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"Oh dear god no," you muttered, reading through a web page. You scanned through all the information, dying slowly inside as you read. You climbed off the couch, making sure to clear your PADD history before looking through your boyfriend's timetable. He wasn't going to be home for at least another hour, leaving you plenty of time to run down to medbay. Your heart rate rose quickly as you ran, not just from the effort of exercise, but from anxiety. You hadn't had your period in over a month and a half and you'd been throwing up and feeling yucky in the past few mornings. You were praying that you were wrong, that it was some kind of stomach flu or something but you had an undying feeling that it wasn't.

Bones was at his desk, typing up medical reports when you came in. He looked up at you and raised an eyebrow. "Bones can you please keep a secret?" He rolled his eyes and nodded. Your hands started shaking and you couldn't meet his eyes.
"Don't tell Scotty, I think I'm pregnant." Your eyes swelled up with tears and as you looked up at Bones you started to cry. "What am I going to do? He's gonna leave me and I'm not ready for a child..." He pulled you into a tight hug and tried to calm you down.
"Scotty is not going to leave you, he's a great guy and he will be responsible." You shook your head, that's what you wanted to believe but you just couldn't. You were both so young and focused on your careers. Bones handed you a pregnancy test and sent you into the bathroom. You placed the tests in the sink and leaned against the door. "You alright?" Bones asked, standing on the other side of the doorway. It seriously felt like the longest and most painful two minutes of your life. "They should be ready now," Bones urged, opening the door.
You shook your head. "You do it I'm too scared to look...." You muttered, burying your head in your knees trying to hide from something you really couldn't hide from. Bones peered into the sink and looked back at you. "Well?" you asked.
"Congratulations you're pregnant," bones half smiled.

For at least three hours you did nothing but lie on your bed and think, falling in and out of sleep. You poked your stomach and sighed. "I'm gonna be so fat," you muttered to yourself. Scotty would be back soon and you knew you had to tell him. You didn't want to, you just wanted to fall asleep and let it all disappear.

You woke up to a soft kiss on your cheek. When you opened your eyes Scotty was staring down at you smiling. "Hey," he smiled. You sat up and smiled at him. "I didn't want ya to fall asleep fo' too long, ya might hurt your neck sleepin' like that lassie." he said softly, walking over to the kitchen. "Would you like a drink?" He asked, shifting through the cupboard probably looking for a bottle of scotch. He was going to need the alcohol.
"Um Scotty," you muttered, standing up. "Yah lassie?" He asked. You took a deep breath and looked at his innocent face. "I um..." You muttered. Your throat felt like it was closing and words fail to form in your head. He looked at you expectantly, you looked into his eyes. You couldn't do it. "Uh, nevermind." You stuttered, shaking it off.
"You sure?" He asked, pouring a drink. You nodded and rubbed your eyes. This was so much harder than you thought.

Later that night you thought about telling him again. You thought about how while a movie played in the background. Scotty' arm was around you and you just wanted to take it off. Scotty poked your side lightly. "You alright lassie? You seem kinda off lately," he muttered, kissing the top of your head. Tears started to form in your eyes, and due to all the stupid hormones rushing around your body you started to cry. Scotty sat up and took your hands. "Hey, what's wrong? What happened lassie? You alright?" He asked, trying to meet your eyes.
"I'm so sorry Scotty," you started crying, burying your head in his shoulder. He hugged you and kissed your cheek. "Scotty," you muttered again. "I'm... I'm well... I'm pregnant Scotty!" You blurted out. His grip on you loosened and you looked up at him.
"Lassie..." He muttered. "That's great!!" He stood up and you pulled you up with him. "You're pregnant lassie!" He repeated grinning. "We're gonna hava baby!!" He laughed, "I'm gonna be a daddy!" You grinned and sighed, sitting back down in pure relief.
"I thought you'd be angry," you laughed, closing your eyes.
"No lassie, why would I be angry?"
You shrugged, "I thought you'd be angry because it would ruin your career or something..." He rolled his eyes and kissed the top of your head. "Lassie I'd quit ma job in a heart beat for ma child and for ma lady." You grinned and he sat down next to you. "It's gonna hav ta be a girl," he smirked.
You laughed, "hopefully."

(Authors note)
I'm so sorry for abandoning this for so so long :( I had writers block and got really lazy
I intended to be posting heaps and heaps in the holidays but it didn't really happen :(
Thanks so so so much for supporting me regardless and most of all for about 70K reads OMG!!!!!
Much love,
- lazylazyclover (hahaha)

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