🦒The Zoo🦒

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Lucy's Pov

I was just relaxing in my/Anthony's room, when the man himself came in. "Hey babe, what's up?" I ask and his smile drops a little.
"What makes you think something's up?"
"I can see it on your face, you have an idea." His smile comes back.
"You know me too well." He sat down next to me and put an arm over my sholders. "So you know how we've never been on like an actual date." I thought for a moment.
"Now that you mention it I guess we haven't."
"So I was thinking we go to the zoo, just you and me."
"Sounds like fun, but why the zoo?"
"It doesn't have to be, I just figured it would take like all day."
"No, I'm down. It was just kinda out of nowhere."
"It just kind of hit me that we've stayed in here and cuddled for a while, or end up getting icecream on walks. We've never actually spent a day, just the two of us, devoted to having fun."
"Like I said I'm down, and I actually don't have a problem with our weird makeshift dates, as long as we're together."
"Well yeah, but we should still go have some fun." I get up and check the time on the alarm clock, 1:30.
"You wanna go tomarrow?"
"Sure, I don't think we have any clienst comming over, so we can go have some fun." He thought for a minute. "As long as we're not too tired, we still have a case tonight."
"It'll be fine."
"As long as you're sure." He seemed uneasy about it.
"Well if you wanna put it off, we can. I don't really care when we go, it's just that it's already 1:30 and we have a case tonight. Plus I don't feel like getting up right now."
"I love you." He said laying his head down between my breasts, wrapping his arm around my stomach.
"I love you too babe." I run my finger through his hair for a while. Eventually we both fell asleep.
I woke back up when George knocked twice, then barged in as if Anthony and I aren't practicality engaged. "Guys you need to get up and get ready for the case." He said loudly.
"You're at a ten imma need you to bring it down to a three." I grone before waking up Anthony. "Anth, wake up, we need to get ready."
"You know the pillow doesn't normally wake the person up."
"It does if it's a person." He felt my face until he found my mouth to shut me up. I laugh and lick his palm. "Oh! Luce, ew!" He said jumping up.
"It got you up." I smirk. Without hesitation he leans over and LICKS. MY. CHEEK. I squeel and push him away.
"Guys at least wait for me to leave the room before you start to screw."
"I would have licked her neck if that was the intent. That was just revenge."
"Just get ready for the case."
"Yeah ok, let's get dresses for work. Though I like seeing you in your shorts and my t-shirt better." Anthony said looking seductively at me, after George left.
"I know you do, but I can't go on a case wearing this."
"I know, and I don't want anybody see you looking this hot other then me. George isn't a threat, but most other guys are."
"Little protective are we?" I ask.
"Only for you baby." He said kissing me.
"Come on you big goon, let's get dressed." I had just changed bras when I noticed him staring at me, he had only took off his shirt and changed into nice pants. "Ok pervert, finish getting dressed."
"It's not perverted if we're practically engaged."
"And why did you take your shirt off, you always wear a t-shirt under your nice one." I said putting on a shirt of my own.
"I was going to put on a white shirt and the gray would have shown though. Also you're the one who put a skirt a leggings on before even chaning your bra." He said pulling on a white
"Whatever." I walk over and kiss him. "Love you baby." He pulls me to his chest and starts to sway us.
"Just think, in about a year we'll be old enough to actually be engaged without people getting all pissy about it. Then we can get married."
"Sounds amazing." I sigh.
"Guys get your toungs out of eachothers throates and get down here." George yells up to us.
"We can do this later."
"Luuuucccce..." He whined.
"Only we can be in bed, and I can be back in on of your shirts and a pair of shorts again."
"Only if you promice." He said getting my hint.
"I can't promice that it'll stay on, but I'll change back into it after a shower."
"Well you need to stop getting me turned on so we can go." I giggle and drag him out of our room. We get down to the kitchen and get weird looks from our friends.
"What?" Lockwood asks.
"It took you two a while to get changed. And Tony foregot his normal shirt." I glanced at Anthony, we had gotten caught up in our flirting he hadn't even finished getting dressed.
"Luce can you go-"
"No, and before you say it my boots are down here because they were covered in mud."
"Damn. I'll be right back."
"So you made him forget to finish getting dressed?" Quill said suggesting something that he really shouldn't be thinking of me and Anth doing.
"We were talking and that's all if that's what you're getting at."
"It may have been."
"Look Anth and I love eachother but that doesn't mean we're constantly making out."
"Sure it doesn't." I could tell he didn't believe me.
"Leave them alone Quill, you're just jealous." Holly said trying to help me.
"No I'm not."
"Suurrre." We said in unison.
"I think I liked it better when you two didn't get along."
"I didn't even realise I liked him during that whole madness." I admit.
"Yeah, which also means I didn't really know why I hated you so much."
