They Were Slow Dancing With You (ST☆RISH Edition)

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Yo, wassup

Requested by Kadikki89

I'm hungry, get me some chocoooo LOL


Otoya Ittoki

   This smoll bean would be way too embarrassed to dance with his s/o in public. Let alone waltz with them. But if was just s/o and him, in an room, by themselves, he'll be sorta down for it. Though be prepared for him to be a blushing mess. He would be pretty decent at waltzing.

"Ittoki, you stepped on my foot." His s/o tells him.

"S..Sorry s/o!" Ittoki apologized, completely flushing red. Not like he already wasn't.

"Here. It's like this." They place his hands on their waist, and wrap their own arms around his neck. "Now all you need to do is this." Them both start to swing side to side. "See? You're a natural! You're just stiff Ittoki!" They laugh. Otoya puffed up his cheeks.


"Hm? What is it Otoya-" Otoya quickly pecked his lips on his lover. Silence consumed the air for a few seconds. Now his lovers cheeks were just as red as his. The red head let go of his love and buried his face in his hands. His whole face as red as his hair out of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry!!"

Ren Jinguji

This guy. This smooth, mother of a guy, would love to see his s/o dance with him. Especially waltzing. Can his s/o really blame him though. He is apart of the Jinguji Financial Group that had a lot of fancy party's when he was little.

"May I have this dance m'lady~?" Ren requested, bowing and holding out his hand to his date for a public party.

"My course my prince~" They tease, while taking his hand with their's. Ren leads his s/o to the dance floor, in front of the whole crowd, and started to dance. But not just normal dancing: waltzing. You were...average..for someone doesn' every so often. You were okay for dancing, just waltzing..isn't...really your style.

   "Of course there was a catch for me to dance with you." Ren's s/o scoffs playfully.

   "You hurt me s/o." He fakes a pained expression.

   "Hmph." They turn away from his gaze. Their boyfriend chuckles and kisses their forehead.

   "Oh? Is m'lady embarrassed?" He teases. "But don't worry-" Ren twirls you around, then suddenly his face was inches away from yours.

   "-you won't be embarrassed tonight~"

Natsuki Shinomiya

I'm pretty sure this guy won't even notice the crowd around him and his s/o. If he did notice the crowd around him, he wouldn't even mind people at long as he's with his s/o. Though if his s/o is uncomfortable, he wouldn't do it. Would be pretty good at waltzing surprisingly.

"Natsuki, you didn't have to abandon the party just to dance with me.." His s/o tells him guiltily.

"It's okay!!" Natsuki replies cheerfully to his guilty s/o. "Because-" He pulled them into a middle of a garden, and put them into a dance stance.

"-it's just you and me!" The blond smiled widely. His s/o looked at him for a minute then also smiled in return.

"Yeah...thanks Natsuki." They let go of their boyfriend, and soon wrapped him into a warm embrace. Soon enough his s/o were dancing across the beautiful, flower garden. He had the same wide smile he showed, for her and only her. Natsuki laughed,

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