Chapter Thirty-Three

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Steve picked me up at one to go to Tony's. Pepper answered the door, looking irritated.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"What's he doing?"
She led us through the house to Tony's work room thing. He was dirty and already working on something new. He didn't even look up when we came in.
"Tony." Pepper said.
"Yes, honey?"
"You have visitors."
He looked up and smiled. "Rose, Steve. Hey." He wiped his hands on his pants and came over to us.
I hugged him, even though he was dirty. "Hey, Tony. We missed you. Glad you're back."
"I'm glad to be back." He hugged me back.
Steve smiled. "Hey. You okay?"
"I'm good. Don't hug me."
"Wasn't planning on it." He laughed.
"What are you working on?" I asked.
"A new suit for Peter. He doesn't know how to follow directions, so I'm about to have a pretty angry Aunt Mae in my house." He smiled and went back to his table. "I need a way to override what he does if I need to. I told JARVIS to take him home but the kid jumped back on the space donut. I need to prevent that in the future."
"That sounds difficult."
"You're telling me. Anyone talked to Bruce? Is he in town?"
Steve nodded. "He was staying until you guys got back, so he'll be headed out soon, I guess."
"I'll call, then. Rosie, can I ask a favor?"
"Of course." I smiled.
"Can you do your shrink stuff on the kid? Just, you know, check up on him. Make sure he's okay. I'll pay you."
Pepper gave me a look.
"Sure. I can do that. You don't have to pay me, though." I nodded. "But are you okay?"
"Me? Fine." He smiled.
"Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about what happened?"
He looked up at me. "Don't shrink me. That's not in the deal."
"I'm not shrinking you. I'm just asking." I shrugged.
"No you're not. You're always shrinking. Don't shrink me. Ever."
"Deal." I smiled. "So, what happened with Thanos?"
"This is information for when I talk to Peter, not information for you."
"We took his gauntlet and killed him. But the kid wasn't involved in the actual killing. Some guy named Quill did most of it. Thanos killed his girlfriend, who, by the way, turned out to be his daughter--Thanos' daughter. Adopted."
"So you didn't kill him?"
"I helped."
"Where was Peter during this?"
"He was there. I told him not to watch but I told him to go home too, so he probably watched anyway."
"Are you sure you're all right?"
"Fine." He shrugged.
I believed him. I'd check again once he was done working on whatever he was working on. "All right. But if you ever need anything, just let me know. I can get somebody for you to talk to."
"I couldn't talk to you?"
"Legally, no."
"I'd rather talk to you."
"That's fine." I agreed. Better than nothing. We just wouldn't call it therapy.
"Rosie? Have you seen Thor? Did you hear about Loki?"
I nodded. "I have."
He nodded. "Okay. Just checking."
Steve and I left after a while. He was gonna come home with me and stay for dinner. When we came home, there was a man on the porch.
"Who's that?" Steve asked.
I shrugged and got out of the car.
"No, wait here until I go up--"
"That's Loki."
"Loki's dead."
"He's on the porch, Steven."
"Don't approach him." Steve grabbed my arm to keep me by his side.
It wasn't like this would be the first time Loki faked his death. I didn't think it was a big deal, but apparently Steve did, so I would humor him, even though I desperately wanted to hug Loki.
"Who are you?" Steve asked.
Loki didn't stand up from the chair. "Have you so soon forgotten me, Captain?"
"You're dead."
"No. Very much not dead." He stood up. "Good afternoon, Rosie. Please stop crying. It makes me uncomfortable."
I tugged my arm away from Steve, but he didn't let go. "Let me go."
I stomped on his toe in my heels, so he let me go and I went up to hug Loki. "I am so glad you're not dead." I whispered.
"Yes, well. Here I am." He wrapped his arms around me.
I let him go and shoved him away. "You asshole! People were mourning for you! And you wait how long?"
"People as in you alone?" He smiled. "I'm truly sorry I've caused you pain. I beg you, forgive me." He kissed my hand.
"You think you can charm your way out of trouble?"
"Can't I?"
"Yes." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
Steve came up and pulled my hand from his. "I thought you were dead."
"Well, I'm not. Surprise." He dropped his smile and looked expressionlessly at Steve.
"How are you not dead?"
"Have you met me?"
I shot Steve a look. "Why are you out here, Loki? Bucky's home."
"He's sleeping. I didn't wish to wake him."
Steve scoffed. "What do you care?"
Loki looked slightly irritated. "I don't care for your friend, but I can't imagine it would be fun for Rosie when he's tired and cranky."
At least somebody got that. "This is why you're my favorite." I smiled. "Come on in."
I led the way inside. I told Steve to go make coffee and went to get Bucky up. It wasn't like the bedroom was that far away, but it really would be easier if he was on the couch. But no, he won't sleep on the couch.
Bucky was on the bedroom floor, asleep. I knelt down beside him. There was a scab on his bottom lip and a thin line of blood down the side of his face from it. I reached out and shook him by the shoulder. He knocked my hand away and sat up.
"Bucky." I said softly. "Hey."
"Hey." He smiled a little, reaching up and running a hand through his hair. "Hey. When did you get home? Come here."
"Just now. Go wash your face. We have company."
I shook my head. "Loki's not dead."
"Oh, really?" He didn't sound particularly thrilled, but he sounded far happier than Steve, probably because he was the one who had to see me upset about it. "That's great, doll. I'm glad."
"Go wash your face."
He stood and held out his hand to help me up. "All right, but wait here. I want a kiss."
I waited while he washed his face. He came back out and pressed his lips to mine. He sighed. "I'm ready for bed. What time is it?"
"4:30. You just slept."
"Yeah, but I sleep better with you." He kissed me again. "How's Tony? And Pepper? And the kid? And the wizard?"
"All good." I pushed his head away. "Come on. Steve and Loki are downstairs and I need my living room intact because the neighbors are coming over for dinner tomorrow."
"Do they have to?"
"But I don't feel like socializing."
"One of them has purple hair."
"Okay fine. I'll do it."
I laughed. "I thought that'd help."
We went downstairs to find Loki and Steve staring distrustfully at each other across the kitchen.
Loki raised his eyebrows when he saw Bucky. "Well, Rosie. You won, I suppose?"
I smiled. "I did. Doesn't he look good?"
Bucky looked at me. "Does everyone know you wanted me to shave?"
"Yep. Pretty much. I've wanted it since we found you."
"You never said anything."
I shrugged. "I couldn't just say it. Besides, you wouldn't've done anything about it anyway."
"I would too have."
I raised my eyebrows.
"No I wouldn't've. You're right." He smiled.
"I know."

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