Seven Deadly Sins - Spock (Part One)

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Spock -Envy-


a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck

It's a very human trait, envy. That's what Spock's roommate would tell him anyway. Of course, Spock would deflect it in a very Vulcan way, claiming that envy is illogical. His roommate would try and argue and often he'd have a good point. Envy makes some people want something more, thus making them work harder. Spock acknowledges the point but of course disagrees that he possesses the same trait. His roommate rolls his eyes.

Spock has the morning off and he spends it trying to distract himself. He finds that his lack of concentration is becoming a more and more frequent problem. He doesn't know what's caused it all of a sudden but he has a hunch, if Vulcans even can have hunches.

James Tiberius Kirk

It always seems to be him.

Kirk hasn't been around in Spock's life for a particularly long time; just long enough to make an impact. It's been nearly a month since the Romulan incident and a lot of people around the campus are still very shaken up. Spock is too, even if he won't admit it. He feels disconnected without his mother. She was the only one who tried to get him to keep his human side. Sometimes he wishes he'd listened to her more.

The morning passes fast even though it feels less cohesive than usual. Spock's roommate can see it, that Spock is definitely not himself. He's distracted and not dealing with his problems in a Vulcan or a human way. Uhura isn't being much help either, his roommate notes. Their relationship seems a little turbulent at the moment. Spock questions if it will last, even if she seems convinced it will. 'A rough patch,' she'd named it. Spock doesn't argue.

Even after taking a class, Spock finds himself going off on a tangent. Something he's never done before. His students pick it up too, a few glances at one another and some gentle whispering in the back of his class. He clears his throat and continues, trying harder this time to keep on track. He refers back to his neatly printed notes, wondering why, despite all his preparation, he didn't stick to his content. He finishes the lesson a few minutes late and packs away his things quietly, looking up briefly at the empty lecture hall. Maybe he's empty too now. He pushes the thought away.

Later that night Spock sees him again, James Kirk. They're friends now apparently. Spock wasn't exactly sure how it happened; it just did. Kirk suggests he has a drink and orders him one before he can politely decline.

"Ever had Tarzanian Black Beer? It's crazy stuff... Does its job though."

Kirk raises the glass and Spock does the same.

"To surviving?"

"To surviving."

Kirks downs the beer quickly while Spock has a small sip. He doesn't have the same alcohol tolerance that Kirk does; an admirable quality by Terran standards. Spock gets halfway through the drink before feeling anything.

"This was, perhaps, a bad idea."

"It's Friday, Spock. You don't have class tomorrow. You'll be fine."

He breathes out a sigh, frustrated if Kirk were to guess. He knows the Vulcan has something on his mind, he just needs to get him a little more drunk before he'll explain what. Kirk orders Spock another beer seconds after finishing his first one and Spock starts to protest.

"Come on Spock, I know that logical part of your brain is too tired to fight it."

Spock opens his mouth slowly. "How can you read me so well?" He mutters in a rather un-Vulcan like way.

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