Still Afraid of Hights

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3rd pov

     Lucy's family wants her to spend a week with her grandparents down south, her grandma is paying for the plane ticket, not train or anything that can't plummet from the sky and kill her in a fiery death! She doesn't want to die! Not now, when Lockwood and her are finally together, not when for the first time in years she is truly happy with how her life is going. It was the night before she left and she was kind of quietly freaking out, Lockwood must have seen the anexiety and fear in her eyes.
      "Love, you just need to take a deep breath and relax, nothing bad is going to happen," Of course he was calm, he doesn't have the same fears that she does. He comes over and hugs her.
     "You say that but you're not the one going on a plane, or the one with a fear of heights, and if the fact that they don't know that tells you just how much fun I'll be having," She is now resting her head on his chest, just trying to focus of his heartbeat,  and how comforting it was to have his arms around her.
     "Every thing will be fine Luce- here lets go up to one of our rooms before George gets home and makes this worse." Lockwood had let George, Holly and Kipps take that nights case without him knowing that Lucy was eventually going to let her true emotions out and have sone sort of panic attack. Normaly, Lucy would take offence to this, but she knew just as well as he did that it was going to happen, and she was just happy for him to be there to comfort her when it happened.
     "Ok, you're beds bigger, softer, and closer then mine so I say we go there," She said breaking away fom his arms to walk up the stairs.
     "That's the Lucy I know and love," She just rolls her eyes, takes his hand and drags him upstairs and into his room. They sit against his headboard Lockwood with his legs out sretched, and an arm around Lucy. Lucy cuddled into his side with her head in the crook of his neck, and an arm around his torso. They talked for a while Lockwood just trying to keep her mind off of the flight, and on litterly anything else. After a while they both fell asleep cuddled together in Lockwood's bed, and Lucy felt completely safe.
     Not to long after they fell asleep, the rest of the team got home from their case. "I call the couch." Quill said.
     "Oh come on I'm a girl let me have the couch,"
     "Holly, Luce probably fell asleep in Lockwood's room anyway, why don't you go check, you can just take her room for the night," George interjected before the fight got worse.
     "Are you sure she'd be ok with that, I know Luce likes her privacy. Also why do you think she's in Lockwoods room?"
     "They've been together for a little while now, and he know Lucy was gunna have a breakdown at somepoint tonight, and if she did they're probably in his room, because he has a bigger bed,"
     "If they're only sleeping then why would they need a big bed?" Kipps asks with a develish smile on his face.
     "I don't think they'd do that, they are both smarter then that,"
     "But they are also both reckless, she normaly goes along with his crazy plans and it would be a nice way to get a girl get calm down and go to sleep." Quill says smirking at the idea.
     "You two are disgusting, I'm gunna go see if she's in her room or not"
     "Before you do, that was all Kipps, not me,"
     She through a "Whatever," over her sholder as she headed upstairs, she honestly did expect them to be passed out together, but the boys didn't need to be suggesting any thing like that going on between them. She stopped at Lockwood's door, she didn't hear anything, so she slowly opened his door and looked in, what she saw is about what she was expecting. Lockwood and Lucy cuddled up in his bed, her with her on his chest, his arms around her, it was close to how she slept most nights with her girlfriend only slightly different, because it's two girls.
     Knowing that Lucy was completely asleep, and not getting up any time soon she went up to her room. When she got in the first thing she noticed how dirty it was, but the bed was mostly cleared off other then her sketch book, and some pencils, she moves those to the night stand and went to sleep.
     The next morning Lucy woke up and felt a pair of strong arms around her and her head gently going up and down, she immediately relized she was cuddled up with Lockwood. She went to brush her hair out of her face when Lockwood squeezed her and kissed her forhead. "Morning Lucy ,"
     "Morning Anthony," Lucy says starting to get up so she can look in his wonderful brown eyes.
     "Why the whole first name?"
     "Could ask you the same," she says as she rests her head in his sholder.
     "Not sure, babe, just kinda came out."
     "I love you," She says then kisses him
     "I love you too, but you really should go get ready, don't wanna be late for your flight,"
     "Uh, can't I just stay here and cuddle with you for a week instead?"
     "You know I'm not afraid to carry you up there- that was the wrong thing to say wasn't it?"
     "Yep, you now what you just got yourself into,"
     "Ok, let me put on a shirt first, Holly might have stayed over last night."
    "Fine, but shirt or not you're carrying me,"
     "Yes love," He said pulling on a shirt, then picked her up, through her over his sholder and brought Lucy to her room. "You know you should have been more specific when you said to carry you!"
      "Anthony if you don't carry me like a person and not a sack of chicken feed, I will kick you in the stomach!"
     "Well I would throw you on your bed but it appears to be full." Lucy couldn't see her bed from the angle she was at, but she knew what she left on it.
     "Sweetheart its just my sketch book, just move it." Then she looked over and saw her sketch book on her night stand.
     "Babe I don't think Holly is a sketch book," He said chuckling, he fully knew that Lucy couldn't see around him. He set her ground, and let her grab her stuff and get around.
     Holly started to wake up about the time that Lucy was finnished getting changed, and was making sure that she had everything. "Hey Luce," She said through a yawn.