"Ok, lets get going!" Anthony said comming back into the room. I think he caught onto the awkwardness because the next thing he said was. "What did I miss."
"Nothing, let's go." George said walking into the front hall. Anthony still gave me a confused look.
The case was fairly uneventful until the ghost finnaly appeird just about the time that I tripped and everything went black.
I woke back up to the sound of beeping, but I didn't open my eyes just yet. I felt someone holding my hand (probably Anthony) and my friends talking.
"She should have woken up by now..." Holly said.
"Then why hasn't she?" Anth asks sounding pissed off.
"I don't know, my mom's the nurse, not me." That was new info.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just get really protective over her."
"It's fine, I would be protective and clingy if my girlfriend was in the hospital and unconcious for a few days." Days!?!? "Why don't you go home and get cleaned up?"
"No, I'm not leaving her."
"I'll call if she wakes up while you're gone."
"I'm not leaving without her." I heard her sigh.
"Well atleast eat something."
"I'm not hungry."
"You haven't eaten in days."
"That's not true!" He defended, then mumbled, "Your mom made me eat." This is when I decided that I needed to wake up.
"Jesus Anth, just eat some damn food." I say opening my eyes.
"Luce!" He said excitedly looking over to me.
"I'll go get a nurse." Holly said walking out.
"How are you feeling?"
"Thank God you're ok." He said hugging me, in doing this he touched my shoulder- which really hurt. I hissed at the pain. "Oh- right, sorry."
"What happended?"
"You tripped, hit your head and lost consciousness. When I got up to you after hearing a thud, the ghost had just touched you shoulder. I yelled for Holly to come help me and for George to call an ambulance. Holly made cuts around the ghost touch and packed them with salt so it wouldn't spred. Apperently it worked."
"Go home, get cleaned up, and get some food."
"Have you really been awake that long."
"It took me a while to actually be able to talk or open my eyes, but I heard the whole 'You need to go home' talk."
"Oh..." he blushed, then pulled me into a hug again. There was a silence for a moment while we were just sitting this in eachothers arms.
"Sorry to break up your tender moment, but we need to check her wound." Lockwood sighed but let go of me, letting me lay back down and the nurse do her work. "The doctor said you can leave tomarrow. But that also means no excessive exertion." She said glancing twords Lockwood.
"I'm sure we can deal with that." I laugh. "Even if he isn't happy with it."
"Your heart rate can't get that high. Although you do need to do a decent amount of walking to make sure that any rot that close to your heart is fought off."
"Like going to the zoo?" Lockwood sugested.
"That would be fine."
"Yes!" I laugh at his excitement.
"Why the zoo?" She asks me.
"I asked him the same question when he brought it up the first time, I've just been unconscious sence then."
"Odd, but as long as you two keep it in your pants you should be fine. We just want to keep you for observation tonight and then you can go home in the morning."
"Great." I say as she leaves. "Anth, I'm fine. Go home, eat some food, get cleaned up and please for the love of God shave." My pet peeve made him laugh.
"Just woke up after being out for three days and already making me shave."
"Well it's been like four sence you've done it, and you're getting stubbly, not to mention that you probably haven't showered sence before the case."
"So 'I love you but you look like crap, go home'?"
"Promise you'll be fine." He asks, I just kiss him in responce. "Ok... I'll probably be back later with clean cloths for you."
"Thanks babe." He kissed my forehead.
"See you in a little bit, love you."
"Ok, love you too." With that it he was gone.
"So you two forgot I was in here?" Holly asks.
"Yep." I laugh feeling my face heat up.
"Aww, look at you!"
"Shut up!"
"You two are so cute."
"Hooollllll." I whined not used to the attention.
"So you two are going to the zoo?"
"He came into our room the other day and sugested it."
"My guess is that he's a giraffe and wants to be with his kind."
"Oh my God!" She laughed. "The worst part is, it's true!"
"So what you said the other day was it true, or were you just saying it as a defence?"
"Hol, you're gunna have to give me more info then that, you know I've been out of it."
"Yeah, but it happended before we left for the case. You still remembered the conversation you had with Lockwood."
"Yeah but that's different, Lockwood and I talked about that then took a nap. Much after that I've forgotten."
"About not even realising that you liked him when I first got there. And you not knowing why you didn't like me."
"Oh-...then yeah. I just knew that it felt like shit to come home to see you litterly in my seat. Pluse you were 'Holly' and not 'Ms. Munro' already, Lockwood didn't use my first name until I directly told him he could twice."
"Oh... so I made you feel replaced."
"Kinda, pluse I unknowingly had a crush on Lockwood."
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way." I could tell she was being sincere.
"It's fine Hol, I might not have even realised it." There was a short silence. "You know you can go home if you want to right?"
"We both know Lockwood doesn't want you to be left alone."

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