'm still going to tease him about this."



It was the next day. Aka, Friday. You get up from your bed with a wide grin plastered across your face. "What are you grinning about?" You look in front of you to see your BFF, (BF/n) sitting at the edge of your bed. She's also in S Class.

"Just thinkin about somethin." You casually say while the wide grin on your face grew.
(BF/n) rose an eyebrow but, gave into a sigh.

"If you say so," She stood up. "Now hurry up. We're going to be late."


Now walking (BF/n) to S class with another grin across your face. (BF/n) stared at you with questionable face. Knowing you, you're up to something bad if you have that grin. "(L/N)-chan!!" You turn your head to see a short blond running toward you.

"What's up Syo-chan?" You held a hand up. He high-fives you and stops walking, showing eager and, excitement.

Which can only mean that he is going to say something about Hyuga-sensei. "Have you heard about Hyuga-sensei?" You raise a brow, even though you know what he's going to say. You turn to (BF/n). She got the singal, said her goodbyes and, went to class. He looked around the area to make sure that no one was listening, and leaned in. You get what he's trying to do so, you lean in as well.

"I heard rumors that he might get married." He murmured. You stifle a laugh as you put on the best shocked face you could do.

"Seriously???" You whispered back loudly. He shook his head in an agreement.

"People even say that he's marring someone's mother in our classroom." You once again, stifle a laugh and reply.

"Woah." Is all you say. He shook his head again. You smile, not because he's clueless. But because he has no idea on what's coming next.

You and Syo-chan into class, and the first thing you see is, the one and only, Ryuya Hyuga. The wide grin comes back. You see from the corner of your eye, that Syo-chan went to his seat. Your wide grin was huge now as you walked up to Hyuga-sensei. Or, known as 'Dad' now. You walk up to him confidence. So, to make this quick and easy, you whisper, "Can't wait 'Dad'." And you walk to your seat like nothing happened.

You sit down at your seat, which is in the middle of the class. You look up to see a flushed teacher writing on a piece of paper. You chuckle lightly, then wait for class to start. And it soon did. Once it started, you immediately see that 'Dad', wasn't himself. Even the class noticed his unusual behavior.

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