     "Hey Hol, feel free to go back to sleep, I'm about to leave anyway." Lucy was still uneasy about the while plane thing, because yes it should be alright, but you really don't know what could go wrong.
     "Wait you're leaving again." Holly let the dissapointment out in her voice.
     "Just for a week, I could never leave you guys, especially sence I'm dating Lockwood."
     "Good, I hated being the only girl here and that was for only 4 months... So why don't you call Lockwood 'Anthony' I figured when you to got together he would let you."
     "I do, it's just easyer to refer to him as 'Lockwood' when I'm around you guys."
     "Why? I mean I know that's what we call him, but he's your boyfriend."
     "Like I said I do use Anthony's first name, it just kinda seems weird to use it in like a work situation, or when I'm talking to people that don't use his first name."
     "I guess that makes sence," She says running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to fix it. "So where you going?"
     "How did you mannage to miss the whole conversation, I've had this chaos planed for over a month, I'm going to my grandparents house down south for a week."
     "Oh sounds fun, but you don't sound exactly excited."
      "Well once I get there it shouldn't be so bad, but I'm taking a plane down. And you know how much I like heights."
     "You'll be fine Luce, if you die on the plane there or back I'll snogg George."
     "You better hope I don't die then." Lucy says laughing.
     "That's just how much I know you'll be fine,"
      "Once we get all the way up I'll be fine." Holly came over and hugged Lucy. "Well I gotta go I'll see you in a week Hol,"
     "Ok Luce see then,"
     Once at the airport Lucy is really starting to feel the reality of the flight and really needs Lockwood by her side, but they won't let Lockwood go past a surtan point. "Do you really want a pregnant lady to carry a bag that heavy?" Lockwood asked knowing thag the answer should be 'no'
     "Oh my, I didn't relize that she was pregnant, here let me print you off a pass."
     "Thank you," Lockwood says as he takes the slip and Lucy's bag.
     "So I'm pregnant now?"
     "Hey it worked right,"
     "You're truly the best boyfriend ever," She says taking his open hand.
     "Only the best for my Lucy," He lovingly replies, kissing her temple.
     They sat and waited till her flight boarded when, "I'll see you when you get back babe, I love you."
     "I love you too sweetheart." As they kiss they hear a group if girls that knew who they were go 'aaaahhhh' and a guy say 'get a room' they just smiled into the kiss, when they broke apart she got on the plane.
     "How was the trip Luce, you look like you got some sun,"
     "It was good, got hit on my some pervs, but I just kind told them off."
     "I missed you babe,"
     "I missed you to sweety," They hug then see the woman Lockwood lied to, and he immeditly grabbed her bag and kissed her, and held her stomach
     "How's the baby doing, Love,"
     "The baby didn't cause me much trouble, some morning sickness but I should only have another weeks or so of that,"
     "Great! let's go home."
     "Sounds wonderful," she takes his hand and they walk out of the airport.
     "So now that you've been in a plane-"
     "I know what you're gunna ask and yes, I am still afraid of heights."
     "But why, you were so high up in the plane?"
     "I was inside of the plane, I couldn't just look around and see the sky, and the stuff under me."
     "Fine... you wimp,"
     "Hey don't insult pregnant people,"
     "You're not actually pregnant though," She just gives him a look "You can't be I used a condom"
     "Nah, I'm just messing with you."
     "Good because I'm not ready ro be a Father,"
     "Would want kids though, like after we're married."
     "Yeah, actually I do, probably not a lot of them, but like 2-3, only children are always kinda weird. You?"
     "Yeah, like deffinetly not a lot because 1) I'm not doing that to my myself and 2) it sucks being one of those kids. 2-3 sounds about right. Pluse sence I'm a twin its likely that I'll have twins."
     "I didn't realize you and Marry are twins."
     "We are, and that's because you've never met her. We're actually identical twins."
     "Cool I-"
     "Ok you're here pay up." After Lockwood payed the guy, she got her bag and they walked twords his house.
     "As I was saying I actually kinda want to-" The door flew open.
     "Lucy!" Holly and George say running up to her.
     "Hey guys," She says hugging them. They all go inside "Hey before we catch up, I need to bring my bag upstairs." She takes Lockwood's hand, and starts to leave the room.
     "Why do you need Lockwood for that?"
     "I haven't seen my boyfriend in a week, I can be clingy." Once we get upstairs. "Ok Anth, what were you trying to tell me."
     "Oh, that, I was just saying that I kinda want to meet you're family."
     "Are you sure, its really big and they can be more then kinda overbearing."
     "Yeah, we've known eachother for a few years now and we've been dating for almost a year, I think I'm ready to meet the wrest of the Carlyles,"
      "Well me being the youngest means most of them aren't Carlyles any more, and that most of my sisters have kids,"
     "Thanks for the heads up Babe, I still want to meet them though."
     "I love you,"
     "So 'no'?"
     "Didn't say that, I'm just happy that you really want to meet my chaos of a family. I'll see what I can do."
     "Hey stop swapping spit and get down here!" They hear George yell.
     "We should probably head down then."
     "Yeah, lets go, before he comes up here and drags us down." 
     "Oh wait! I got you this!"  She runs over to her bag and pulls out a stuffed giraffe.
     "I bring that up once!" He says smiling, "I love you, baby girl,"
     "Love you to giraffe boy,"
     "Uuuhhh," Moaned jokingly before kissing her.
      Once down in the living room they all just spent the night talking about what happended when she was gone.

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